...WO R LD G O L D CO U NCI L UTILISATION OF BORROWED GOLD BY THE MINING INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE PROSPECTS Ian Cox, Ian Emsley Research Study No. 18 UTILISATION OF BORROWED GOLD BY THE MINING INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT AND FUTURE PROSPECTS Ian Cox, Ian Emsley Research Study No. 18 April 1998 WO R LD G O L D CO U NCI L 2 CONTENTS The Authors..............................................................................................................4 Acknowledgements ................................................................................................5 Foreword ..................................................................................................................6 Introduction..............................................................................................................8 Summary ..................................................................................................................9 Part One The Growth in Mine Utilisation of Borrowed Gold ........................................11 The Case for Hedging ..........................................................................................15 Hedging Instruments – Their Development and Usage ................................19 Australia ................................................................................................................21 North America ..................................................................................................
Words: 13353 - Pages: 54
...We all must agree that emplyes are part of social network or using social network at work place . Because, most researchers shows and improve that emplyes are big part of soicl network , plus it's fact. using soick network throw the workplace most likly can affect the work dynamicly. Therefor , privacy become abig and huge topic in the soicl network. Moreover, the latest report did shows that there is big number in the usgs of (SNS) social network at the work place.Suprizly, Most of these users use social network at the workplace not only for fun but also for work and for there business.Which make sicorty and pricay a the important topic.You must also note that user always care about there privacy on using these social network. The types of social network that can be used at the work place are two. Also, it's really important to know the diffrenet between them.The firest one call general soical network. which can be used by public .For expmaple, facebook, myspace and wireclub. The other type which is the second and the last type is enterprise social network which it can be used by the company employees.FOR exmaple, IBM Beehive any many others. each one of those are used for diffenet purposes. all depend on what kind of employees you are. for instence, if you look at facebook groups it has big impact work related purposes. On the other hand, people who use comments and share photo can be gathered with personal purposes.However, employes also use facebook from there own...
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...productivity. This change is often cause by several events such as new technology, labor disputes, or loss of revenue that inable the company to sustain current business practice (p. 3). With the case of Concorde bookstore, the management recognizes the company’s inability to compete with the online giant bookstore like Amazon.com. Prior to implementing changes, the organization must consider and utilize the three faces of change: turnaround, tools and techniques, and transformation. Organizational leaders may choose to use one or two options, but for a change to be effective, all three approaches must be considered. Turnaround phase targets internal resources and focuses on financial improvement of the organization. An analysis of the bisiness current finances and day to day operational cost is evaluated to help develop a strategic plan to turn the company around. Turnaround is a necessary process to making a change, but it is not enough to ensure long-term effective change. Tools and techniques targets the...
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...Computer The word'computer ' is an old word that has changed its meaning several times in the last few centuries.The Techencyclopedia(2003) defines computer as " a general purpose machine that processes data according to a set of instructions that are stored internally either temorarily or permanently" Computer history The trem history means past events.It indicates the gradual development of computers.Here we will discuss how this extraordinary machine has reached of it's apex. In the begining............................... The history of computers starts out about 2000 years ago, at the birth of the 'abacus' a wooden rack holding two horizontal wires with breads strung on them.Just like our present computer,abacus also considered a digit as a singal or codeo and processed the calculation. Blasie Pascal ists usually credited to building the first digital computer in 1942.It added numbers to help his father.In 1671,Gottofried Wilhelm Von Leibniz invented a computer that was built in 1694.It could add,and, after changing somethings around,multiply. Charles Babbage: A serious of very intersting developement in computer was started in Cambridge,England,by Charles Babbage, a mathmatics proffessor.In 1982,Babbge realized that many lng calculations,espically those need to make mathematical tabes ,were really a series of predictable actions that were constantly repated.From this he suspected that it should...
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...CHAPTER 1 1. Define research and explain the different between applied and basic research. Answer : business research as an organized,systematic,database,critical,objective,scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solution to it.and the different between applied and basic research is, applied research done with the intention of applying the results of the findings to solve specivic problems currently being experience in the organizations,and basic research done chiefly to enhance the understanding of certain problems that commonly occur in organization settings,and seek methods of solving them. 2. Why is it important for managers to know about research ? Answer : the important for managers to know about research because they will become more discriminating when sifting through information in business journals,take calculate risk in the decision making, knowing full well the probabilities attached to the different possible outcomes. 3. Exlain why handling the manager – researcher relationship effectively is important . Answer : it is very important because managers should know about research for good decision making. 4. Describe a situation where it would be more beneficial to engage an external research team rather than an internal one ! Answer : if a problems is a complex one, or if there are likely to be vested interest, or if the very existence of the organization is at stake because of one or more serious...
Words: 7965 - Pages: 32
...Al-Mudharabah (Trust Financing, Trust Investment) Al-Mudharabah menurut bahasa berasal dari kata dharb yang aartinya memukul atau berjalan. Pengertian memukul atau berjalan ini lebih tepatnya adalah proses seseorang memukul kakinya dalam menjalankan usaha. Mudharabah artinya akad kerjasama usaha antara dua pihak dimana pihak pertama (shahibul maal) menyediakan seluruh (100%) modal, sedangkan pihak lainnya menjadi pengelola. Keuntungan usaha secara mudharabah dibagi menurut kesepakatan yang dituangkan dalam kontrak, sedangkan apabila rugi ditanggung oleh pemilik modal selama kerugian itu bukan akibat kelalaian si pengelola. Apabila kerugian itu diakibatkan oleh pengelola, maka pengelola harus bertanggung jawab atas kerugian tersebut. Landasan Syariah • Al-Quran “…dan dari orang-orang yang berjalan di muka bumi mencari sebagian karunia Alloh SWT…” (QS Al-Muzzamil: 20) Apabila anda melihat ayat ini di Al-Quran (kalimat arabnya), terlihat kata يَضْ رِ بوْ نَ (yadhribun) ini menjadi wajhud dulalah atau disebut juga argumen. Kata Yadhribun dan Mudharabah yang memiliki akar kata yang sama yaitu Dharb yang artinya melakukan perjalanan atau usaha. “Apabila telah ditunaikan shalat maka bertebaranlah kamu di muka bumi dan carilah karunia Alloh SWT…” (QS Al-Jumu`ah : 10) • Al-Hadits Diriwayatkan dari ibnu Abbas bahwa Sayyidina Abbas bin Abdul Muthalib jika memberikan dana ke mitra usahanya secara mudharabah ia mensyaratkan agar dananya tidak dibawa mengarungi lautan, menuruni...
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