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Bl Franz Jagerstatter Research Paper

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Throughout history many Saints have shown us how to become a child of God through being holy. They taught us how to see God in everyday tasks even if something different is going on in our life. Most Saints had a very hard life with people trying to hurt them because of their belief such as what happened to Bl. Franz Jagerstatter. In this paper we will cover the life of Bl. Franz Jagerstatter, from the day he was born, to the hard times he went through in his life to becoming closer to God and how he helps people in today’s world become closer to God. Franz Jagerstatter was born on May 20, 1907. His mother couldn’t marry his father because he was a farmhand from another employer. He later on died in World War . The maternal grandmother took care of him and she was a devout Catholic.In 1917 his mother married Heinrich Jagerstatter, a farmer, and adopted Franz. His step grandfather helped him find his love for reading. Franz started working in the mines in 1927 and he worked there for three years. He would ride his motorcycle to and …show more content…
Nazis seized power in Austria in 1938. He refused to cooperate in any way because Nazism and Catholicism were completely incompatible. A year later he was drafted and had to go into the Austrian army. He was called again in 1940 but returned home at the request if the town’s Mayor. In 1943 he declared that he refused to join the army because of his religion. His family and a Bishop warned him about the consequences. He received he replied with "Everyone tells me, of course, that I should not do what I am doing because of the danger of death. I believe it is better to sacrifice ones life right away then to place oneself in the grave danger of committing sin and then dying." He was sent to prison in Linz which he was tortured. Franz almost lost his faith but the lovely experienced he had with his wife give him enough proof that God was

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