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Martha Graham Research Paper

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The past experience I have that makes me uniquely who I am and defined me as an artist is from my connection to the Martha Graham Dance Program. Dancing there has taught me that dance is not just a physical movement or something captivating for people to see it's something that can really change both you and the people who witness your dance. I learned one of my biggest lessons from performing in Panorama by Martha Graham at the Joyce Center. When we started learning the dance our teachers urged us to not just think about the technique or the steps, but your spirit behind every movement and what you really felt like you wanted to say. We all had such different experiences and development of our own dance careers, but the one thing that we brought …show more content…
If we can use dance as a peaceful way to show our point of view and really awaken people to the ignorance that either they or others choose to hold on to then I have extreme hope for our future. I specifically would like to create dances that really speak to people and either change their point of view or give them another one to consider just like Graham did in the 30s with her piece. I know how closely Bennington College and Martha Graham are tied together and I think the history behind that is very important in connecting to the future of Graham. I learned about how it started as people going there in the summer and creating dances just for a few weeks to show and was the start of modern dance in a more stable sense. Maybe we can't speak to everyone, but Martha Graham said,“if you can just reach one person in the audience you've done your job”. I hope can reach as many people as possible and i hope others in their art can reach me in things that I am ignorant in. We need to work together in a peaceful but not passive way so everyone in America can really be equal and not just stated as

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