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Black History Month Observation

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Be sure you tell what event you are attending! Describe the event - Location, date, estimate the number of people in attendance, atmosphere, etc. Make sure to provide some details to demonstrate you were there and carefully observing. (About 200-250 words)
I attended NorthWest Middle School’s Black History Month Program on February 22, 2018, as well as some of the preparation time before the actual program. There were approximately 50 to 55 students in the choir, and there were about 75 to 100 students and faculty in attendance. The auditorium was filled with art that featured black leaders of history (Jackie Robinson, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Martin Luther King, Jr., Spike Jones, and many others) created by the students from NorthWest, and the stage had a banner that said, “Progressing Towards the Future.” The choir director, Zachari Ruff, welcomed everyone who was in attendance to the Black History Month Program. Once he finished introducing the choir and welcoming the guests, Mr. Zachari Ruff had one of the students sing the National Anthem to open the presentation. Then, a few of the students read the monologues of several …show more content…
Because culture “refers to specific shared values, beliefs, and attitudes” (Powell, pg. 63), it is necessary for teachers and students to better understand the many cultures that abide within each school. Mrs. Davis, my guide for the event, made sure to mention that it was essential to understand your own biases against certain cultures because teachers need to be able to relate well to their students and a major part of that includes being able to understand and respect their beliefs, attitudes, and values. Once Mrs. Davis made this comment, I automatically thought back to the textbook, and how it says that teachers must “recognize our [their] own prejudices” (Powell, pg.

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