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Black Holes: A Fictional Narrative

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After getting sent home by Steve, instead of going home, Ponyboy went for a two hour run. He didn't return until it was too dark to see where he was running and he was coughing, sweating, and exhausted.

"Take a shower, Ponyboy. You reek," Darry complained as soon as Ponyboy came inside. Ponyboy smiled a rare grin.

"Sorry, Dar, that's what happens when you exercise. It's what I have to deal with when you come home from work."

"Whatever. Shower; no arguments. I ain't sitting by you and attempting to eat. My food'll taste like armpits."

Ponyboy found himself laughing with ease, surprised at the sound of it. After showering and eating it was about 9:30, so Ponyboy declared that he was going to turn in early.

"Are you feeling okay, kiddo?" Darry asked, his eyebrows knitted together. …show more content…
For once that was the truth, he was simply tired from running and being sick. Darry shrugged, dropping the issue as he heard Ponyboy's door shut. Deciding he could catch up on some much-needed sleep, Darry decided to turn in early as well.


All of Darry's hopes of catching up on sleep where shattered when a heart-wrenching scream rang out from Ponyboy's bedroom. The sound never failed to turn Darry's stomach straight to ice.

He found Ponyboy sitting up in bed, sobbing messily into his hands and shaking like a leaf. He felt his heart break as he assumed his position next to Ponyboy, rubbing his back, trying to comfort him from the demons that plagued his brother's dreams.

"Soda!" Ponyboy sobbed brokenly. "He was dead, Darry. He was dead."

"Shhh," Darry comforted. "Sodapop is alive and he's coming home in four months."

"That's a long time. Too long," Ponyboy pointed out through his tears. "I wish he was here

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