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Black Liberation Theology

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The above quote came from James H. Cone an American theologian best known for his advocacy of Black Theology and Black Liberation Theology. Cone includes the Black church and its teachings when asked a question about the African American Experience he will return to the scripture for answers. Other times will find the answers within slave spirituals, the blues, and writings by prominent and substantial poets, artists and authors. There are many other leaders who contributed to the cause of the black liberation throughout black history. A few being:

Marcus Garvey (1887-1940) is regarded by many as “the apostle of black theology in the United States of America.” Garvey was the first to speak of seeing God through Black “spectacles” using his …show more content…
After the assassination of Martin Luther King JR. the people saw the efforts of his non-violent protest as a failure and thought that a more revolutionary way of protesting was needed. For the first time in the history of black religious thought, black clergy (primarily educated, middle-class black clergy) and black theologians began to recognize the need for a completely new "starting point" in theology. They insisted that this starting point must be defined by people at the bottom and not the top of the socioeconomic ladder. This bottom referring to the people who are on the ground in the middle of it …show more content…
It was the confirmation for the black communities development for a national movement as integral and equal with a goal of autonomous political power. This awakening erupted a nationwide mass movement creating a domestic crisis with a focal point for the major contradictions in the U.S society. The most immediate and pressing question faces the ruling class and the evolutionary forces guiding the principles of the country. The first action step was to fight against the systematic oppression of Jim Crow, its national character created demands from the unfinished democratic revolution of the civil war. Black Power became the rallying cry of these uprisings because it summed up the main lesson learned by the masses during the civil rights movement. The emergence of this term created a fundamental turning point in the modern liberation movement. Black Power is a foreign concept because of the two words put together. The black man or woman was not given any power from the start of our history in America. Once we were given our freedom after the Emancipation it was not written for any kind of power tied to our freedom. Power consists of the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. As well the ability to do something or act in a particular way, especially as a faculty or quality. Black people have the ability to influence others as demonstrated by

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