...Blackberry Picking – Critical essay Chris Inglis ‘Choose a poem in which there is a noticeable change of mood at more than one point of the poem. Show how the poet conveys the change(s) of mood and discuss the importance of the change(s) to the central idea of the poem.’ The poem “Blackberry Picking” by Seamus Heaney is based around the poet’s memories as a child going out in rural Ireland to pick as many blackberries as possible. The poem displays an excited and nostalgic mood throughout the first stanza, but a turning point occurs at the start of the second stanza which changes the central idea of the poem from hope to disappointment. The poem’s opening lines gives the reader an idea of the time of year Heaney embarked on his quest to find the berries a very peaceful atmosphere is created kas the mixture of rain and sun required for the berries to ripen is detailed, as well as the amount of time the children put into the picking. “Late August, given heavy rain and sun, for a full week the blackberries would ripen.” The time of year suggests that going out blackberry picking will be the poet’s last ‘adventure’ before returning to school; this fills Heaney with excitement. The contrasting weather shows that it was a real occasion for the berries to ripen, which added to the poet’s excitement. Word choice of “full week” emphasises the period of time the children went out picking berries for, they used the entirety of the time available to them. The excitement...
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...D Moreno Blackberry picking Nature can be easily compared to human beings. Both of them experience growth, development, and perish in a similar manner. Just as human beings enjoy their youth and cherish it throughout the rest of their lives; similarly, nature, in this case blackberries are seen as being appealing when they are fresh. With the use of similes and metaphors, Seamus Heaney compares the experience of picking blackberries with life itself. The reader is able to imagine the cycle of life, all the way from childhood to aging, the same way a blackberry’s own cycle from being fresh to rotten. Human beings treasure their memories of youth and many times wish they could return to that period of time. When Heaney says, “You ate that first one and its flesh was sweet” the reader gets to perceive the image of how he remembers that time in which he could enjoy eating the fresh blackberries. Enjoying eating this fruit can be referring to a childhood in which new experiences would seem as being thrilling. As the poem continues to develop, the blackberries appearance starts to worsen “a rat-grey fungus glutting on our cache the juice was stinking too”. As time passes by, the fruit gets to start getting rotten and to emit an unpleasant smell. The scent of an old fruit can then be compared to an elder whose hygiene is not what it used to be when he had greater mobility or health. The image created by a blackberry from the moment of being picked up to the rotting...
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...deeper meaning on how each story impacted you. Seamus Heaney’s poems “The Barn” and “Blackberry-Picking” are about a child’s point of view of experiences living on a farm. “The Barn” is about a family’s barn on a farm and “Blackberry-Picking” is on the subject of going out to pick and eat blackberries on the farm. Even though, they are about two different experiences they share a common theme of hard realities faced in life. Through the use of imagery and tone, Heaney is able to show how fear and disappointment comes into a child’s life. “The Barn” comes from the point of view of a child in the barn on a farm. For this child, the barn was a terrifying scene. With a young imagination, you get descriptive pictures of what they felt. In line 3 the speaker describes the barn as being “musky dark”. “The floor was mouse-grey, smooth, chilly concrete. (5) After hearing those phrases, you start to picture what this barn...
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...Scott Denham Deadbolt Project Executive Summary My name is Scott Denham. I am 29 years old and I grew up in Oregon. My background goes to early childhood, when I was very curious about finding out the way things work. As a young boy I would get watches for Christmas and tear them apart to see what was inside and how it worked. Later in life it was helping my father, who was a young engineer, tearing apart a transmission on a 1976 Honda Civic, CVCC, just to be around that. As I grew older I began racing motocross, and I was my own mechanic. I learned by practice what was inside an engine and how it worked. At age 18 I began chasing after adrenaline. The next step in my quest for a rush was skydiving. After a few years of skydiving I joined the industry working for Velocity Sports building container and harness systems for skydiving. I began coming up with ideas for new invention and dreamed of creating my own when that day came. I joined the army shortly after this and spent a few years in combat arms before deploying and eventually leaving the army. Upon leaving the army I came back to Oregon where I grew up to get an education and do something with my life. I began dating a woman, who shortly after we began dating had her deadbolt picked on her door and a man gained access to her home. When we discussed the incident with the management at the apartment complex, she suggested a deadbolt that did not have an outside face with a key slot. We said ok, lets get this done. She...
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...Towson University | Blackberry | Consumer Profile Analysis | | Anna Chapman, Tyra Enoch, Bradford Bauer, David Stup | 12/13/2011 | Executive Summary Recently, Blackberry has fallen short in their technology innovation. This has allowed competitors to enter the market with newer innovations and better research to please consumers. By initially only targeting the business professional, Blackberry eliminated their appeal to a large chunk of the market. The new proposed target market of young professionals, 18-25, was evaluated through focus groups. The focus groups allowed insight into consumer demands, which included reliability for use in everyday life. The launch and creation of the Blackberry Sport can meet the consumer demands in style as well as technology advancement, which ultimately may make Blackberry the top smartphone once again. Table of Contents Executive Summary1 Blackberry Introduction3 Company Overview4 Current Target Market; Benefit Segmentation4 Identification of New Target Market6 Focus Group Research7 Analysis of New Target Market10 Common Consumption Behaviors10 Target Market Decision Making Process12 Product Modifications and Recommendations14 Works Cited19 Blackberry Introduction Research in Motion, the forefront of enterprise mobile communications in this decade was founded with the business professional in mind. Founded in 1984 the company was based off a product called Blackberry. Charging a fee for a pager like device...
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...only one clear message - that the BlackBerry smartphone is not a toy. The underlying message that I see is that RIM is telling the consumers that the BlackBerry smartphone is not what their competitors’ phones are - toys. There is no actual reference to Apple or Android or any other competitor, but the fact that their message “It’s not a toy” is repeated 3 times in their 29 second commercial and thing that is said, it is obvious to me what the unspoken message is. Communications strategy I believe that the maker of this commercial was trying to appeal to the humorous side in their choice to open up with the Jack in the Box toy and end with the very colorful xylophone. At the same time, I also felt that RIM wanted the reach both the consumers’ logical side and emotional side. When I see this commercial, as a BlackBerry smartphone user, I see that RIM’s phones are logical and for the more mature adult user. I also see that it reaches out to me emotionally and how I feel about their phone. I love their phone and the fact that it is not a “toy” is one of the things I personally like about the phone. I feel like consumers who want to play games and play around with applications all day long, can be happy with the “toy” smartphone that Apple and other competitors offer. I know that I want the BlackBerry phone to be the one that is set apart from the rest, for the serious business person, but that can also provide “fun” for those BlackBerry users who also may want those features...
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...1 Problem Statement RIM’s iconic product, Blackberry, has lost its lead in the smartphone market and continues to decline. Now RIM faces the decision of whether they should continue with their focus on business users or enter a new market segment that has been growing: users of useful, yet entertaining smartphones. How can Blackberry stop declining and become competitive again? 2 Situation Analysis In 2003 RIM launched the Blackberry. RIM gave users the first way to take the internet with them everywhere on their cell phone. They were pioneers leading the market. By 2008 RIM had 45% of the US smartphone market share and became the most popular smartphone in the USA.1 Blackberry targeted business professionals and government clients. RIM intended to provide the user with a useful interface that could synchronize computers to phones and simplify work regardless of where you were working from. They also offered a messaging system that was superiorly secure. Blackberry’s main competitors are Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platform. Apple required all App’s for the iPhone to be sold through their store. Android, being free source, could be modified by any programmer. In 2012 Blackberry’s App World Store had less than a 5th of the selection compared to the Apple AppStore (Exhibit 1). The iPhone and Android phones had a touch screen interface which provided a novel interaction and a much larger screen. This, added to the attractive designs, hundreds of apps offered, and...
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...and nondiscretionary access controls, they are a large company and will need someone to be in charge of each control because not everyone have the same access. 4. Backordered parts are a defense contractor that builds communications parts for the military. All employees communicate using smartphones and email. They would need Discretionary, content-dependent and rule-based access control, they have a group of people who contain sensitive data that need to be controlled. They communication parts need to be safe. 5. Confidential Services Inc is a military-support branch consisting of 14,000,000 computers with internet access and 250,000 servers. All employees must have security clearances, and they communicate mainly using BlackBerry devices and email. They would need Mandatory, Discretionary, role-based, rule-based, content-dependent, nondiscretionary. They have many individuals all who need different access, so they need someone...
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...Blackjacking Security Threats to BlackBerry® Devices, PDAs, and Cell Phones in the Enterprise Daniel Hoffman Wiley Publishing, Inc. Blackjacking Blackjacking Security Threats to BlackBerry® Devices, PDAs, and Cell Phones in the Enterprise Daniel Hoffman Wiley Publishing, Inc. Blackjacking: Security Threats to BlackBerrys, PDAs, and Cell Phones in the Enterprise Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-12754-4 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or online at http://www.wiley.com/go/permissions. Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher and the author make...
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...(September 23, 2013) its interest in acquiring Blackberry. The focus of this case is to understand the implications of this acquisition for both the parties. What strategic alternatives are considered by the Blackberry Management team, who knew the problems of the company? Why did they focus on a platform which was already a failure (like in case of Nokia), Why didn’t they consider Android in their phones which gave Samsung a chance to capture the market? Why did they give away BBM, their core competence to android and iOS? Or is it a BBM spinoff? Why did they miserable fail from 2010 till now in launching the devices which were only attractive to few consumers. Why did they not target mass market and instead engrossed to niche market. Why did they not publicize about the QNX 10 which is used in 60% of Automobile Technology now? Why does a company who operates in insurance and investment management want to acquire a communication technology company? What benefits does it seek? Is it simply patriotism or something else which the company is bothered? The case is a more or less compilation of the news articles and only few facts have been taken out of the company’s website and other sources. The events occurred during August and September of 2013 form a basis for this write up and any dates mentioned are relevant to that particular period. BLACKBERRY LIMITED: BLACK BURIED??? After months of conjecture the deal is done - BlackBerry is to be bought over by its highest bidder, a...
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...study investigated how well the external and internal changes in RIM and analysis the environment remote effects on the company transformation. The research design included literature review, data collection, data analysis and recommendation. It is no longer the era of BlackBerry, as one of famous company in Canada. Before the iPhone launched on, BlackBerry seems like a legendary brand in cell phone industry, since they create the convenience EMAIL push service. Likeness, just five years ago, “BlackBerry” was virtually synonymous with “Smartphone.” It was well on its way to becoming a generic trademark, like Kleenex or Band-Aid, that would seemingly forever be associated with its entire sector (Thierer, 2012). In order to research how the BlackBerry can be changed and manage the change, the paper as qualitative research to analysis the external and internal changeability. The process of writing paper is followed the Lincoln and Guba’ evaluative criteria (1985) that based on credibility, transferability, dependability and conformability. The data collections use searching journals, web source, and online library. The PEST analysis implement on data analysis. Background of the company BlackBerry Ltd (formerly known as Research In Motion Ltd) is telecommunication and wireless equipment company headquartered in Waterloo, Canada. It started operations in 1984 with a vision of communication that offered paging products and services. It was founded by Mike Lazaridis...
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...Porter’s Five Force Model There are some different approaches available when measuring the profitability in a market, or industry. I choose to use the model by Michael E. Porter, where the profitability potential of an industry, described as the long run return on investment, is reliant on the degree of competition in the selected industry. The five forces that Porter mentions are; threat of entry, supplier power, buyer power, threat of substitutes and industry rivalry. Threat of entry The threat of new entrants into the market segment dominated by RIM is quite high. All the established companies in the mobile industry are possible entrants to the diversified communication services industry of RIM. Although RIM has up-to-now been able to take full advantage of its technological dominance in the market , there still remains the possibility of new companies to enter using older versions of the technology in a modernized and revamped way. A recently entrant to the market is Apple corp. with its iphone. Because of the dominance of RIM in its own lucrative segment it will always face the threat from new entrants. Supplier power The bargaining power of suppliers in the manufacturing face is considerably low in this industry, for instance, processors of the same architecture used by RIM is produced by many companies such as Intel, Freescale Semiconductor, Texas Instruments, Royal Philips Electronics, Samsung and STMicroelectronics. However, as I mentioned earlier there are...
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...group, Im Md shihab Alam khan, then…..well today the topic of our presentation is how blackberry does it. So here we will discuss on blackberry’s history, features, advantages, market share etc. before that I would like to talk a bit on the emergence of smartphones. Emergence of smartphones: Who introduced smartphone first apple, rim, htc, nokia. Actually IBM was the first organization offered consumers a highly advanced mobile phone. In 1993, the company introduced what could be considered the world's first smartphone - simply called Simon. This first smartphone featured an amazing array of features - email, address book, clock, calendar, note pad, and even the ability to send and receive faxes. During the mid-90's, Nokia began to heat things up by introducing its first line of smartphone - the Nokia 9000 series. This phone was not only the first in a series of popular smart phones manufactured by Nokia, they were also the most expensive, coming in at 20-40% more costly than its rivals. The Nokia 9210 was indeed the first real and true smartphone due to its open operating system. After that company like Rim, HTC and apple started producing smartphones. History of BlackBerry: BlackBerry is a line of wireless mobile devices developed by Canadian company Research In Motion popularly known as RIM. In the picture we can see Jim balsilli and mike lazaridis, maker of the world renowned Blackberry wireless solution. previously it was a computer science consultancy firm in 1984. Although...
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...and Personal Care products. This global giant is known for its ability to leverage products and brands throughout the world by tailoring them to local conditions and for its commitment to top-quality management. Unilever recruits its managers from all over the world and carefully trains them to serve as a unifying force for its operations. In March 2004, Unilever's senior management ordered the company's thousand top executives to be equipped with mobile handheld devices to increase their productivity. The devices had to provide both voice and data transmission, operate on different wireless networks, be able to view e-mail attachments, such as Word files, and run on battery power for more than four hours. The company selected BlackBerry 7100, 7290/ and 8700 handhelds from Research in Motion because they were the leader in their category and they worked with heterogeneous e-mail servers and multiple wireless network standards, including CDMA and Wi-Fi. Selecting the handheld was the easy part. The hard part was making sure Unilever's handhelds were secure. Wireless handhelds are easy to lose or steal because they're so portable, and they are penetrable by hackers and other outsiders. PDAs and smart phones, especially those used by senior executives, often store sensitive corporate data such as sales figures, social security numbers, customer names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses. Unauthorized users may be able to access internal corporate networks through these...
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...(RIM) commonly known as RIM is an Canadian company is the primarily maker and provider of BlackBerry wireless devices and e-mail services (Roberto, 2010). In 1984, Research in Motion Ltd. (RIM) is founded by Mike Lazardis. The headquarters of the company are in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (RIM, 2012). Slogan Following is the slogan of RIM: “Love what you do” (BlackBerry, 2012). Company Overview "Research In Motion Limited (RIM) is the company behind the BlackBerry product line" (RIM, 2012). RIM is a designer, producer and marketer of wireless solutions in the worldwide mobile communications market and revolutionized the mobile industry with launch the BlackBerry smartphone in 1999 (RIM, 2011). The company was founded by Mike Lazaridis and RIM was established in 1984, while Lazaridis was studying at the University of Waterio, Ontario (RIM, 2011). There are approximately 16.000 employees in the company and the company's approximately 5000 employees work in the R&D department, in Europe, Canada and the U.S (RIM, 2011).Since 1996 the company has been developed and grown and RIM the world's fastest growing company became the cover on the Fortune magazine in August 2009 (RIM, 2011). Approximately 150 million BlackBerry smartphones sold in 2011 (RIM, 2011).Blackberry smartphones are the top-selling smartphones in the US (Maisto, 2012). Mission Statement RIM's mission is to make BlackBerry smartphones and other products became the most popular around the world (Roberto, 2010). Improve...
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