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Blackburn And Brubaker: A Comparative Analysis

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Pages 2
In chapter fifteen Blackburn and Brubaker (1999) discuss the conflict in the congregation. The authors explain that churches respond to disputes in destructive or constructive manners depending on how conflict healthy a group maybe (Blackburn & Brubaker, 1999). Moreover, the authors explain that for a congregation to become conflict healthy there is a need for the congregation to be continuously educated in constructive conflict resolution (Blackburn & Brubaker, 1999). Blackburn and Brubaker (1999) also explain the five levels of conflict intensity and various intervention strategies. In chapter sixteen Alastair McKay (1999) discusses decision-making processes congregation can utilize to make decisions as a body. The author also explains eight

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...Social Change and Modernity Edited By Hans Haferkamp and Neil J. Smelser UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS Berkeley Los Angeles Oxford © 1992 The Regents of the University of California INTRODUCTION Hans Haferkamp and Neil J. Smelser Haferkamp is grateful to Angelika Schade for her fruitful comments and her helpful assistance in editing this volume and to Geoff Hunter for translating the first German version of parts of the Introduction; Smelser has profited from the research assistance and critical analyses given by Joppke. 1. Social Change and Modernity Those who organized the conference on which this volume is based—including the editors— decided to use the terms "social change" and "modernity" as the organizing concepts for this project. Because these terms enjoy wide usage in contemporary sociology and are general and inclusive, they seem preferable to more specific terms such as "evolution" "progress," "differentiation," or even "development," many of which evoke more specific mechanisms, processes, and directions of change. Likewise, we have excluded historically specific terms such as "late capitalism" and "industrial society" even though these concepts figure prominently in many of the contributions to this volume. The conference strategy called for a general statement of a metaframework for the study of social change within which a variety of more specific theories could be identified. 2. Theories of Social Change Change is such an evident feature of...

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