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Down Syndrome Persuasive Speech

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I came to this thread because I find these discussions funny, not because I consider him a leader. You say I support his comments about paedophiles because I don't condemn them, I haven't read this article nor do I want to because I don't care. It is most likely out of context.
Yes I do believe you don’t care.

"if you did not support paedophiles, rapist and devalue those with Down syndrome, then you would not have to hide behind a fake profile"... that has to be the dumbest thing you have said so far lol. Are you disabled? I am being serious because I won't reply if you are, I feel like I'm talking to an unstable person. You just seem to never answer questions and go in circles and spread hate. You brought up the topic of paedophilia and then …show more content…
It would be like saying people with blue eyes are dumb. However your statement could very well be from a dumb person. I am a little concerned that you would not want to communicate with me if I were disabled; do you think you can catch something from a disabled person? I talk with anyone I do not discriminate just because someone happens to be disabled, do you think they should have been aborted with those with down syndrome perhaps, hmm that’s the problem with new atheism, it always leads to atrocities, in fact it’s the cause of the worst atrocities the world has ever known. Yes it may “SEEM” I do not answer questions, however it seems to others I do, so I will assume they are right and you wrong. I spread hate? Do give me an example. No I didn’t label every atheist a paedophile, I labelled those who supported dawkins view that mild paedophilia was ok, I have given each and every one of you the opportunity to tell me you think dawkins was wrong, interestingly you all seem to be a little quite on this point, what would you expect me to conclude from this. I mean you yourself have told me you would discriminate against disabled people, consider them

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