...In the book Monument I am predicting that someone will try to get in the building they are seeking refuge in. One reason I am predicting this is because, what is the first place someone is going to go during an apocalypse? The Superstore. People are going to go here because there is endless food, sanctuary, everything you need to survive for a very long time. The only thing stopping people from getting in is a metal gate that locked the fourteen kids in, in the first place. The first person who tried to get in the supermarket was a man who had the type of blood that made you overly and physically aggressive. Originally the kids were gonna let him in, but they could not because of the gate that locked them in, which in further references would...
Words: 382 - Pages: 2
...Deskripsi barang di Sekali Sebut Selesai - Passport Pocket Passport Pocket adalah tempat untuk menyimpan paspor. Dengan memperhatikan Passport Pocket secara singkat saja, kamu bisa tahu bahwa item ini memang dibuat khusus untuk menyimpan paspor. Ukurannya yang pas, bahannya yang tahan air dan debu, dan warnanya yang mencolok menjamin kalau paspor kamu selalu aman dan lebih mudah ditemukan jika hilang. Namun tentu saja ini bukan alasan untuk menjadi lalai! Selalu jaga barang bawaan kamu (apalagi paspor) jika kamu sedang berpergian ke luar negeri. Safe travel! Tersedia dalam 3 (tiga) variasi warna: color Lime Green, color Orange, dan color Cyan Blue. Price: 49.900,- -Lomo Camera Phone Strap “Jepret!” Phone strap (bisa juga untuk gantungan kunci) berbentuk kamera lomo, bisa mengeluarkan lampu flash (blitz terang) dan suara kamera jika tombol pada samping kamera ditekan. Sumber tenaga dari baterai kancing/CMOS. Flash putih terang dari tengah kamera berasal dari LED. Tersedia dalam 7 (tujuh) variasi warna: biru, coklat, hitam, merah, ungu magenta, kuning, pink. Price: 69.900,- - Fashion Card Holder Satukan kartu-kartu milikmu dengan card holder yang unik dan fashionable! Fashion Card Holder mengusung bentuk dan warna yang simpel dan tidak mencolok, sehingga lebih cocok untuk kamu yang tidak suka style-nya bertabrakan dengan warna yang kontras. Tersedia dalam lima variasi: - Celana Pendek (R1) - Saku Baju (R2) - Saku Celana (R3) - Sandal Jepit (R4) - Sepatu Kets (R5) (out of stock)...
Words: 3860 - Pages: 16
...Copyright © 2001 CANdiensten. All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (CANdiensten, Nieuwpoortkade 25, 1055 RX Amsterdam, The Netherlands). ISBN 90-804652-2-4 Preface In September 1997 Insightful (formerly known as MathSoft) released S-PLUS 4 for Windows, which added a complete new graphical user interface to the existing S-PLUS programming environment. It allowed non-programming minded users to access the advanced visualization techniques and modern analysis methods of S-PLUS. As a result, S-PLUS has gained enormous popularity over the past years among applied statisticians and data analysts. Over the last three years the content of this book has been used for introductory courses on S-PLUS. This book is aimed at people who are (completely) new to S-PLUS. It covers the graphical user interface of S-PLUS and introduces the underlying S language. The main goal of this book is to get you started and the best way to do that is to use this book interactively during an S-PLUS session. After reading this book you should be able to import data into the system, do some data manipulation and data cleaning. Furthermore, you should be able to visualize your data, apply statistical functions to your data, enter basic S-PLUS commands and write functions. The first edition of this book appeared in 1999, it was aimed at users of S-PLUS 2000. This edition is updated for S-PLUS 6 (see Appendix C...
Words: 10252 - Pages: 42
...Unit II: Genetics Brief Overview Reading: Chapters 3, 4, 9-12, 14 (Note: you have reviewed much of this already) The earth is teeming with living things. We can easily see some of the larger organisms—trees, grass, flowers, weeds, cats, fish, squirrels, dogs, insects, spiders, snails, mushrooms, lichens. Other organisms are everywhere, in the air, in water, soil and on our skin, but are too small to see with the naked eye—bacteria, viruses, protists (single celled eukaryotes such as amoebae), and tiny plants and animals. Life is remarkable in its complexity and diversity, and yet it all boils down to a very simple idea—the instructions for making all this life are written in nucleic acids, usually DNA. Most organisms have a set of DNA that contains the instructions for making that creature. This DNA contains four “letters” in which these instructions are written—A, T, G, and C. The only difference between the code for a dog and the code for a geranium is in the order of those letters in the code. If you took the DNA from a human and rearranged the letters in the right way, you could produce an oak tree—arrange them slightly differently and you would have a bumble bee—arrange them again and you would have the instructions for making a bacterium. Acting through more than two billion years, the process of evolution has taken one basic idea—a molecular code that uses four letters—and used it over and over, in millions of combinations to produce a dazzling array of life forms...
Words: 32016 - Pages: 129