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Submitted By gallar
Words 400
Pages 2
Managing Director - Major Bank. Head of Project Finance Latam

Sao Paulo


- Reporting directly to the Global Head of Project Finance, the candidate will be responsible for the business of the division in the Latin America region and will supervise a multicultural and multinational team of more than 30 professionals based in Mexico D.F., Santiago de Chile, Lima, Bogota, Buenos Aires and Sao Paulo.

- Responsible for leading and supervising country heads and deal teams in charge of the origination of project finance transactions in the energy and infrastructure sectors.

- Developing the division's business strategy for the region with full responsibility for the investments, profit and loss account and resource management including overseeing a portfolio of loans of more than USD 10.000bn

- Building and developing key relationships in the region.

- Coordinating with other areas of the bank and participating actively in several top level committees and initiatives to develop the bank's franchise, including being a permanent member of the Latinoamerica management committee.


I am pleased to bring to your attention the above career opportunity.

After 15 years working in the banking sector and having succeeded in previous challenges I consider you are prepared to take up a position of responsibility for a business line across a supranational geographic area. This will be a major step in your career and will involve departing from the “day to day management of deals and clients” towards a new position oriented more towards building and leading teams. This role will give you the opportunity to develop a new set of skills that will be of major importance to progress further in your career.

Additionally, this new position will expose you to a variety of cultures and countries that will contribute to broaden your perspectives. Considering that your previous international experience has been focused mainly on developed countries, the opportunity of being based in Brazil and doing business in other latin american countries will allow you to discover new ideas and behaviours that will enrich you both personally and professionally.

Moreover, the weight of the Brazil market in the region, together with the fact that you will be permanently based there, makes highly desirable that you take up learning portuguese. The position offers the opportunity of undertake an accelerated program to learn this language, which will be a fantastic opportunity for you to improve your profile in preparation for future career movements.

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