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Body Fat and Eating Disorders


Submitted By smm1306
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Body Fat and Eating Disorders Paper
Science of Nutrition: Debi Lemke
Sarah Morse
November 11, 2012

Body Fat and Eating Disorders

It is so important to make sure that your body stays lean and fit. Being lean helps reduce the risk of many illnesses that are avoidable. Throughout this week we have discussed the dangerous obesity epidemic plaguing our country. There are many factors involved and knowing what those factors are can help in the fight against it. On the other side of obesity are eating disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating. While we are taught that being lean and fit is best some may take it to another level that is unhealthy. Body composition is the portion of body weight that is fat compared to lean. There are many different ways to calculate and find out what that is. Some like skin fold thickness and biometric impedance are proven to be inaccurate in some circumstances and therefore may not be the best method even though they may be the easiest to acquire. Methods like underwater weighing and air displacement can be very accurate how there are stipulations to them and they may not be readily available and also expensive. There are many risks associated with being overweight, an easy way to get a gauge on how you fare is using BMI (body mass index). BMI can be calculated by taking weight2 × height = bmi kg/m2. A healthy BMI is anywhere from 18-25 anything over 25 is considered overweight over 40 is morbidly obese. The risks associated with being overweight or obese are diabetes, heart conditions, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer. There are many reasons why we are seeing a spike in cases of obesity. Our portion sizes are much larger than they were 30 years ago. For example fast food portions are 2 to 5 times larger than they were 30 years ago. According to Wiley’s we eat in units

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