...EXAMPLES OF STATUTORY BODIES IN MALAYSIA IN TERMS OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT The existence of statutory bodies has contributed a lot towards the development of Malaysia. Some of the developments can be seen in terms of social value and economic value. There are a number of statutory bodies in Malaysia that have contributed towards both the developments mentioned earlier. However, this report will only focus on three examples of statutory bodies in Malaysia, which consist of two statutory bodies that have contributed towards economic development and one statutory body that has contributed towards social development. ECONOMIC VALUE DEVELOPMENT Lembaga Tabung Haji Lembaga Tabung Haji is one of the many examples of statutory body that has contributed towards the development in terms of economic value in Malaysia. Lembaga Tabung Haji is an institution that was established with a focus on Islamic Finance in Malaysia. It was established in 1963. Lembaga Tabung Haji is the largest Islamic fund manager in Malaysia, with funds in excess of RM36 billion (Lembaga Tabung Haji, 2013). Lembaga Tabung Haji has 50 years of experience in terms of deposits, pilgrim services and operations, as well as investments. This many years of experience has strengthened its reputation in the country and proves that it is a very successful institution. Lembaga Tabung Haji has been striving for the economic empowerment of Muslims in Malaysia to leverage existing funds and resources. As a means to...
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...Malaysian Studies – Revision Notes The Japanese Occupation The Japanese occupied Malaya for only 3 ½ years (from 15 Feb 1942 to 15 August 1945) Had a great impact on the country – the conquest of the whole of Malaya was fast and effective The attack started from two directions, from the East and the West After landing in Kota Bharu, the Japanese soldiers rushed to Kuantan and then to Mersing. On 12 Dec 1941, Jitra was captured, followed by Penang Island and Slim River. In Jan 1942, the Japanese soldiers entered Kuala Lumpur, and both the Japanese military troops met in Johore Bahru On 15 Feb 1942, Singapore fell to the Japanese army. The main aim of the Japanese was to establish a New Great East Asia government. The Japanese promised to declare independence in certain South East Asian countries. The Japanese Victory The Japanese military conquered Malaya quite easily although the British military was equipped with better firearms and were greater in number than the Japanese There are a few lessons to be learnt from this. 1. The British were not prepared for the war. They did not anticipate the Japanese attack from the north. 2. The fact was the Japanese had a comprehensive plan in which they had a network of spies in Malaya. 3. In addition to that, the Japanese soldiers were in excellent form because of intensive training and were led by capable and experience leaders (such as Yamashita and Tsuji). 4. The Japanese were enthusiastic and inspired to fight...
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...------------------------------------------------- Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | This article does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (June 2010) | Article 160 of the Constitution of Malaysia defines various terms used in the Constitution. It has an important impact on Islam in Malaysia and the Malay people due to its definition of a Malay person under clause 2. It took effect after August 31, 1957 ("Merdeka Day" or "Independence Day") in West Malaysia, and took effect in Singapore and East Malaysia when they merged withMalaya in 1963. The article no longer applies to Singapore, as it declared independence from Malaysia in 1965 (Singapore is also a secular state); however, it does affect the legal status of Malay Singaporeans when they enter Malaysia. ------------------------------------------------- Definition of a Malay[edit] The article defines a Malay as a Malaysian citizen born to a Malaysian citizen who professes to be a Muslim, habitually speaks the Malay language, adheres to Malay customs, and is domiciled in Malaysia or Singapore. As a result, Malay citizens who convert out of Islam are no longer considered Malay under the law. Hence, the Bumiputra privileges afforded to Malays under Article 153 of the Constitution, the New Economic Policy (NEP), etc. are forfeit for such converts. Likewise...
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...interaction that people have within one another. It is also a set of rules that humans have to follow and it set standards and conduct between *individual and individual* and *individual and the government* which is enforced by law through sanctioned. Public law Public law is a law which governs the relationship between individual and the state. Public law can be further divided into constitutional law and criminal law. - Constitutional law Body of law which defines the relationship of different entities within a state, namely, the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary. - Criminal Law It is a body of rules and statute that defines the conduct prohibited by the government. In Malaysia, the penal code is a main source of criminal law. It covers most criminal offenses and provides relevant penalties where relevant acts are breached .It actually codifies various acts committed by individual against the state such as murder, cheating, forgery , rape, and other criminal offenses. Common law A law that derive from case law (precedent) and statute. It is accusatorial with an emphasize remedies. It form a basic right of English law and it can be found in the U.S , other commonwealth nation including Australia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand, parts of Africa , India and Pakistan. Malaysia derives their legal system from the common law as a result of the British colonization where their legal principles are develops by judges through case law. Common law is a judge-made law...
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...IN MALAYSIA Local government is the grass-root in the government hierarchy of Malaysia. There are three branches of government in Malaysia, namely Federal, State and Local. The position of local government in Malaysia is stated in Federal Constitution. By virtue of items 4 and 5 of Ninth Schedule of Federal Constitution, local government outside the Federal Territories of Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Putrajaya (latest) is a subject under the State List. All local authorities outside the Federal Territories directly under the exclusive jurisdiction of States Government. This mean local State Government have wide powers to control the local authorities and to ensure their effectiveness and efficient. 1.1 Definitions Local government can be defined as follows: Local Government is subsystem operating within or among a number of other subsystems. Higher government gave its one body handled on local issues that represent the power whether from federal government or state government, which has limited autonomy in terms of financial and administration, have power to sue and sued by others and have legal property1 Ministry of Housing and Local Government Local Government is infra. Sovereign, Geographic Sub-Division of a Sovereign nation or Quasi Sovereign Nation, exercising the power of jurisdiction in a particular area.2 Dilly M Hill 1 Government of Malaysia, 1970. Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry to Investigate into the Working of Local Authorities in West Malaysia Kuala...
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...great opportunity for me to write about the subject of Human Resources Management. Title: About the Ministry of Human Resources (Malaysia). At the time of preparing this paper, I have gone through different types of websites which helps me to get acquainted with new topics. I am actually focusing on those topics which are important for us to understand about this subject easily. I acknowledge with gratitude to Madam Norazima Md. Malia, my respective lecturer, who has been sincere and helpful in making me understand more about Human Resources Department. I would also like to thank my classmates and associates who have helped me understand the questions properly. I have tried my very best to gather and complete this paper on time. They may be shortcoming, factual error, wrong opinions which are all mine and I alone am responsible for those but I will try to give a better volume in the future TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 ABOUT MoHR 2 2.0 DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS OF MoHR 2 2.1 Manpower Department 2 2.2 Labour Department (Peninsular Malaysia) 2 2.3 Industrial Court of Malaysia 2 2.4 Industrial Relations Department 2 2.5 TRADE UNION AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT 2 2.6 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH DEPARTMENT 2 2.7 NATIONAL VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL 2 3.0 STATUTORY BODIES 2 3.1 SOCIAL SECURITY ORGANIZATION 2 3.2 HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT SDN BHD 2 4.0 ADVISORY COUNCIL 2 4.1 NATIONAL...
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...ABSTRACT The dignity of women seems to be tarnished nowadays although the nation is experiencing the economic, productivity growth every year. The mentality of the people in Malaysia is still in doubt when the number of infanticide is still increasing every year. Infanticide is considered as a murder case since it involves an innocent life that easily had been eliminated without mercy. There are no excuses for these irresponsible parents to escape this action as they must be heavily punished. In fact, not only law yet every religion prohibit this kind of conduct, but still infanticide seems as just another crime in this globalization era. This paper aims to discuss about the law enforcement in reducing the number of infanticide in Malaysia. This paper analyses the provision of Section 318 of the Penal Code whether this Act is sufficient to punish the wrongdoer and any other solutions towards this cases. Besides, the role of Malaysia government in the enforcement of law and also how the authorities acts towards solving the cases of infanticide in Malaysia. Hence, the paper also analyses about the effects of law to the wrongdoers and given suggestions for further impacts, including Islamic viewpoints. 1. INTRODUCTION Infanticide can be defined as when any women by any willful act or omission causes the death of her newly-born child, but at the time of the act or omission she had not fully recovered from the effect of giving birth to such child, and by reason...
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...MESSAGE RT. HON. DATO' SERI ABDULLAH HAJI AHMAD BADAWI PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA Malaysia has been a successful developing country and is forging ahead to become a developed nation in its own mould. In order to be more successful, our nation has to be managed effectively and its weaknesses and shortcomings have to be overcome. A major challenge it has to address in this endeavor is the strengthening of ethics and integrity. The government has implemented the Prime Minister's Directive No. I of 1998 which aims to enhance the integrity of the management in government administration. This has been done namely through the setting up of the Integrity Management Committee in all ministries, departments and agencies of the Federal Government as well as the State Governments. However, there is no mechanism thus far to involve other sectors, such as the private sector, political parties, non-government organizations, religious groups, the media, women, youth and students in an integrated and coordinated movement to enhance integrity. It is in this regard that the government has formulated the National Integrity Plan (NIP) which will act as a master plan to guide all of the above sectors. The formulation of the NIP is predicated upon the spirit and principles of the Federal Constitution, the philosophy and principles of the Rukun Negara as well as the aspirations of Vision 2020. The overall objective of the NIP is to fulfill the fourth challenge of Vision 2020, namely, "to establish...
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...companies is contained in section 341(1) of the Act. By virtue of the said provisions, the Registrar is subject to the following prohibitions or restrictions when considering an application for a company name: o Prohibitions in the use of names included under the Minister’s direction; and o Any such name, which in the opinion of the Registrar, is undesirable. PROHIBITIONS MINISTER BY VIRTUE OF THE DIRECTION OF THE The Direction of the Minister is as gazetted under Government Gazette No. 716 dated 30 January 1997 and Gazette (Amendment) dated 11 October 2001. The contents of the Direction from the Minister are as follows – (a) Names suggesting connection with a members of the Royal family or Royal patronage including names containing such words as “Royal”, “King”, “Queen”, “Prince”, “Princess”, “Crown”, “Regent” or “Imperial”; (b) Names suggesting connection with a State or Federal government department, statutory body, authority or government agency or any municipality or...
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...AN OVERVIEW OF FORENSIC ACCOUNTING IN MALAYSIA Mohd Sarif Ibrahim and Mazni Abdullah Department of Financial Accounting & Auditing Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia sarif51@um.edu.my, mazni@um.edu.my ABSTRACT Forensic accounting may not be a new field in accounting. However it becomes so important recently and has been an interest to various stakeholders, from the government, investors, and practitioners to regulatory bodies. Corporate failures like the often cited Enron and WorldCom cases have placed forensic accounting into the limelight. The objective of this study is to present the views of practitioners regarding forensic accounting and its current development in Malaysia. For the purpose of this study, practitioners from the big and medium accounting firms and regulatory bodies in Malaysia were interviewed regarding the subject matter and unstructured interviews were used in the study. Keyword: Forensic Accounting, Auditing and Investigation. INTRODUCTION Corporate financial scandals like the often cited Enron and WorldCom cases of the last few years is a wake-up call to the accounting profession and has rejuvenated the interest in forensic accounting. Increasing government regulations and pressures from other stakeholders has made businesses acutely aware of the consequences of employees’ misdeeds and inadequate internal controls. Companies are now beginning to be more determined than ever to ensure...
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...Teknologi MARA Terengganu, 23000 Dungun, Terengganu Tel: 60-12-222-7659 E-mail: faiziiu@yahoo.com Nadhrah A. Kadir Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies Universiti Teknologi MARA Terengganu, 23000 Dungun, Terengganu Tel: 60-12-250-4302 E-mail: nadhr292@tganu.uitm.edu.my Kamaruzaman Jusoff (Corresponding author) TropAIR, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang 43400, Selangor, Malaysia Tel: 60-3-8946-7176 E-mail: kjusoff@yahoo.com Abstract Generally, accountability is often associated with a concept of answerability, responsibility, blameworthiness, liability etc. Commonly, the concept of accountability from the perspective of governance is the means to control the public administration in democratic countries. The classification of public accountability is normally seen in terms of external and internal mechanisms. Hence, this paper shall discuss both mechanisms with special reference to Malaysia. The discussion also focuses on the limitation of each mechanism which rendered some problems to the concept of accountability in Malaysia. Keywords: Accountability, Governance, Public administration, 1. Introduction Accountability is often associated with such concepts as answerability, responsibility, blameworthiness, liability and other terms associated with the expectation of accounting (Note 1). An individual who is accountable will be on his own commit to do or implement something if he feels that an occurrence or...
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...in Malaysia Ramesh Kumar Moona Haji Mohamed (PhD Candidate), School of Distance Education, 11800,Universiti Sains Malaysia Email: rameshk@utar.edu.my Charles Ramendran SPR Faculty of Business & Finance, UTAR Email: charlesr@utar.edu.my Peter Yacob Faculty of Business & Finance, UTAR Email: petery@utar.edu.my Abstract The issue of foreign workers has received increase media and national attention. However, to date there has been limited research on the nature and consequences of employment of foreign workers in Malaysia. Introduction of significant changes in recruitment phenomenon has ended in painful and traumatic atmosphere which barely acceptable by local workforce in Malaysia. This conceptual paper can be derived from the field of industrial relations which play a significant role in employment of foreign workers. The article reports on the preliminary findings on employment status of local workforce and trade union rights affected by employment of foreign workers. In addition, the research makes a number of recommendations, including the need for further development on reducing the employment of foreign workers and more refined targeting of vulnerable foreign workers linked with labor legislations. Keywords: Malaysia, foreign workers, trade union rights, local workers and employability Introduction For over the past decade, Malaysia has over dependence on the foreign workers the number of foreign workers has increase gradually in Malaysia. According...
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...Malaysian Legal System These essays have been written by students for you to use to help you with your studies. If you need your own custom law essay then we can help.... Get a quote for your own law essay... Share & Download Malaysia practices the mixed legal system which includes the Common Law, Islamic law and Customary Law. Malaysia’s legal system comprises laws which have arise from three significant periods in Malaysian history dating from the Malacca Sultanate, to the spread of Islam to Southeast Asia, and following the absorption into the indigenous culture of British colonial rule which introduced a constitutional government and the common law. The Malaysian Legal System is based on English common law. The sources of Malaysian law means the legal rules that make the laws in Malaysia, which can be classified into written and unwritten law. Written law is the most important source of law. It refers to the laws contained in the Federal and State Constitutions and in a code or a statute. The written laws are much influenced by English laws as the Malaysian legal system retains many characteristics of the English legal system. The Written law includes the Federal Constitution, State Constitutions, Legislation and Subsidiary legislation. Malaysia is a Federation of thirteen States with a written constitution, the Federal Constitution, which is the supreme law of the country. The Constitution can only be changed by a two-thirds majority of the total number of members of the...
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...RESEARCH QUESTION: WHY CAN’T MALAYSIA BE A MAJOR CONSUMER OF BIOFUEL? I Introduction While demand in the growing biofuels industry, Malaysia can’t be a major consumer of biofuels as there are some issues in the social impact,ecosystem services, technical consideration for the use of biofuel-based and Malaysia Government Policy sector II Body A One of the reasons Malaysia can’t be a major consumer is the issue in social impact. 1 Competition between food and fuel a Some commodities like maize,sugar cane and vegetable oil can be used either as food or biofuels sources.(Wikipedia,2012) b Human food chain can be affected due to this competition.(Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule,2008) 2 Food price increase a Food prices will increase due to higher demand for biofuels usage.(Doornbosh and Steenblik, 2007) b Higher cost of raws material compared to fossil fuels (Steven and Lee, 2010, p.948) 3 Lack of public awareness about the use of biofuels a Most Malaysian do not realize that Malaysia will run out of oil in 19 years if alternative energy sources such as biofuels are not used. (Prime Minister’s Department,2005,p.22) b Dissemination of information about the benefits of using biofuels is less widespread in the media causing fewer people to take note of the biofuel industry. (Bentley Motors,2008,p.3) B Another reasons is the issue in ecosystem services. 1 Soil erosion and deforestation ...
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...PBL 5: ROLE OF THE ORGANIZATION Bursa Malaysia (http://www.bursamalaysia.com) Bursa Malaysia is the frontline regulator of the Malaysian capital market and has the duty to maintain a fair and orderly market in the securities and derivatives that are traded through its facilities. As an integrated exchange, Bursa Malaysia also has the duty to ensure orderly dealings in the securities deposited with Bursa Malaysia, and orderly, clear and efficient clearing and settlement arrangements for transactions cleared and settled through its facilities. In furtherance of these duties, Bursa Malaysia has put in place a comprehensive and effective regulatory and supervisory framework to regulate the market and its participants, including the listed issuers and their directors and advisers, Participating Organisations, Trading Participants, Clearing Participants, Authorised Depository Agents and Authorised Direct Members. In this respect, Bursa Malaysia has issued various sets of rules to stipulate the requirements that need to be met by the regulated entities either upon admission and/or on a continuing basis. It administers and monitors compliance with these rules and takes strict, prompt and objective enforcement action for breaches of these rules. Bursa Malaysia actively supervises the listed issuers and the brokers. It also undertakes surveillance over the trading activities in the marketplace. Bursa Malaysia’s overriding objectives, in addition to discharging its statutory...
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