...Bodybuilding and Steroids: An Ongoing Controversy Throughout many generations as well as the present day, bodybuilding has been a much favored sport in the fitness industry. The question first begins with what a sport is determined to be. The definition seems to be: “a human activity capable of achieving a result requiring physical exertion and skill, which by nature, is competitive” (Kennedy 121). Conceivably, bodybuilding fits the definition; However, the primary problem that bodybuilders, the industry, and just the name, bodybuilding, in general face are the numerous controversial issues about the usage of anabolic drugs commonly referred to as steroids. The FDA has banned any and all steroids, causing them to be illegal; Yet, in the sport of bodybuilding, in order to manipulate one’s body, one must consume hormones that are beyond a days dosage of organic foods and minerals. The sport of bodybuilding, is without a doubt, one of the most respected sports due to its extreme discipline of the body and mind. Thus the controversy remains as this: why would the FDA continue to ban anabolic drugs from an industry that, for a portion of its influencers, need these hormones to continue to live up to the bodybuilding legacies? Why is the FDA banning these substances? Also, another controversy that is frequently brought up is: why cant fitness experts, such as master trainers and nutritionists, etc... come up with substitutes that correspond to the drugs, yet remain legal? As a...
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...Topic: Bodybuilding What does ‘bodybuilding’ mean and why does it become an obsession? Bodybuilding is defined as “the process of developing the musculature of the body through specific types of diet and physical exercise, such as weightlifting, especially for competitive exhibition”. Bodybuilders are people who have dedicated themselves to transforming their bodies into a more muscular and well defined shape. This is done through endless hours at the gym every week, and well thought out, healthy diets that maximize their muscle gains. For someone to be a true bodybuilder, they have to commit themselves to sticking with their workouts and making sure that they are taking all the appropriate steps needed to ensure that their bodies have the ability to optimize its muscle building capabilities. This is done through ensuring that the individual is receiving the proper amount of sleep, eating healthy and not cheating on their diets, not consuming any drugs or alcohol, and by always maintaining a high level of commitment to everything they do. Every single day bodybuilders have a prepared schedule of what foods to eat, what body part they will be working out, and they have to make sure to keep up with this regime every single day to ensure that their body has the proper rest and recovery, and that all body parts are being worked out equally. This shows how intense and demanding it is to be a bodybuilder because they do not take a day off from training, and they have to make sure...
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...Having a presence on the internet as a YouTube video creator and as a rising natural bodybuilder, I am actively viewed and stereotyped by thousands of people on a daily basis. Many people are convinced that I took steroids or diuretics to get to the (far from amazing in my opinion) muscularity and conditioning that I displayed in many pictures I took in 2011. I am stereotyped as being obsessed about everything under the umbrella of bodybuilding, from food to training. I’ve learned that all of these stereotypes that I deal with online and offline help shape my identity, but fortunately in positive ways. “Roids!” That’s one of the most frequent words a successful bodybuilder hears. Why in the world would I want to be associated with taking steroids or any performance or cosmetic enhancing drugs? There’s something special about being a pure, 100% natural bodybuilder that differentiates it from being one of the big guys you’ve seen before in magazines. Not that I have anything against steroid users, but in terms of natural bodybuilding, there really is no deception; what you see is what you get. Being a lifetime natural bodybuilder, whenever I see the comment “Roids!” pop up on a video of mine or hear from a friend that so and so accused me of taking steroids, deep down I feel proud inside. To me, steroid accusations are...
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...further to surpass their goals. People who think have this mindset will start supplementing to push their bodies even further than before. When they have reached their max, they still have that mindset of exceeding their goals and resort to a drug that has been around the 50s. When steroids first became available in the public market, the drug was unregulated and anyone could buy and use it for whatever they wanted. It took about forty years for it become regulated, regulations put steroids as a schedule 3 under the controlled substance act making its possession illegal without a prescription. Steroids are one of the most controversial substances to ever be made and are still common today. There are mainly two uses of steroids, medicinal and performance enhancing. Medicinally used steroids can be used to treat anything from a rash to asthma. There are about three names for steroids; corticosteroids, used medically, and anabolic steroids or HGH which in the athletic world is used to boost performance or in the medical field to replace sex hormones. All over the world steroids are being used to treat numerous illnesses. By many people when steroids are brought up they usually think of a big raging bodybuilder injecting steroids. In the bodybuilding building industry steroids are used to build huge muscles. When a natural bodybuilder is lifting weights, they are creating micro tears in their muscles allowing their muscles to...
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...At t e n t i o n Our guide’s content is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. If in any doubt whatsoever, have poor health, or pre-existing mental or physical conditions/injuries do NOT attempt the training or dietary plan without clearance from your physician or doctor first. We are NOT medical experts nor do we purport to be. As with any training programme by participating you knowingly and voluntarily assume all risks associated with such exercise activities. LDN Muscle accepts no liability for any injury, loss or damage resulting from physical exercise. By following our guide you knowingly and voluntarily assume the inherent risk of physical/resistance training. When training you should do so in a safe and controlled environment, ensuring you have supervision and are assisted by another competent/qualified gym assistant when required. At no time should you attempt to perform such activities alone and unsupervised. Should you suffer from any medical conditions, injuries or allergies, or should you be in any doubt whatsoever, we advise you seek medical/professional advice immediately and do NOT proceed to partake in any activity. Any supplements featured within the guides are optional and must be taken in strict accordance with manufactures recommendations, if in any doubt always consult a physician. Always ensure your technique is correct, train within your own capabilities and observe any safety practices/code of conducts present ...
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...Benefits of Drinking Water Benefits of Drinking Water Most people know that drinking water is essential to human life. Without it, the human body will shut down and experience life-threatening health problems, or even death. However, many people tend to forget just how important water is to staying healthy and fit. The fact is, anyone who adopts a fitness regimen needs to understand just how important water is to a great workout and the role it plays in achieving optimal physical results. Working out will make you thirsty, but be sure you are drinking enough to compensate for your exercise? During one hour of intense exercise, the average person can lose a full quart of water just by sweating. To prevent dehydrating, it is a good idea to drink one glass of water for every twenty minutes of exercise. If you know you are prone to sweating a lot, you should be sure to drink even more. Drinking water during exercise is extremely important. However, it is just as important to drink water before and after a workout as well. If you are planning on a tough workout session, you should drink 3-4 glasses of water in the 3 hours before you start sweating. If your muscles are not hydrated when you begin working out, they will be more prone to cramping and injury. Dehydration is also linked to muscle soreness, so be sure your muscles are nice and hydrated before you start. After your workout, you will want to rehydrate your body with even more water. The optimal time for this...
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...KS, INC. Pink Power Marketing Plan Devry University Marketing BUSN319ON Professor: Robert Everton Kimberly Stevens April 5, 2012 Author Note: This marketing plan was prepared for Marketing BUSN3190N, taught by Professor Robert Everton. Table of Contents Page 1. Executive Summary……………………………………………………………………. 3 2. Background 3 3. Strategic Focus and Plan 3 Mission Statement 3 Goals 3 Competitive Advantage 4 4. Situation Analysis 4 SWOT Analysis 4 Competitor Analysis 5 Company Analysis 6 Customer Analysis 6 Industry Analysis 6 5. Market-Product Focus 6 Marketing and Product Objectives 7 Target Markets 7 Points of Difference 7 Positioning 8 6. Marketing Program 8 Product Strategy 8 Price Strategy 8 Promotion Strategy 9 Place Strategy……………………………………………………………………….. 11 7. Financial Projection…………………………..….…………………………………….. 12 8. Organization………………………..….……………………………..…………………..12 9. Bibliography………………………..….…………………………………………………13 1. Executive Summary 2. Background KS Inc, is a sports science company that will sell and distribute Pink Power, a pre-workout supplement for women exclusively through the internet website KSInc.com, Vitamin Shoppe, and GNC, giving customers 24-hour access to purchase from the website daily. Pink Power will become a juggernaut pre-workout and...
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...Associate Level Material Physical Fitness Worksheet Being physically fit is an important aspect of obtaining optimal health. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness. In this worksheet, you identify the five components of health related fitness. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your physical fitness. Five Components of Health Related Fitness Table Complete the table below. The first row has been filled in for you as an example. |Components of Physical Fitness |Description |How to Incorporate in Your |Benefit(s) | | | |Life | | |Cardiorespiratory Fitness |Being able to exercise at a |Walk 2 miles at a brisk |Reduced the risk of heart | | |moderate to high intensity for a|pace every day. |disease, hypertension, and high | | |long period of time | |cholesterol. | |Muscular Strength |Being able to use maximum force |Create a workout Bench |Build muscular strength preform | | |through a wide range of motion |press, push...
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...Associate Level Material Physical Fitness Worksheet Being physically fit is an important aspect of obtaining optimal health. Becoming knowledgeable about what it means to be physically fit may greatly increase your ability to improve your health and wellness. In this worksheet, you identify the five components of health related fitness. Completing this assignment is a step towards gaining the knowledge needed to better manage your physical fitness. Five Components of Health Related Fitness Table Complete the table below. The first row has been filled in for you as an example. |Components of Physical Fitness |Description |How to Incorporate in Your |Benefit(s) | | | |Life | | |Cardiorespiratory Fitness |Being able to exercise at a |Walk 2 miles at a brisk |Reduced the risk of heart | | |moderate to high intensity for a|pace every day. |disease, hypertension, and high | | |long period of time | |cholesterol. | |Muscular Strength |The amount force one muscle or |Test my muscle strength to |This is a good way to develop | | |group of muscles can create |find out what...
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...RUNNING HEAD: Fitness 1 Fitness 2 Muscular strength and endurance are very essential parts to the body’s ability to move. Muscular strength is the amount of force a person can put out or the amount of weight they can lift. Muscular endurance is how many times you can move that weight without getting exhausted. Through muscle training it can increase muscle mass and the cross-sectional area which is also known as hypertrophy. Aerobic training is nonstop exercising such as running, swimming, as we as circuit training. These exercises are designed to improve the effectiveness of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to working muscles. Aerobic training involves the larger muscle groups to combine with the cardiorespiratory system to supply an innovative volume of oxygen to the working muscles to recover performance. Anaerobic training is high intensity and short amount of time of exercise. There are frequent rushes over short distances at high force and are designed to increase the two energy pathways as the major supply of energy and is aimed to rise acceptance to lactic acid. The tests that I used were the push up test and the YMCA half sit up test. For the push up test I gave myself enough room and I had my wife set a timer. I got down on the ground my hands apart as far as my shoulder width, and I had my toes on the ground. My back, hips, and arms were straight. I then went down and came back up and I repeated this. I then did the YMCA...
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...Assignment 1 - Semester Plan (60 points total) NAME: Ethan Deane Date: [pic] General Instructions 1. All fitness testing protocols and charts can be found in the “Fitness Testing” file in the “Assignments” folder on the Blackboard website. Read each protocol carefully before completing the fitness testing. 2. Be sure to respond to all questions with thorough, detailed answers. 3. Type all responses. 4. Staple all of the materials listed in the table in the specified order. [pic] Assignment 1 CHECKLIST [pic] | |Requirement |Pts | |1 |Personal Fitness Data Sheet |/2 | | |*Include scores and ratings for “beginning of semester” only | | |2 |Cardiorespiratory Fitness Lab |/7 | | |Perform one of the following tests: | | | |1. PACER | | | |2. 12-Minute Run ...
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...This act introduced consequences at a federal level to deter the growing issue of anabolic steroid usage. Common brand name examples of this steroid are Androsterone, Oxandrin, Dianabol, Winstrol, Deca-durabolin, and Equipoise. If a person is found in possession of steroids without a proper prescription they would be fined a minimum of $1000 and could expect to spend at least one year in prison. The CSA also addressed trafficking with a maximum five years in prison and a fine of $250,000 if this is the individual’s first felony drug offense. This law has had little effect on actual usage and sales of steroids. The black market for illegal steroids is an estimated $400 million per year (Maryland, 2013). Obtaining steroids is a relatively easy process for anyone with access to the internet. A number of online vendors sell anabolic steroids without a prescription (Ali Mohamadi, 2013). Anabolic steroids can also be obtained through illegal seizure from countries outside of the United States, thefts from legitimate companies, or produced in unauthorized laboratories. Some over the counter dietary supplements may contain this form of steroids without proper...
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... Aim low if you want to build those extraordinary six pack abs. They can be your most-envied body part, if you give those lower abdominal muscles the attention they deserve. Typically, when we develop a routine for working the midsection, we tend to use exercises that engage the total development of the abdominals. This approach is fine when all you are looking to do is build strength and mass. To develop and define the lower abdominals, we need to target those muscles that will help build your six pack. As you will discover, there are many different exercises for the lower abs. Sometimes, the more unusual routines can give you the best results. Kick Boxing is a great stress-reliever and a highly-effective workout that can target the lower abs. Every time you kick the heavy bag, the strands of lower abdominal muscle are triggered, which is what you need to strengthen and mold them into perfect shape. Additionally, Kick Boxing is an awesome cardio workout. In order to show all of your hard work, you will need to reduce your overall body fat. So, why not kill two birds with one stone? Find a boxing bag and try 100 repetitions with each leg. When performed correctly you will definitely feel it shredding your lower abs. After you have become more familiar working with a boxing bag, you should develop your round house kicks. You may need to get some initial coaching on this for proper form. Round house kicks are safer on the foot and far more effective for your lower abs. Another...
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...Coming To America Arnold Schwarzenegger an Austrian-American who has had a successful career in bodybuilding, acting, and a role as governor of the state of California. Arnold has many different professions other than the ones I have listed above. Arnold grew up in Austria and moved to america and became very successful. Arnold is still very successful today as the 38th governor of California and having a great acting career throughout the years. ARNOLD’S LIFE OF ADAPTING At the age of ten Arnold dreamed of moving to the U.S and he saw bodybuilding as a way for him to pursue his dream. Arnolds dream came true in September 1968 at the age of 21. Arnold knew very little english but he didn’t let that stop him from becoming successful. He trained at Gold’s Gym in Los Angeles under Joe Weider. “Weider loved Schwarzenegger's bravado, sense of humor, and the potential he saw in the young bodybuilder.”(Arnold Schwarzenegger Biography.com). Weider had the right idea because in all Arnold would win 5 Mr. Universe titles and 6 Mr. Olympia titles. This all happened just a little bit after he came to the U.S and help propel the sport on to the mainstream. Out of nowhere in the late 60’s or early 70’s the immigration law frim stated that Arnold was not a legal immigrant...
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...Is Bodybuilding a Sport? There are many sports that all everywhere in the world. People in now society, think that bodybuilding is not a sport. What is bodybuilding? Bodybuilding is a competitive sport that spans all age of group to that is from teen to master. The body is a person that can be a female and male. The build have to be perfect to proportions, symmetry, size and shape. The arms, chest, shoulders, back, legs and abs have to be build. The stereotypes and myths in most that is carry and in the Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding, it probably has more than any other. That why bodybuilding can be put in the sports group that media is putting out. Bodybuilding is a sport of participants that are statistically more athletic than most others sport. Where Trey Brewer can run a 4.62 40 yard dash and Hockey players, Football players, and Basketball players have to bench press different weigh to be pro but bodybuilder do not have to. The competitiveness comes from the physique of the body, instead of the performance though, it is look. Its extreme amounts of weight training, and very strict dieting as well as other sacrifices. People in the United States say that bodybuilding is not a sport. The question is what is sport? Sport is organized athletic activities that played with individually and in teams. Some sports can be played by females and male of all ages. Many people participate in sport as professional for personal enjoyment of the love of competition, or as...
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