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Submitted By marcusbenson83
Words 2530
Pages 11
Lab 7: Functions
This lab accompanies Chapter 6 of Starting Out with Programming Logic & Design.

Name: ___________________________

Lab 7.1 – Functions and Pseudocode

Critical Review

You have been coding with modules in pseudocode and functions when using Python.

You modules in pseudocode can be made into functions by returning a value.

A function is a special type of module that returns a value back to the part of the program that called it.

Most programming languages provide a library of prewritten functions that perform commonly needed tasks.

Library functions are built into the programming language and you can call them as needed. They are commonly performed tasks.

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Writing Your Own Function that Returns an Integer
Step 1: A function contains three parts: a header, a body, and a return statement. The first is a function header which specifies the data type of the value that is to be returned, the name of the function, and any parameter variables used by the function to accept arguments. The body is comprised of one or more statements that are executed when the function is called. In the following space, complete the following: (Reference: Writing Your Own Functions, page 225).

a. Write a function with the header named addTen.
b. The function will accept an Integer variable named number.
c. The function body will ask the user to enter a number and the add 10 to the number. The answer will be stored in the variable number.
d. The return statement will return the value of number.

Function a.Integer a.addTen (b.integer number) Display “Enter a number:” Input c.number
Set c.number = number + 10
Return d.15 Step 2: In the following space, write a function call to your function from Step 1.

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