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Bosque Tribe Essay

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A member of the Navaho Indian tribe impatiently waits in a long line to receive his monthly rations. Supplies have been low and conditions have been extremely poor ever since he and his tribe arrived on the Bosque Redondo, a special Indian reserve. He and his tribe are presented with no other option by the Americans but to move onto the Bosque in order to escape severe punishment. The Bosque, full of the white man’s diseases and control, outrages the Indian, because he and his tribe receive no freedom. Much like a Jewish man, who is forced to work at a Nazi concentration camp, possibly to death. This man is given just enough food and supplies to survive, and he may not make it through the harsh winter ahead with only ragged clothing and a thin …show more content…
The aim of American General Carleton is to move all Navaho Indians to a reserve, called the Bosque Redondo. The government promises the Indians that the Bosque is an exceptional place for them to live and that they will be provided with all the resources that they need to live comfortably. The Indians actually receive a low amount of these resources, barely enough to even survive. Because they are limited to this reservation, they are not able to hunt or provide for themselves, and many Indians die due to malnutrition, extreme dehydration, illness, and hypothermia. The Nazis also tell the Jews that concentration camps, such as Auschwitz, would be enjoyable experiences, and these camps are even compared to “vacations” on brochures given to the Jewish people. Following the example of the brochures, Jewish families would voluntarily go to the camps, not knowing what they are actually going to endure. Once the Jews arrive, the ones considered strong enough are forced to work and they are given just enough food and resources to survive. The others, such as the elderly and small children, are killed in gas chambers disguised as showers upon arrival. Both the Jews and the Indians are given false information in order to trick them into appeasing the Nazis and the

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