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The Revolutionary War: The First American Revolution

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The Revolutionary War was originally a rebellion against the unfair treatment coming from England. But it wasn’t long before the American patriots began to start fighting for something a little deeper. They sought independence. A chance to form a completely new society. However, this wouldn’t be easy. Many important events, people, battles, and stories came to pass during this time. From 1775 to 1783, various major events took place that would shape our country and ultimately grant the early Americans independence from Britain. 1775: a revolution has begun. The first major event was the Battle of Lexington. This was the first battle in the Revolutionary War; the first shot; the “shot heard round the world”. Next was the Battle of Concord on April 19, 1775. This battle was a build up from Lexington. The victory the Americans attained gave them hope and confidence. The next major event was the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 1775. This was a very important battle in the Revolutionary War. Though the British came out victorious, both sides had suffered and committed many mistakes. Soon after this war, the Second …show more content…
Von Steuben’s training of Washington’s army proved very useful in the Battle of Monmouth, NJ in June of 1778. They beat back the enraged British and skillfully employed use of their bayonets. General John Sullivan, useless against the British, was given a command against the Iroquois. He succeeded but sought recognition and rewards. This led to his resignation. 1779: fighting continues. In the North and South, fighting dragged on. Americans were able to destroy many Native Americans on the side of the British during this year. 1780: a significant defeat. The most important event of 1780 happens to be a devastating defeat. On May 12, the British captured Charleston along with its 5400-man garrison. This was basically the entire southern American Army. They also took four ships and a military arsenal. The British had a major

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