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What Was The American Revolution Dbq

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The American Revolution is a controversial war that caused a chain reaction of revolutions because it was the first revolution of its kind. The American Revolution is believed to be a war that caused a worldly transformation. In reality, the American Revolution was not truly revolutionary. The war did not have any true revolutionary results until years after the war ended. After the American Revolution, America remained as it was before the Revolutionary War in the aspects of social, economic and political issues. The American Revolution was said to have caused equality for the new Americans, but who was truly considered to be an American (Document B)? Being an American was not a birth right, being an American was based off of economic status. Only white men that owned a significant amount of land could vote. In fact, all women, slaves, and poor white men were left without a political voice. Before the …show more content…
Moreover, Britain was dealing with debt from the French and Indian War prior to the revolution. The British heavily taxed the colonist to pay the war debt (Document E). During all the period of heavy taxation from Britain, the colonist faced inflationary periods making the currency worthless (pg. 142). Even after the revolution, the citizens of this new American struggled to remain financially stable. They were unable to seek new land due to British hold on new lands (Document I). This tension with the British over land created a problem with job availability and population. The Americans also had a struggle with war debt before the American Revolution. Even after the revolution, the Americans faced more war debt. Americans owed the French large amount of money from the war, which is still owed to this day. Long after the revolution the Americans still struggled to discover a sense of financial stability. The colonist learned nothing during their time in economic

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