The French Revolution was a very important event in the history of the world. France was under a feudal-like system called “The Old Regime”, and it consisted of 3 estates. The 1st and 2nd estates were the richest while the 3rd estate consisted of the middle class and the poor. The 3rd estate is the one that started the French Revolution. The most important causes of the French Revolution were the lack of power for the third estate, the over taxation, and the ideas of the American Revolution.
One of the most important causes of the French Revolution was the lack of political power for the 3rd estate. Before the French Revolution, the 3rd estate had almost no political power. It can be speculated that the lack of political influence was the…show more content… The Americans revolted against Britain because of the over taxation without representation. France must’ve thought that if they revolted, they would get the same result. Document 5 portrays that “ the spark that changed thought into action was supplied by the Declaration of American Independence”. This means that the ideas of the French Revolution were put into action because of the Declaration of Independence. Document 8 describes that “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights”. The 3rd estate wanted a Declaration of Independence for themselves, so they created the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen”. These documents show that the French Revolution was heavily influenced by the American Revolution.
In conclusion, the most important causes of the French Revolution were over taxation, lack of political power for the third estate, and the ideas of the American Revolution. The French Revolution was a very inspiring event. It teaches that if a group works together to make a difference, they can make that difference. That is what the third estate did. The French Revolution teaches us that if there is a common problem with more than one person, to get a group together and solve