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Boston Marathon Bombing Report

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2013 was a year that changed how event security and fear of crowds for the world. On Monday, April 15, two men placed bombs on the finish line of the Boston Marathon and detonated them remotely as runners were crossing the line. This was an event with very little security, and any spectators could freely go up to the start and finish lines without any sort of bag check. The course was not checked for explosives, showing that this event shed a light on how easy it was for terrorists to attack at organized gatherings. The Boston Marathon bombing will remain a prime factor of paranoia about terrorist attacks.

Because of the attack, security at similar events was greatly increased. Society grew more scared that another attack would occur, and took measures to prevent further incidents. Two years later at the Boston Marathon, in 2015, organizers say “Spectators approaching viewing areas along the course may pass through security checkpoints and public safety officials may ask to inspect bags and other items being carried. In addition, the State Police Air Wing will conduct aerial surveillance of the race and spectators ( …show more content…
These additional security measures are meant to prevent further attacks, and root out as many terror methods as possible. Similar to 9/11, like on flights, containers, liquids, and potential bomb materials are banned from the area, as are any large objects that could be used for concealment. The Framingham Patch says “The safety and security plan begins at the local level”. While the marathon security is localized, this caused a widespread increase of security at such events. Many other athletics and entertainment venues are taking such precautions as well, trying to prevent similar

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