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Boston Tea Party Research Paper

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Things that you can know about the Boston Tea party Cool Causes
The Causes of the Boston Tea Party was the Tea Act. The Tea Act lead to the Boston Tea Party because the colonists did not like the tax on tea, so Samuel Adams and the Sons Of Liberty snuck onto 3 ships to end the disaster of taxes! The Colonists did not think that the Tea act was fair, so they had the Boston Tea Party.

The Boston Tea Party itself On a night of December 15, 1773, Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty boarded 3 ships unattended armed with a variety of axes, dressed up as Mohawk Indians. In a time of 3 hours, 340 tea crates that weighed as much as 92,000 lbs, were broken and thrown into the Boston Harbor. Roughly, all this destruction costed £9,659 in British currency. …show more content…
The Sons of LIberty dressed up as Mohawks because if they were caught they would face major consequences. They also dressed up to hide their identity, so that the british people on the boat don’t tie the Sons of Liberty up. Swiftships When it comes to the ships, they are always left out, so here they are:
The Beaver:
The Beaver, was the last ship to arrive because of smallpox that affected every crew member on board the ship. The Beaver was held at quarantine to get rid of the small pox. The quarantine was on the outside of harbor, that’s why the Beaver was the last ship to arrive.

The Dartmouth:
The Dartmouth arrived just before the Beaver. Dartmouth arrived on November, 28, 1773. Which was a month before the Beaver arrived.


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