...부서 내 의견 조율부재, 상호불신 등으로 각자 자기일만 하는 경우 ,예상과는 완전히 빗나간 결과가 발생되는 경우가 있는데 Leitax의 경우도 이와 같다고 판단된다. 1-2. How could the consensus forecasting process (CFP) resolve the problems? CFP를 통해 관련부서들의 의견을 조율하고, ▣무엇을 만들 것인지▣ 무엇을 원하는지 ▣ 재무적인 목표는 무엇인지를 도출해 내어 하나의 통일된 사업계획을 수립할 수 있다. 또한 판매량, 및 생산량 예측 방식 변경을 통해 예측 정확성이 향상될 수 있다. 즉 CFP는 단순 통계.이론적인 작업을 통한 예측이 아니라 조직 전체를 움직일 수 있는 Mechanism인 것이다. 1.CFP의 시작은 BAP(Business Assumption Package)의 구축으로 시작된다. BAP는 가격결정 및 시장추세, 경쟁사 동향 등의 정보가 담겨져 있는 문서로서 PPS(Product planning and strategy), DMS 그룹 등은 BAP를 토대로 수요예측 등 사업계획을 작성한다. 2. PPS, Sales, DMS 예측시스템 구 분 내 용 TOP-DOWN (PPS) 1. 제품수요변화, 경쟁상품의 영향등 수요예측을 TOP-DOWN방식으로 수행 BOTTOM-UP (Sales) 1. 현장,대리점등에서 수요예측 정보를 수집 2. 현장 유통망을 기초로 작성하며 수요예측은 sell-in에서 시작된다 DMS (Sell-Through) 1. 과거의 정확한 수치(실적치)에 따라 수요를 예측한다. (통계치 활용) 2. TOP-DOWN , BOTTOM-UP의 reference자료로 활용 3. 주제별 토의 구 분 내 용...
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...COMPILER DESIGN LECTURE NOTES UNIT -1 1.1 OVERVIEW OF LANGUAGE PROCESSING SYSTEM 1.2 Preprocessor A preprocessor produce input to compilers. They may perform the following functions. 1. Macro processing: A preprocessor may allow a user to define macros that are short hands for longer constructs. 2. File inclusion: A preprocessor may include header files into the program text. 3. Rational preprocessor: these preprocessors augment older languages with more modern flow-of-control and data structuring facilities. 4. Language Extensions: These preprocessor attempts to add capabilities to the language by certain amounts to build-in macro 1.3 COMPILER Compiler is a translator program that translates a program written in (HLL) the source program and translate it into an equivalent program in (MLL) the target program. As an important part of a compiler is error showing to the programmer. Source pgm Compiler Error msg target pgm Department of CSE -2- Executing a program written n HLL programming language is basically of two parts. the source program must first be compiled translated into a object program. Then the results object program is loaded into a memory executed. Source pgm Compiler obj pgm Obj pgm input Obj pgm opj pgm output 1.4 ASSEMBLER: programmers found it difficult to write or read programs in machine language. They begin to use a mnemonic (symbols) for each machine instruction, which they would subsequently translate into machine language. Such...
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...In the aviation industry, forecasts of air travel demand are important specially for the two biggest aircraft manufacturers (Boeing and Airbus) for a wide variety of economic decisions, including research and development, airplane design such as size and specification, and production planning. “Boeing’s air travel demand forecast is developed by constructing and matching top-down and bottom-up analyses. Bottom-up analysis involves forecasts of traffic between and within individual countries, based on economic predictions, growth momentum, historical trends, travel attractiveness, and projections of the relative openness of air services and domestic airline regulation. Additionally, government statistics on inbound and outbound visitors and tourism receipts are included to identify and cross- check trends. Countries are grouped into geographical regions that generate air traffic flows between and within the regions. In the top-down approach, global and regional markets are similarly projected on aggregated variables. The bottom-up and top-down projections are then reconciled, allowing for the effects of industry and airline business model developments. Further, positive or negative region-specific developments, including population dynamics, shifts toward or away from other modes of transport, and emergence of new air services, are factored in. The resulting regional traffic forecasts are used in developing the airplane demand forecast” (Boeing, 2012). “Airbus Global Market Forecast...
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...electronic. X is 62 years old, has a degree in pharmacy and started out as a product specialist at the former government owned pharmacy, Apoteket AB. There she gained experience as a project manager and she later became an executive. When Apotekens Service opened up in March 2009, she was an obvious choice for being one of the new executives there, since she had previous leadership experiences and since she was well respected and appreciated. Today, she is responsible for 24 employees and her main work tasks are to council and coach them. Key learning about leadership For X, leadership is about coaching people, rather than controlling them. She only wants to make it easy for her employees to complete their tasks, not give them a solution on all the problems they will encounter. She finds it important that all employees feel engaged, since they are the ones who will lead the work forward, and she wants them to have their own personal goals and continuously give suggestions on organizational improvements. According to X herself, the main characteristics that qualify her as a leader, are her communication skills, her personal integrity and her strong drive for coaching people. As a leader, she does not follow any theories or models on how to lead a group, but she values the importance of acknowledging people and...
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...CASE 9-1: NEW YORK TIMES 1. Describe NYTD’s evolution to date. What is strategy of NYTD? Are the organization and control consistent with the strategy? Evolution: New York Times first ventured into the Internet in 1995. Back then, the company was called the New York Times Electronic Media Company. In 1999, a new operating division, Times Company Digital, was created, which reported directly to corporate management. The new division included NYTimes.com, Boston.com, NYToday.com, GolfDigest.com, WineToday.com, and Abuzz. The new division had a decentralized structure and different organizational structures but still with similar roles as a common newspaper. The different websites were combined in the new organization to be able to learn from each other. A lot of effort was then put into creating a culture of team-work and openness, and the NYTD moved into a new building. This separated unit, first organizationally and then physically, led to tensions between the original Company and the new division. The new culture and employees hired from outside the Company created a very competitive internal environment. In 2001 the company owned several broadcast media properties, and the New York Times brand was believed to be the company’s most valuable asset, built through years of topnotch reporting and analysis, plus marketing and promotion. By September of 2001, NYTD had developed and was operating two websites: NYTimes.com and Boston.com. The websites included Internet access to the...
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...VW America Case: 1. What is your assessment of the new process for managing priorities at Volkswagen of America? Are the criticisms justified? Is it an improvement over the old process? Beginning with Pischetsrieder’s arrival in 2001, VWAG initiated an unprecedented product-diversification rebirth, globally as well as in the US. A consequence of this strategy required a comprehensive business realignment within VWoA called the “Next Round of Growth” (NRG). NRG clarified two high-level strategic business goals, “Build Brand Customer Loyalty” (number one) and “Improve Vehicle Value” (number two). Somewhere, during this course, I read “the primary function of IT is to support the business’s strategic goals and objectives.” With the newly defined goals within NRG, we see that Dr. Matulovic is doing just that. He is instituting a long overdue process of prioritizing IT projects which are aligned to the goals and objectives of the company. Today we say that this is a basic business fundamental but we need to keep in mind of the timeframe that this is occurring; the 1990s through the early 2000s. In this study we are seeing a company not only undertaking a major product line transition but a company in transition during the emergence of IT technologies. Through all of this and its history I see that VWoA is finally getting it right; aligning their IT priorities with their business goals. As with any new process, criticism and resistance will always be within an organization...
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...autonomy in decision-making. Under a general manager were two line managers responsible for production and marketing functions. Over the years, the Aluminum Can Division had built plants scattered throughout the country. Each plant is responsible to serve a geographical area, both for large and small-scale customers. The industry is very competitive, as each manufacturer employs the same technology and everyone was viewed by customers to have the same product quality as anyone in the industry. Thus, customers can readily shift from one supplier to another in cases that delivery schedulesand product qualities were not met. Vershire employs a long-term budgetary control system. Corporate sales budgets are prepared both in a top-down and bottom-up approach. These sales budgets are then translated to sales target per production plants and became the basis of target profits for each plant. Upon the end of the period, managers are then evaluated based on these target profits, even when budgeted sales are not met. Also, other performance measures are at place that is inconsistent and do not derived meaningful results. Although Vershire has been successful especially in the Aluminum Can division, the changing environment and industry conditions may result to necessary changes to company policies and procedures. Problem Statement How can Vershire maintain its profitability and current position in the industry? How can the company delegate...
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...problem in a convenient programming language is performed only after extensive effort in the problem-solving stage. The following sections provide an insight into some commonly adopted programming techniques. Bottom-up Design Early programming techniques developed in the 1950s centred on problem-solving by using bottom-up design of the solution in which the extreme details of the programming solution were investigated first, as opposed to beginning with a breakdown by broad objectives. Each program was written in isolation to solve a particular sub-problem. The difficulty arose when the various sub-programs had to work together to produce the desired programs. Program logic was guided by the limitations of primary memory, and programs were designed with the objective of executing them as fast as possible. However, as application programs grew in size, several programmers worked together to solve them. Project teams were set up, consisting of several programmers and a project leader. However, programmers often switch jobs and might leave a company before a project is fully developed, thus requiring another programmer to continue the unfinished work midstream. This required formulation of a definite summary of how a problem is to be solved. This was not provided by the bottom-up approach to programming. Another approach was required. Top-down Design In recent years, computer memory ceased to be the limitation factor for most of the application programs. This, along with increasing...
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...Top - down and bottom- up planning -Virutha COLLAPSE ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Top-down planning Top-down planning is referred to as strategy in which business decisions are established at senior level or top management and employees are expected to fall into place and follow the commands and instructions.Top-down project planning is focused on laying out specific expectations for the employees seeking guidance or advice and instructions. As employees are not included in any of the decision making process. They are mostly motivated through either fear or incentives. Positive implications * Employees Know Their Roles - Employees know their roles and follow specific methodology. In a business which requires exacting steps, top-down planning can provide a good fit to management and those employees who enjoy being directed and want to know their everyday task. * Levels the performance Field - A very minimal sense of competition among the rank- and –file. As management possess the highest power of decision making ,each employees will understand that they are in the same boat and coming up with new ideas will not necessarily get anyone ahead. There's no need to worry about being upstaged by a particularly ingenious colleague. * Easy to evaluate - Top down planning begins board, becomes more specific and easy to evaluate as move down to hierarchy * Faster Process - The top-down approach is less time-intensive, save lots of...
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...departments because each team has a specific function. Companies with a functional structure may find themselves spending time working with the employees to “drop the communicative walls”. Medtronic, a pharmaceutical company, for example, uses a functional structure combined with a top-down approach (Kimes, 2009). In a product structure, the company is divided based on the product that the division is producing. For example, a company that produces cars may have an engine division and a transmission division because it is product-based. While the product segmentation has similar drawbacks to the functional structure, there are significantly more restrictions. A company in a product type set up is not leveraging their employees in the fullest extent; think of this as a company with “walls” up, the employees do not leave their division or “walls”; therefore, they are not taking advantage of all the employees’ knowledge. 3M – another pharmaceutical company – is product based company (Kimes, 2009). This is an example of how companies that are in the same industry use very different organization approaches. A geographic structure is widely used in companies that are widespread such as Volkswagen or Merck Pharmaceuticals. A company like this would be divided based on the geographic location, as the name suggests (Writing, 2012). In my opinion, this structure is best...
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...Introducing Algorithms Dedric D. Owens PRG/211 – Algorithms and Logic for Computer Programming October 28, 2013 John Rogers Describe the Top-Down Approach to Algorithm Writing When developing a program, the top-down approach is more than not the preferred method. This is driven by what the program actually does; basically the function of the program. According to Penn State Lehigh Valley, “top-down design or stepwise refinement is an approach to designing an algorithm” and, there are four steps in this top-down design. These steps are as follows: You have to “understand the problem by thoroughly analyzing it.” Then, “formulate the algorithm by determining and writing the main tasks to be carried out as a sequence of general steps”. The third step is to “fill in more details by determining the sub-tasks, if any, for each main task. Lastly, “repeat step third step until you arrive at a precise algorithm expressed in terms of basic executable instructions.” How is pseudo-code used to assist in writing an algorithm? Pseudo-code is defined as an outline of a program written in a form that can easily be converted into real programming statements. It is sometimes confused with an algorithm when developing a program. In reviewing Prelude to Programming: Concepts and Design, Fifth Edition, (para. 2.1, pg 72 an algorithm is “a step by step method for solving a problem or doing a task.” Pseudo-code uses short and easy to understand phrases in plain...
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...Assignment 2014 Cost & Management Accounting Assignment # 1 Prepared by: ASAD AMIN Roll no: 11108124 Section: B Submitted to: Sir Hassan Jabbar Explain the relative merits of the top-down and bottom-up approaches to budget setting? Budgeting Budgeting is a formal process in which a company's expenses and revenues are planned for the future. Top down and bottom up are two most common budgeting techniques. In the top-down approach, upper management prepares budgets with no input from employees or lower-level managers. In the bottom-up budgeting approach, managers and employees at the department level prepare budgets for their individual departments. A final, organizational budget is prepared by consolidating all individual, department budgets. The relative merits of Top-Down Budgeting Financial Control * When upper management evaluates a company's overall financial needs and compares the needs to projected revenues for a year, it gets a clear picture of how much money it can reasonably allocate to different areas. Decisions are made about where finances will have the most positive impact and staffers are given directives on what they have to work with. This approach allows upper managers to maintain complete financial...
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...It is often the case that companies are faced with a dilemma about whether the change initiatives must be driven from the top or they should be organic from the bottom up. This is especially the case with organizations that are growing in size where the increase employee base or the skyrocketing sales and revenues mean that the top management’s scope of control is more and hence driving change from the top alone might not just work. And for those organizations that initiate change from the top, they might find themselves in a situation where the middle and bottom layers of the organizational hierarchy may not be responsive or energized in the way the top managements wants them to be. So, the existential questions as to whether there ought to a spontaneous involvement from all the levels, or whether the top management must induce the change, are very real and need to be answered for change initiatives to succeed. | The answer as to which option is preferable depends on a number of factors. First, any change initiative would succeed only if it is communicated appropriately and to all levels. Honest, transparency and feedback loops must be the elements of the change initiative. Next, the employees ought to have a voice in the way the change initiative is managed. For a change initiative to be successful the top management has to communicate and the employees have to respond. Like Bees gathering around honey and being driven by the Queen Bee, organizations have to ensure that while...
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...Assignment 9: Managing Labor Cost Cheryl Cunningham Professor Laura Sankovich Compensation and Benefits Management June 9, 2013 INTRODUCTION “There are two major approaches to coming up with budgets for any home, small business, or larger company: the traditional method of budgeting is known as bottom-up budgeting, though many businesses and corporations, along with the United States government, are moving towards more top-down budgeting, particularly during times of fiscal stress (Peterson, 2012).” BOTTOM UP The components of the Bottom Up approach are as follows: Instruct managers in compensation policies and techniques, distribute forecasting instructions and worksheets, provide consultations to managers, check data and compile reports. Analyze forecasts, review and revise forecasts and budgets with management, conduct feedback with management and monitor budgeted versus actual increases. TOP DOWN Top down approach the budget starts with an assessment from upper management of the pay increase budget for the whole organization. Once the total budget is determined, it is then distributed to each manager, who plans how to dispense it among assistants. Planned pay-level rise is another approach of top down which is the percentage increase in average pay for the unit that is planned to happen. There are several factors that come into play on how much increase the average pay level for the next period and they are as follows: how much the average level...
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...Corporate Strategies MGT/230 November 24, 2014 Corporate Strategies Strategies During our group discussion, it was agreed that all the CEO’s in the video valued their employees and treat them as a team. They all found a way to take advantage of their employees in a way that would result in positive effects for their companies. The strategy each CEO chose to take resulted in a respect among the higher level employees and the lower level of employees. The two corporate strategies the four CEO's talked about were Top Down and Flat. The CEO's talked about how each strategy had its own uses and how each may provide different results. While watching the videos, it was noticed by our group, that the four CEOs discussed the top-down corporate strategy more than any other. Our group also agreed that the Top Down strategy was the preferred approach among the employees. One of the CEO’s talked about how it allowed for a quicker way to find the talent amongst the employees and how people feel they can reach out with problems or information to their managers. This created a way for the department or company to find a better way to get things done. Other CEO's talked about how the Top Down approach was a way for managers and subordinates to work on a team level and all would hear the ideas expressed. This would help decisions be made that would cause better results for the company. In this type of work environment, employees are given a certain amount of...
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