...Industry Introduction: The newspaper industry has a long history in US. It is considered to start in Boston in 1690, when Benjamin Harris published Publick Occurrences both Forreign and Domestick. Its product, newspaper, is a periodical publication containing news of current events, informative articles, diverse features, editorials, and advertising. It usually is printed on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. The newspaper industry now has annual revenue of 33.8billon, of which 2.5 billon is profit. It’s annual revenue growth during 07-12 is -8.1%, and annual growth anticipated for the next five years is -4.2%. Recent revenue comes mainly from advertising, with 69.9%, and others from sales and subscriptions 25.1%, printing services 2% and miscellaneous 3%. Recent major market is readers aged 55 or over 39.9%, readers aged 35 to 54 35.6%, and readers aged 18 to 34, 24.5%. Three major players in the industry are Gannet, Co. Tribune, and The New York Times. The Newspaper Publishing industry faces escalating competition from other forms of media, particularly digital outlets. Consumers favor the real-time reporting capabilities of online news, including social networking platforms like Twitter. As a result, advertisers are spending less money on print and more on building their online presence, where they can create customizable campaigns and reach a wider audience. By 2007, there were 6,580 daily newspapers in the world selling 395 million copies a day...
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...SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 9 BUDGET PREPARATION Nature of Budget Budgets are an important tool for effective short-term planning and control in organization. An Operating Budget usually covers one year and states the revenue and expenses planned for that year. It has certain characteristics like: * A budget estimates the profit potential of the business unit. * It is stated in monetary terms, although the monetary amounts may be backed by the non-monetary items like units produce and sold. * It generally covers a period of one year except the seasonal businesses. * It is a management commitment that managers agree to accept responsibility for attaining the budgeted objectives. * The budget proposal is reviewed and approved by an authority higher than the person preparing the budgets. * Once approved the budgets can be changed only under specified conditions. * Periodically, actual financial performance is compared to budget, and variances are analyzed and explained. * The budget is different from strategic planning and forecasting. Uses of Budget Preparation of an operating budget has four principal purposes. 1. Fine Tuning the Strategic Plan: * The strategic plan of the last year can help the managers in preparation of the budgets. * And budget preparation also provides an opportunity to make decisions that will improve performance before a commitment is made. 2. Coordination: * Every responsibility center manager participates...
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...Q1. Describe NYTD’s evolution to date. What is the strategy of NYTD? Are the organization and control consistent with the strategy? Evolution: New York Times first ventured into the Internet in 1995. Back then, the company was called the New York Times Electronic Media Company. At first, the organization included four more employees. Later during the first year, Martin Niesenholtz was hired as a president and the project consisted of only one webpage; NYTimes.com. Mr. Niesenholtz reported to both the general manager and the editor of the newspaper. Later, Bernie Gwertzman was assigned to direct the editorial operations of NYTimes.com. At this time there was a need for an own newsroom for the digital version of the newspaper. In 1999, a new operating division, Times Company Digital, was created, which reported directly to corporate management. The new division included NYTimes.com, Boston.com, NYToday.com, GolfDigest.com, WineToday.com, and Abuzz. The new division had a very decentralized structure and different organizational structures but still with similar roles as a common newspaper. The different websites were combined in the new organization to be able to learn from eachother. However, in 2000, the organizational structure changed and “product” managers were nominated as well as functional heads. A lot of effort was then put into creating a culture of team-work and openness, and the NYTD moved into a new building. This separated unit, first organizationally and then physically...
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...1.Jelaskan evolusi NYTD sampai saat ini. Apa strategi NYTD? Apakah organisasi dan kontrol yang konsisten dengan strategi? Evolusi NYTD sampai saat ini: New York Times Digital (NYTD), merupakan suatu divisi dari Perusahaan New York Times yang mengoperasikan portal terbesar di daerah nggris dan pusat data untuk NY times!"om dan #oston!"om! Pada tahun $%%& perusahaan 'uga memiliki beberapa siaran media, dan merk The New York Times diyakini men'adi aset perusahaan yang paling berharga! Pada eptember $%%&, NYTD telah mengembangkan dan mengoperasikan dua situs: NYTimes!"om dan #oston!"om! itussitus tersebut termasuk akses nternet untuk melihat isi lengkap dari The New York Times dan surat kabar #oston *lobe! NYTD 'uga bertanggung 'awab untuk mengelola +rsip Digital Perusahaan bisnis Distribusi, yang menyediakan konten untuk layanan pen"arian berita penelitian, seperti Dow ones dan -e.is Ne.is!/ereka 'uga berusaha menemukan "ara baru dan kreati0 untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan multimedia internet, termasuk tayangan slide, audio dan konten video, dan bagian interakti0 khusus, seperti "ontoh pada alt -ake 1ity $%%$ 2limpiade /usim Dingin! +kses gratis ke NYTimes!"om membuat pengguna diharuskan untuk menda0tar! Dan dengan n0ormasi Penda0taran NYTimes!"om tersebut digunakan untuk memasang iklan!trategi NYTD : NYTD selalu mengembangkan organisasi dengan selalu melakukan perbaikan struktur organisasi! Penda0taran online gratis untuk mengakses NYTimes!"om, namun...
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...Evolución de NYTD 1995- La compañía New York Times reconoció el impacto que internet tendría en su negocio- comenzaron a transferir el contenido del periódico en internet 19/1/1996- www.nytimes.com fue lanzado-dando a los lectores en cualquier parte del mundo acceso a artículos de la prensa y fotos en la noche de su publicación. 1996-1999- aumentaron de manera constante su inversión en su operación en línea 1999- durante un año NYTD operaba con varias páginas de web: NYTimes.com, Boston.com, NYToday.com, GolfDigest.com, WineToday.com, y Abuzz- tenía una estructura muy descentralizada 2000- centralizaron sus operaciones para alcanzar mejor rentabilidad- GolfDigest.com fue vendido, NYToday.com y WineToday.com se insertaron dentro en el sitio electrónico de NYTimes.com 09/2001- NYTD parecía estar muy cerca de declarar su primer trimestre rentable 2 ¿Qué impacto tuvo NYTD en el resto da la compañía? Conflictos con el Core Business * Operaciones editoriales de NYTD y su impacto potencial en la marca The New York Times * Principio: Separar las operaciones editoriales de las comerciales * Ventas de Publicidad * Integrar las operaciones de ventas de la corporación fue difícil al principio * La integración de las ventas de anuncios clasificados fue más fácil – amenaza Monster.com * Ventas de Suscripciones * Se sentía mucho temor de que el contenido gratuito del periódico en internet tendría un impacto negativo en las ventas de suscripciones ...
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...hyperlinks, resizing photos, and changing captions. • Continually updating the website. • The staff at NYTimes.com was a couple of dozen, compared to the 1 200 newspaper journalists at the traditional paper. • Access to NYTimes.com was free • All revenues from NYTimes.com was generated by selling advertisments on the website The creation of New York Times Digital • The new business unit hired extensively from outside the corporation • NYTD reported to a high point in the corporation • They developed theire own internal organisation logic. • Allowed financial expectations to be revised as the environment changed and more was learned. • Focused on performance information most relevant in tis own environment • NYTD made a distinct effort to shape culture as the new hires arrived. • NYTD developed a bottom-up approach to budgeting • At last but not least they mover to a separate office space. Tension between NYTD and the newspaper arose and eventually NYTD was under intense pressure to achieve profitability. A lot of things were done as layoffs etc. but it eventually paid off in a period of stability and calm, growing and increasing profitability. You can make different arguments over understanding the roo causes of...
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...evolución de NYTD hasta la fecha. ¿Cuál es la estrategia de NYTD? ¿La organización y control coherentes con la estrategia? Evolution: New York Times, se aventuró por primera vez en Internet en 1995. En aquel entonces, la empresa se llamaba Times Electronic Media Company de Nueva York. Al principio, la organización incluye cuatro empleados más. Más tarde, durante el primer año, Martin Niesenholtz fue contratado como presidente y el proyecto consistía en una sola página web, NYTimes.com. Sr. Niesenholtz informó tanto al gerente general y editor del periódico. Más tarde, Bernie Gwertzman fue asignado para dirigir las operaciones editoriales de NYTimes.com. En ese momento había una necesidad de una redacción propia de la versión digital del periódico. En 1999, una nueva división operativa, Times Company Digital, fue creado, que dependía directamente de la gestión empresarial. La nueva división incluye NYTimes.com, Boston.com, NYToday.com, GolfDigest.com, WineToday.com y Animado. La nueva división tenía una estructura muy descentralizada y estructuras organizativas diferentes pero con funciones similares a los de un periódico común. Los diferentes sitios web se combinaron en la nueva organización sea capaz de aprender de sí. Sin embargo, en 2000, la estructura de la organización cambió y gerentes "producto" fueron nominados, así como los jefes funcionales. Un gran esfuerzo fue entonces puesto en la creación de una cultura de trabajo en equipo y la apertura y el NYTD se mudó a un...
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