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Boy Scouts Research Paper

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The snow continued to come down, showing no sign of letting up. It had been quite some time since Steven and Mark had last seen the path that had wound through the woods. The surrounding foliage became thicker, and there were no visible clearings.
Trudging through the already deep snow, the two young men had to start thinking about setting up a shelter that would last them until the next morning. After laying down their backpacks beside a thick, fallen tree, Mark began to clear away some of the snow, and Steven gathered some branches that would contribute to a sturdy structure.
Once Steven had lashed the branches together with a coil of rope from his backpack, he collected from fallen tree limbs with some leaves still clinging on. They filled …show more content…
The significance of teachings from Scouting are often underappreciated and forgotten in today’s very technologically based society.
In addition to attaining knowledge about wilderness survival or hiking, which Scouting is known for, Boy Scouts will be introduced to many life skills that will benefit them in whatever career they choose to pursue., the Boy Scouts of America’s official website, claims the organization gives boys opportunities to “develop academic skills, self-confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills.” Having a strong understanding of these concepts early on can “influence [the] adult lives” of the scouts that take the time and effort to learn them.
Aside from preparing boys for experiences they may encounter during their future careers, Scouting can assist in selecting a line of work that interests the scout. Jerald Wirzman, Scoutmaster of Boy Scout Troop 489, feels that taking merit badges “introduce[s] scouts to important skills or jobs that could spark a career for them.” With merit badges ranging in subject from environmental science to citizenship in the community, boys are given the freedom to take badges that they are interested in, in addition to several required

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