...Natura: Global Beauty Made in Brazil I. Situation Analysis The beauty market has experienced exponential growth rates and is an important sector in many countries—particularly Brazil – a country known for its cultural importance of self-image. Amidst a highly competitive beauty industry with a number of major global players, one local gem stands out from the crowd – Natura. Founded in 1969, the company is the industry leader in cosmetics, fragrances and personal care market in Brazil. Natura developed it products using environmentally sustainable practices and employed a direct sales business model, which has overtaken Avon, the giant U.S. company. Natura provides a wide range of products with solutions for consumers’ various needs including face care, body care, hair care, make-up, fragrances, oral hygiene and product lines for children. The company was tremendously successful in Brazil despite the tough economy. Natura began its international expansion in 1982 around the neighborhood countries, starting with Chile followed by Argentina, Peru and recently Mexico in 2003. However it was in 2005 that Natura took a major step in its internationalization by opening a shop in Paris, the world capital of beauty and cosmetics. The analysis below examines and evaluates a strategic decision for future international expansion for Natura – whether it is to stay within Latin America and Europe, enter the attractive US market or expand to fast-growing Russia? And as part of the growth strategy...
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...KEY TERM and WHY YOU ARE INTERESTED IN IT Global business is more than just selling goods and services across the world. At the very core of global business lies relationship. When an organization decides to sell or invest in a different country there has to be an understanding of the culture and personal relationships need to be formed for the company to be successful. There are three major cultural models that guide globalization and the specific model that stood out to me was polycentrism. I, personally, encounter these different cultures in my daily work as a translation specialist. The company I work for has dealerships all over the world and I am responsible for coordinating the formatting all of the translated manuals for the equipment we sell. I am regularly communicating with dealers from Brazil, Germany, Italy and many more countries. Due to this interaction with various individuals and cultures I wanted to explore more in depth how a polycentric organization functioned. EXPLANATION OF THE KEY TERM Polycentrism is one of three cultural basic managerial paradigms in international business. This type of culture is very open and accepting of different ways of life and believe that conducting business can vary based on the cultural environment of where each business branch is located (Satterlee, 39). A polycentric business model would hire and promote individuals that are natives of the host country that owns and operates the business. This type of model...
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...NATURA COSMETICS: From Brazil to United States INTRODUCTION TO THE COUNTRIES: BRAZIL AND UNITED STATES Brazil, one of the fastest growing emerging markets in the world is the “country of the moment” as many called. Low cost manufacturing, develop infrastructure, government incentives, and increase of income levels has set Brazil as hot stop for investor and a secure place for international expansions. Not only a hot stop for investor, but also a homeland of many entrepreneurs going out of the national barriers and growing internationally in a remarkable way. With rising of wages, a stability of inflation, Brazilian population is getting richer. In the last couple years, that was increase of the wealth population and a significant improvement of the middle and low class purchase power, resulting in growing of the country and putting new challenges for local business thinking of going to other countries. Not surprising, Brazilians are spending more in many different market segments, one of them cosmetics, fragrances, and personal hygiene. In 2010, with an impressive 12% growing of the cosmetic market, Brazil became the second largest consumer of cosmetics in the world just behind United States. According the ABIHPEC, Brazilian Association of cosmetics, fragrances, and personal hygiene, the market of these products has grown substantially over the past 15 years. Exports grew 17.8% in 2010, reaching $ 693 million, versus $ 588 million in 2009. Imports of these...
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...The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself (Ducker). Though a simple statement, as the world economy grow and consumers change this gets increasingly difficult. Globalization has caused marketers to research different countries, creeds, and cultures to make unique marketing strategies. Globalization isn’t the future of our economy, it’s the now. Advances in technology have made the world a much smaller place. With access to new markets many companies are venturing into uncharted territory in search for profit. Though its sounds great there are many precautions to take before a company finds a new market. There are barriers to entry: most common among many are tariffs, quotas, and sociocultural variances. Tariffs are taxes put on imports from other countries. The effect of a tariff is to raise the price of the imported product; it makes imported goods more expensive so that people are more likely to purchase domestic products. Quotas are limits on the amount of goods that can be imported. Putting a quota on a good creates a shortage, which causes the price of the good to rise and make the imported goods less attractive for buyers. This encourages people to buy domestic products, rather than foreign goods. Sociocultural differences in religious beliefs or practices, basic cultural assumptions and/or patterned behavior, language, idiom, body language and assumptions about social strata are all among potential...
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...2013 Leading indicators Crucial Conversations This year’s human capital trends should be viewed as leading indicators of emerging threats and strategic opportunities. Leaders who take the time to understand how these trends might affect their organizations can put themselves in a position to win. Those who make their decisions in isolation, without the benefit of engaged conversations with other leaders, may expose their organizations to out-sized risks. Human Capital Trends for 2013 builds on those of previous years, revealing business expectations for talent and performance that have risen to dizzying levels. Not only are organizations having to do more with less, they’re doing so in the face of dramatic shifts in technology, globalization, demographics, and regulation. Looking ahead, the pressure for performance will likely increase as business decisions become more complex and challenging. Even small decisions have the potential to cascade with unintended consequences throughout an organization. That’s why business executives should actively engage with one another around the trends captured in this report. Many leading organizations are already having these crucial conversations. They recognize that now is the time to get ahead of the trends by making more informed decisions. The seven Human Capital Trends for 2013 provide a solid checklist for getting started. Welcome to annual report examining significant trends in human capital.Human Capital Trends 2012 Leap...
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...allowed the First World to keep up with rising consumption rates while keeping labour costs low. To represent the shift to export production, and to serve firms seeking lower wages and Third World governments seeking capital investment, export processing zones (EPZs) were created. Most EPZs are located in developing countries, and these zones attract employers as a solution to domestic production while also taking advantage of reduced trade barriers set up by the host nation in an attempt to reduce poverty, unemployment, and stimulate their domestic economy. The creation of these EPZs supported the rise of neoliberal globalization and the free market system throughout the latter half of the 20th century, which stated that the private sector would determine state priorities. This paper will examine the rise of EPZs and their connection to neoliberal globalization, as well as their relationship to the debt crisis of the 1980s and the growth of structural adjustment programs. With the Cold War immediately following WWII, countries were divided into a class First, Second, and Third World countries, according to their status in the war. The Third World, also known as the Global South, represented all nations that were not aligned with either the core advanced capitalist countries (First World) or the countries in the Soviet-led bloc (Second World) (Smardon, 2011). These Third World countries were largely economically underdeveloped, and were...
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...Introduction Burger King is the world’s largest flame broiled fast food restaurant chain. As of 2011, Burger King operates restaurants in 12,300 locations serving over 11 million guests daily in 76 countries and territories worldwide (Burger King , 2011). Burger King’s core competency is its unique flame-broiled burgers. This process is difficult to imitate and helps differentiates Burger King from other fast food chains that fry their burgers instead. So much so in fact, no other fast food provider flame broils their burgers. In addition, Burger King allows and encourages consumers to customize the unique flame-broiled burgers with options to their liking. This creates a win-win situation for both Burger King and the consumer. Burger King has the benefit of offering a different product and the consumer benefits by having numerous burger options. Although Burger King has expanded its menu selections, they have remained true to their original flame-broiled burgers. This product gives them an advantage over other fast food chains. Facing intense competition and limited growth opportunities domestically, Burger King hopes strengthen their competitive stance through international expansion. By mid 2009, Burger King was not in any of the following countries: France, India, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa. Compare these countries as possible future locations for Burger King. In looking for new countries to enter, Burger King needs to identify countries that fit its ideal demographic...
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...PART 1 GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT CHAPTER ONE Globalization Learning Objectives After studying this chapter, you should be able to 1. Describe the process of globalization and how it affects markets and production. 2. Identify the two forces causing globalization to increase. 3. Summarize the evidence for each main argument in the globalization debate. 4. Identify the types of companies that participate in international business. 5. Describe the global business environment and identify its four main elements. A LOOK AT THIS CHAPTER This chapter defines the scope of international business and introduces us to some of its most important topics. We begin by presenting globalization—describing its influence on markets and production and the forces behind its growth. Each main argument in the debate over globalization is also analyzed in detail. We then identify the key players in international business today. This chapter closes with a model that depicts international business as occurring within an integrated global business environment. A LOOK AHEAD Part 2, encompassing Chapters 2, 3, and 4, introduces us to different national business environments. Chapter 2 describes important cultural differences among nations. Chapter 3 examines different political and legal systems. And Chapter 4 presents the world’s various economic systems and issues surrounding economic development. 24 Emirates’ Global Impact DUBAI, United Arab Emirates—The...
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...Walmart’s Global Challenge, November 2014 Executive Summary Walmart Stores, Inc. is the world's largest retailer whose mission is “to help people around the world save money and live better -- anytime and anywhere -- in retail stores, online and through their mobile devices” (Corporate Walmart2, 2014, p.1). Samuel Walton founded Walmart in 1962 as a small chain of stores in rural towns and today Walmart is a multi-national retail corporation with “11,100 stores under 71 banners in 27 countries and e-commerce websites in 11 countries” (Corporate Walmart2, 2014, p.3). Walmart Stores topped Fortune Magazine’s “Fortune 500” list for 2014. “For fiscal year 2014, Walmart’s net sales totaled $473.1 billion, up 1.6% from the year-earlier period” (Fortune, 2014, p.1). Walmart is a publically traded company, with the second and third generation Walton family owning 51% of Walmart’s shares via a family holding company called Walton Enterprises LLC (Yahoo Finance, 2014, p.1). Walmart has enjoyed unprecedented growth in the span of 52 years, even in the face of negative publicity and threats from competitors like Family Dollar and Amazon. Walmart’s CEO, Doug McMillon, has laid out strategies to reduce their reliance on physical stores as they move towards expanding the e-commerce aspect of their company and on improving their overseas expansion plans. His four-part growth strategy provides the framework to enable a “company prepared to win on four key customer dimensions – price...
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...India and the United States India and the United States SOC 325 DR. Elaine, Bontempi November 15, 2008 India and the United States Abstract India will become the most populous nation by 2030. Thanks to the fast growing software and IT revolution, India is changing its role around the world as formable economic competitor. Despite these achievements, it should be noted that employment growth in the Indian services sector has been quite modest, underscoring the importance of achieving rapid industrial and agricultural growth. Poverty and the threat of HIV/AIDS are threatening India at a very alarming rate. In contrast, the United States houses about 4.6 percent of the world’s population, which was estimated to be nearly 6...
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...R e se a rc h a n d Stat i s t i c s B r a n c h working paper 16/2009 Impact of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis over the Automotive Industry in Developing Countries UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION RESEARCH AND STATISTICS BRANCH WORKING PAPER 16/2009 Impact of the Global Economic and Financial Crisis over the Automotive Industry in Developing Countries Peter Wad Copenhagen Business School UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna, 2010 This paper was prepared by Peter Wad, UNIDO consultant and backstopped by Nobuya Haraguchi, UNIDO staff member, Research and Statistics Branch, Programme Coordination and Field Operations Division. Iguaraya Saavedra provided administrative support. The designations employed, descriptions and classifications of countries, and the presentation of the material in this report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Secretariat of the UNIDO. The responsibility for opinions expressed rests solely with the authors, and publication does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. Although great care has...
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...GLOBALIZATION BACKLASH AND THE RISE OF ANTI-HEGEMONIC PARTY STATES Diego Olstein Hebrew University of Jerusalem Contents Introduction: Globalization and Anti-Hegemonic Party State………………………………..5 Part I: Principle Chapter 1: Defining Anti-Hegemonic Party State………………………………………………….18 Chapter 2: Anti-Hegemonic Party State and Domestic Features of Political Regimes…………………………………………………………………………………………… 44 Chapter 3: Anti-Hegemonic Party State and Exogenous Perspective on Political Regimes……………………………………………………………………………………………75 Part II: History Chapter 4: The Global Rise of Anti-Hegemonic Party States and Globalization Backlash 1917-1945...…………………………………………………………….91 Chapter 5: The Big Leap of Anti-Hegemonic Party States: The Second Wave 1946-1975…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………111 Chapter 6: Globalization Anew and the Marginalization of Anti-Hegemonic Party States 1976-2010………………………………………………………142 Conclusions Introduction: Globalization and Anti-Hegemonic Party State In 1997 the European Commission defined Globalization “as the process by which markets and production in different countries are becoming increasingly interdependent due to the dynamics of trade in goods and services and flows of capital and technology. It is not a new phenomenon but the continuation...
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...ANTHROPOLOGY 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Queens College / CUNY, Spring 2015 TuTh 12:15-1:30PM, Kiely 150 Professor: Ramona Lee Pérez, PhD Email: ramona.perez@qc.cuny.edu Office hours: Th 2-3 PM, PH 315H COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is an introduction to the range of human diversity through an exploration of the peoples of the world. We will cover the basic concepts, theories, and methods that anthropologists use to study variations in cultural norms and social practices, economic systems and rules of law, social organization and patterns of inequality, identity and worldview, and patterns of social and cultural change. Focusing on the culture concept and the method of ethnography, we begin with the historical foundations of anthropology and then follow its attempts to understand contemporary human cultures. Comparative analysis of multiple ethnographic case studies and major theoretical approaches illuminates the range of human diversity, the forces that shape cultures, and how people adapt to a rapidly changing modern world. The central objectives of this course are to develop your intellectual skills, your cross-cultural fluency, and your sense of civic and moral engagement in global society. I hope that this course inspires many of you to become anthropology majors or minors, and grants each of you an anthropological perspective on your own life. REQUIREMENTS This is an intensive course that requires full participation from every student...
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...Workforce Diversity Workforce diversity is something that has become normal in most societies, regardless of peoples individual beliefs. With an increase in globalization, people are having no other choice then to accept different races, religions, ethnicities and sexual orientations. No more is our country made up of only Caucasians and African Americans. Diversity is all around us and tolerance is what needs to be learnt by individuals, groups, and companies. The problem is that we all know that workforce diversity is something we can’t avoid, but many of us still try to. When someone doesn’t speak our dialect or eats different food in the lunchroom it can create uncertainty among people who are uncomfortable with “new.” It is people’s natural reactions and human instincts that make accepting new people who are different scary and unnerving. McDonalds, Dell and Boeing are three companies that have managed multicultural organizations well and continue to show other companies what a benefit it can be. Workforce diversity is a term that arose in the 1970’s and hasn’t stopped rearing its head to society. McDonalds was one of the first companies in the seventies that had a department devoted to affirmative action. Pat Harris is currently McDonald’s chief diversity officer overseeing an evolving diversity initiative. She existed with the company during the early stages of workforce diversity. Harris claims that she doesn’t use the word program to describe the company’s objective...
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...has been hailed for its global standard efficiency and business innovations. It was one of the first corporations that integrated use of computers in its operations in all its branches. The mission statement reflects on the founder’s business model of passing savings to his clientele and amassing profits through volume sales. This principle has made consumers feel more welcome and their needs taken care of over the years. The cost-cutting initiatives embraced by the company operations have been as a result of this old age philosophy Walmart has spread its wings world over opening up over 8,500 branches operating under 55 different brands. The company has wholly owned corporations in North America (Canada) and South America (Argentina and Brazil). In Mexico, Walmart operates under the brand Walmex, in the UK as Asda, Seiyu in Japan and in India it is known as Best Price. The Walmart discount stores mainly deal with a selection of groceries and general merchandise. Many of these...
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