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Bread for the World


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Bread for the World
Group Members: Maddie Straup, Joyce Choe, Jinny Rim, Ritu Sharma, Sonya Dickson, Shraddha Thappa, and Jasmine Chemplanikal
Group Leader: Maddie Straup
Date: 2/26/12

I: Intro:
What is Humanitarian? Humanitarian literally means having concern for or helping to improve the welfare and happiness of people. That is the basest motive for many organizations in today’s society. In many organizations such as Red Cross, Invisible Children, UNICEF, PETA, and save the children their primary mission is to achieve well-being and content for the people they are assisting. There are many types of organizations around the world attempting to make the world a better place and like these organizations mentioned, Bread for the World aspires to be the very definition of a humanitarian administration which is the very reason why it was chosen.
Hunger is a worldwide epidemic. Through several US organizations and assistance from the government there are still locations in Africa and Asia, and even in the US, that struggle with starvation. Starvation is a universal issue that will never fully be eliminated. However, citizens can take part in its process of termination. There can never be enough organizations alleviating hunger. However, there are very beneficial organizations out there that have not had their fair share of exposure. That’s why Bread for the World was chosen. Even though it not a famous group, like American Red Cross, its purpose and goals are worth fighting for.
Because Bread for the World is such an unfamiliar organization, there was little known about the group before research and investigation. The only prior information known about this group is that it assisted in eliminating hunger for children around the world, especially underdeveloped locations. However, the vision in helping the growth of the organization is vast and unlimited.
The main focus for aiding this group revolves around advertising and exposing them to the public eye. In order to do this, this group can begin involving more people through the use of posters around Coppell High School and Coppell community. By collecting money during school lunches, putting a jar in the school store, and having members of this group go door-to-door asking for donations, this organization can increase the profit needed to fund charitable events. Since the organization is called Bread for the World, another way to raise money is to bring a variety of diverse bread from different cultures in order to sell them for a profit.
II: The Cause:
In hopes of eliminating poverty and hunger in underdeveloped countries, The Bread for the World strives to come together as one unit. More than one in four American children are at risk of hunger and more than one in five children live in households that struggle to put food on the table. (Bread WWW) Because of these horrifying facts, This Corporation wants to create laws in our government to help those that are in need, days and even seconds away from dying. Advertising, a primary key in beginning action against hunger, will enable the help of many citizens and the spreading of the message of the organization so people present in the community understand how much this nation and many others are struggling and how people can help. After focusing on the internal solution of hunger in the United States, this corporation's goal is to next venture out into other underdeveloped countries in hopes of ending poverty and hunger. This organization consists of many Christians, who try to spread the word of God and life like Christ. They believe that in God’s grace, that the more fortunate need to help those that cannot put food on the table for their little ones or even for themselves.
III: The Background:
The organization's current mission is to end hunger in residential areas and other countries through the financial backing of the nation’s leaders. Bread for the World is a Christian based organization that believes they should help those in hunger no matter their location in the world. To end hunger they believe that everyone should contribute their support, including the government, to defeat the poverty stricken nations and famished stomachs. They mainly target Congress by writing letters from the support of organizations, churches, and campuses. Bread for the World cooperates with two opposing political parties in order to spread the word of the organizations goals to the majority of the US congressional districts. The organization provides directions to make Awareness Ribbons to sell to the public in order to spread the word of the organization. The bean jar guessing game raises awareness for the amount of help needed to relieve the hungry through government programs. Honking for hope can also provide contributions towards the organization by having a group of people create signs to persuade drivers to honk. A sponsor will donate a set amount for each honk and by the end all the profits made will go to Bread for the World. One of their main fundraisers is a link on their website where someone can donate money to the organization. A supporter can also bequeath money to the organization in his or her will or gives in someone’s name. Also, they try to get churches and community groups involved in order to raise funds. By involving the community and churches, donating and making the needs of the hungry known, Bread for the World hopes to inspire people to join them in the crusade to end hunger.
IV: Means:
Bread for the World is an organization whose main goal is to provide for those in need. The following tables help explain the source of funds for Bread for the World and what 100% of these funds go towards.

Uses of Funds as a % of Total Expenses Programs: 93% Fundraising: 5% Administrative: 2% |

Total Income | $8,801,347 | Program expenses | $8,681,038 | Fund raising expenses | 421,489 | Administrative expenses | 158,440 | Total expenses | $9,260,967 | Expenses in Excess of Income | (459,620) | Beginning net assets | 7,550,931 | Ending net assets | 7,091,311 | Total liabilities | 2,608,769 | Total assets | $9,700,080 |

Source of Funds | | Foundation grants | 5,535,797 | Contributions and memberships | 2,869,304 | Endowments, bequests and gift annuities | 322,036 | Conferences and events | 52,222 | Investment income | 20,584 | Other income | 1,404 | Total Income | $8,801,347 |

Bread for the World receives a huge amount of its funds from foundation grants, or government and non-government organizations that give financial assistance for the development of the target of a charity’s cause. Other donations come in the form of donations from the public. For example, donations of automobiles are accepted. This is a free, convenient service that helps people get rid of any unwanted vehicles and also help those in need. Another way people can support the organization’s cause is by participating in the Combined Federal Campaign where tax-deductible gifts are donated; this supports the Institute’s vital work of research and education. Yet another way to help out is by simply donating. For every dollar donated, Bread for the World helps receive more than $100 in assistance for the hungry. Fund raising costs for the organization use up to 5% of the related contributions in regards to special events, print advertisement, grant proposals, Internet appeals, planned giving, membership appeals, and mailings. $499,099 is the total amount for joint costs for informational materials and activities, $204,964 of which were program expenses.
Out of all the funds and donations, Bread for the World receives 2%, or $158,440 of the profit goes towards administrative expenses. The rest of the $8,681,038 remaining after administrative and fundraising expenses goes directly towards program expenses.
Bread for the World is one of the few non-profit charity organizations that actually does a lot to support and fund their cause. Their success comes from the support of volunteerism and the public.
V: Advertising:
Information about The Bread for the World organization can be found on their website, which has basic information about the organization which also contains how to become a member, how to support them, and what their purpose is. For daily information, one can simply follow the Bread for the World twitter account where there are daily posts for support for hunger in Africa. They also have pictures of volunteers and people that have supported their organization which have been previously posted in facebook and uploaded to flickr. In order for more people to know about this organization, there is a page for Bread for the World in the facebook, which people can like, and share with their friends. The organization also posts a video explanation of any events on youtube whenever there is an event, which allows everyone to stay, connected and informed. They also publish a Bread newsletter, an article, eight times per year and also Legacy of Hope, a newsletter, three times per year.
Every month, the organization leaders all over the states meet and have a conference call to reunite their purpose and set up an event to gain supports from congress. This organization encourages not only volunteering inside their organization, but also through an individual’s churches. Simply becoming a member of the group and bringing friends to help is another great way to spread the word of Bread for the World. More than as an individual group, this organization encourages other organizations to stop Hunger in Africa. Currently, Bread’s 2012 Offering of Letters campaign is going on in which personal letters and emails are being written to Congress. By sending a powerful message to them, they can assist in strengthening the fight to end world hunger.
VI: Holes:
Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice that was created in 1972 because a group of Protestants and Catholics decided to address the causes of hunger under the leadership of Arthur Simon. Trying to appeal to all audiences, Bread for the World least targets other religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and many more since they originally are a Christian based organization.
To gain more support and help, Bread for the World also contacts the Congress for their input. Not only does the Congress allow the organization to be more visible throughout the society, they provide different funds so Bread for the World could be a successful, running organization.
Since their main efforts are to feed the hungry with donations they have been given, Bread for the World does their best to achieve as much as possible. However, they are multiple factors that lead them to be different because unlike most organizations, Bread for the World does not create actual events where they can receive a lot of money. Because of this predicament, it limits them from being well known out in the public and having a lot of money to provide certain items. Even though this is not their strongest plan, it’s very stable and does give a sense of security.
VII: Conclusion:
Bread for the World makes sure that hunger is something no one should ever have to deal with. Although there are plenty of organizations such as, Bread for the World, its still a rising issue all over the world. This is due to lack of exposure of such organizations to the public. Since the organization is mostly targeted towards Christian communities, the main goal is to promote it to the general public not just Christian communities.
In the process of discovering more about the organization some holes were found regarding their efforts to promote themselves. Most of what they do, to promote their organization, is limited to conferences within the organization, and focusing more inside the organization itself rather than branching out to other resources. By creating and distributing fliers, organizing fundraisers, bake sales, and donations stations at local stores in the community can help them gain the opportunity to make themselves known to a broader group of people. The organization is also known to target congress by often writing letters through campuses, and churches. Small acts such as these promote Bread for the world, thereby helping the fight against hunger.

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