...Management CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Lecturer: Richard Underwood Individual essay Bribery, giving and taking, is an unfortunate consequence of engaging in international trade but is necessary to pursue an organization’s objective of maximizing return on investment. Student name: Vu Thi Hoang Yen Student ID: 15994331 Bribery in international trade has become increasingly popular all over the world. When engaging in international trade, many businesses have to concern about whether bribery is an effective way to reach their target of profits maximization. This essay will discuss about the impact of bribery on organizations’ profits in international trade. The first part will explain the definition of bribery in international trade and provide some fact and figures about the popularity of bribery in business today. The second part will investigate how bribery helps organizations to maximize return on investment. The final part will look at negative influences of bribery on the performance of the business According to The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (2009), bribery is a specific form of corruption that can be defined as the voluntary giving of something of value to influence performance of official duty either by doing something improper or failing to do something they should do within the authority of their position. In the international business, bribery is regarded as action that one business firm from one country offer monetary or...
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...The Effects of Corruption and Economic Growth Cassandra Rogers Economics 523 Dr. David Dieterle Table of Contents Abstract……………………………………………………………………………………………3 Effects of Corruption on Economic Growth………………………………………………………4 Definition of Corruption..................................................................................................................4 Economic Rent…………………………………………………………………………….4 Bribery…………………………………………………………………………………….5 Trade Restrictions…………………………………………………………………………5 Is Corruption Good or Bad for an Economy………………………………………………………6 Low Levels of Corruption…………………………………………………………………6 Vietnam’s Economic Growth……………………………………………………..7 High Levels of Corruption………………………………………………………………...8 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………...8 References………………………………………………………………………………………..10 Abstract Corruption alone is not what fails an economy in growth. There are other factors to consider, such as, a weak and unstable government institution. Corruption can actually bypass these irregularities and possibly create growth in an economy. Studies show that there is no actual link between corruption and economic growth in “free” countries. In fact, low levels of corruption in free countries can be beneficial in economic growth. However, high levels of corruption can damage economic growth no matter the type of government institution or not. Effects of Corruption on Economic Growth If you ask citizens today, a great majority would probably...
Words: 1929 - Pages: 8
...The Hong Kong Polytechnic University MGT682 Independent Studies Corruption in China: Effects on Economic Development and Remedial Policies Thomas Wu 02715615G August 6, 2003 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University MGT 682 Independent Studies Corruption and Bribery in China Thomas Wu 02715615G August 6, 2003 Table of Content RESEARCH PROPOSAL TOPIC.........................................................................................................3 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................3 OBJECTIVES AND HYPOT HESIS.......................................................................................................4 NATURE OF RESEARCH.....................................................................................................................5 RIVAL THEORIES.................................................................................................................................5 “GREASE-THE-WHEELS” THEORY .........................................................................................................5 MULTIPLE EQUILIBRIUMS ......................................................................................................................7 LOGIC MODEL......................................................................................................................................8 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY..............................
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...2015 International Business and Bribery Have you ever bribed someone to let you do something that you weren’t allowed to do? As much as I hate to admit to it, I have done it my fair share of times. Bribery can be a good or bad thing depending on the situation and how the bribe is used. No matter what I believe that bribery can usually lead to bad consequences. Though it can happen for just small things such as slipping someone a 20 dollar bill to get you into a club, it can also happen in big corporations that are involved in international business. If they are discovered by the government these big companies will pretty much lose everything. For example, “In February of 1975, Eli M. Black, the CEO of United Brands Company, jumped from the 44th floor of his New York City office Building. Black’s jump followed a $1.25 million bribe to Honduran Chief of State General Oswaldo Lopez Arellano to obtain reduced shipment taxes on the exportation of bananas”( Smith 1). This example cost the life of one person as well as high level job positions for 2 people and it hurt the company in a very negative way. This is just one example of a company that has been hurt really badly because of bribery. I will state a couple of more later on in the paper. One way most people don’t know is that bribery happens in the government most often with lobbyists. The whole system is corrupt and its one of those things that is very hard to fix overnight. You also have to remember that some bribery can also...
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...Introduction: Corruption means committing crime and mischief to the country. It causes great harm to the countrymen. None escape from the harm of corruption. It is a social malady. It spreads its greedy clutches all over the country; each and every government sector of the country is affected by corruption. Government officials, clerks, secretaries and even ordinary peons, security officers and others are engaged in corruption. They take bribe from common people for giving any service. Our country, Bangladesh, has topped the list of corrupt countries five times. There is none to raise voice against the galloping corruption! Even the organizations that collects data about corruption – are themselves corrupted in a very secret way! However there are many reasons behind this corruption. The greed for power, pelf, wealth and money is the root cause of corruption. Avarice, dishonesty, nepotism and favoritism are also responsible for corruption. Corruption Statement of Problem: This paper analysis’s the corruption in Bangladesh. I will discuss the current situation of corruption and its effect. We know that corruption is the main obstruction for development in Bangladesh. This topic is very much related to our social life for that reasons I will try to fulfill the purpose of this research. Objectives of Research: It is very important to identify the objectives of any research .I will describe all the objectives of this research on corruption in Bangladesh. The objectives...
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...Critical Analysis: Bribery and its Effect on Business Practices BMAL 560-D06 Dr. Henry Critical Analysis Critical Analysis Topic: Bribery and it’s Effect on Business Practices PRINCIPLE: * Bribery refers to “the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty” (Bribery, 2015). * Economist say that bribery negatively impacts economic growth because it encourages rent seeking behavior (Bribery, 2015). * Rent seeking behavior refers to an “individual’s or corporation’s attempt to illicitly influence the open market in order to provide that individual or corporation with a disproportionate amount of wealth” (Bribery, 2015). * The United Nations reported that corruption costs governments about $1.6 trillion dollars every year. * Economists estimated, based on a poll done in 86 countries, that 1 in every 4 businesspersons worldwide, paid a bribe in the past year (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). * Legislation has been established in an attempt to combat bribery. * The US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is considered to have the widest jurisdictional reach, being aggressively enforced, both nationally and worldwide (Ernst & Young, 2013). PRACTICE: * Bribery is found in almost all sectors of the global market (Lawrence & Weber, 2014). * An analysis of Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index by...
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...Executive Summary Corruption has long been a part of world economy, and still is today. It can come in the form of bribery, embezzlement, fraud, blackmail, or extortion and can be small-scale involving a sector of a company, or large-scale seeding through government or an entire market. More recently has been the rise of globalization and anti-corruption legislation and organizations, all of which pose a real threat to the existence of corruption and unethical corporate behaviour in international business. Risks of displaying unethical corporate behaviour such as bribery and corruption includes repercussions in the form of anti-corruption indictments or public relations disasters and reputation damage resulting from negative publicity surrounding poor moral actions. Some economists argue that bribery and small-scale corruption is essential to doing business in some host nations and market, and others argue that in the long term, participating in unethical behaviour has negative impacts on both the local economy and the parties involved. Multinational corporations constantly involved in international business dealings can do three things to stop corruption: (1) - have ethical standards or company-wide moral codes in place to avoid having employees involved in unethical corporate behaviour, therefore making anti-corruption legislation easier to regulate, (2) – they need to use their resources and effects on local markets as leverage to discourage corruption in any economy,...
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...Corruption: The Most Pressing Problem in Exporting and Importing 2013-2017 1 Corruption: An Overview Corruption exists all over the world, regardless of how social conservative, religious, or developed a nation may be. While some countries have taken an active approach to outlaw the practice, others have embraced the habit as a method in which to conduct business. Because of this disparity there are varying degrees of how prevalent corruption is by country. Transparency International, a global coalition against corruption, defines corruption as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain” (Transparency International, 2012). As such, corruption is not limited to just one form or one sector of society and is a complex social issue that does not lend itself to an easy solution. Due to the nature of corruption it is difficult to quantify just how much money is lost to the practice each year. It is not until an organization is discovered engaging in corruption that a value can be placed on it. However, those are isolated incidents and the amount of money involved varies from one case to the next. A report in Global Financial Integrity stated that “illicit outflows increased from $1.06 trillion in 2006 to approximately $1.26 trillion in 2008” (Kar & Curcio, 2011). Illicit outflows consist of corruption, tax evasion, theft and embezzlement. Due to “abuse of entrusted power” corruption is difficult to measure and contain because of the human...
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...Research Methodology • Title A study of the effect of bribery and corruption with lack of censorship in the governmental institution There are various reasons why corruption takes place and takes hold. Sometimes it is due to the fact that officials are simply not paid very much and so they need to supplement their salaries with money from bribes. Sometimes the bureaucratic system is set up in such a way that officials simply refuse to carry out their duties unless they are ‘encouraged’ by being offered bribes. In other cases it is actually part of the tradition and culture of a country to give and receive ‘gifts’ in order to get anything done. In some cases companies from less corrupt countries allegedly engage in bribery in order to do business in countries where corruption is the norm, otherwise they would not be able to operate successfully in those countries. It can be argued that if such companies did not bribe officials in the necessary countries then the economies of those countries would suffer because fewer companies would invest in them, thus making them poorer. On a smaller scale corruption is often just a result of people’s natural desire to ‘beat the system’. Mostly, corruption occurs in environments where it is tolerated and where the temptation is too strong to resist. In the following paragraph there are some examples of how bribes take place in each and every one of them. • Problem Statement Main Problem: A person gives some money to officials...
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...Westminster International University in Tashkent International Aspects of Business Law 2012 - 2013 Legal Risks in Emerging Markets – Evaluation and Mitigation Legal Risks in Emerging Markets – Evaluation and Mitigation Student’s ID number | 000090 | Module name | International Aspects of Business Law | Module code | 6241170 | Tutor | Eldor Mannopov | Individual assignment | x | Group assignment | | Submission deadline | 13 March, 2013 | For Academic Registrar use only | TABLE OF CONTENTS: INTRODUCTION 3 DEFINING LEGAL RISK LEGAL RISKS IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE LEGAL RISKS COUNTRY PROFILES 4 - MALAYSIA - THAILAND 5 - VIETNAM 7 - CAMBODIA 8 CONCLUSION 9 REFERENCES 10 ITRODUCTION: Cowan PLC specializes in producing copper tubing. Following globalization and internationalization tendencies the company is currently considering an option of exporting...
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...disadvantages of corruption and globalization. Lot of politicians and economists argues about which economic system is good and better for a country. In this portfolio, communism will be chosen as an economic system that must be implemented. And solutions of how it can provide solutions against corruption and globalization will also be stated. Communism is a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community, state or government and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs. This economic system it’s implemented in some other countries and it is very successful. This economic system suggests that the state have ownership of all factors of production, namely land, capital, natural resources and businesses. Corruption can be defined as dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery or one would also say it is Wrongdoing on the part of an authority or powerful party through means that are illegitimate, immoral, or incompatible with ethical standards. Corruption often results from benefaction and is associated with bribery. Some people tend to say communism leads to corruption but that’s not entirely true because it is not communism per se that leads to corruption but it is lack of power that leads to corruption. Globalisation is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Globalisation...
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...introduced by the United Nations in support of anti-corruption in emerging markets, such as Principle 10 of the United Nation’s Global Compact. We determined to explore this topic area after realizing a paradox: while the United Nations has recognized the phenomenon of corruption as “one of the world’s greatest challenges”, the sole UN principle that addresses this issue is under-developed and is the least among the four focus areas of the Compact (as compared to human rights, labour, and environment). Furthermore, there are even less initiatives undertaken by the UN that specifically address the prevention of corruption in emerging markets, both in business and government sectors. We begin by providing a literature review of past research in our topic area, followed by a theoretical analysis of the causes of corruption in emerging markets. As part of this theory, we have identified five variables that are our focus: level of poverty, cultural boundaries and differences, access to education, amount of extortion and bribery in government and business, and level of transparency and accountability. Using these variables, we arrive at new conclusions and then provide a discussion on their implications for international managers. Throughout the paper, we also explore the magnitude of the effects that have resulted from the addition of Principle 10 to the Global Compact. Introduction A wide variety of research on corruption has been done over the past century: from studies...
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...Role of Internal Auditors in the Anti-Corruption Battle John FlahertyThe Challengeh Bribery, and other illicit payments are contrary to the public good. They thwart the competitive process and circumvent laws, regulations, and procedures put in place for the public good. They divert funds from owners, shareholders, and are usually paid as fees, commissions, or are paid without record. The cost to the public totals millions of dollars annually. The US Government is aware of almost 100 cases in which foreign bribes undercut the ability of US firms to win contracts valued at $45 billion in the 12 months before May 1995. "Corruption occurs when someone has monopoly power over a good or a service, has the discretion to decide whether or not you receive it and how much you receive, and lacks accountability." (Robert Klitgaard, Controlling Corruption, 1988). The level of corruption in international business transactions continues to be a critical problem. Companies need both the motivation and the governance practices to discontinue these payments Role of Internal Auditors in the Anti-Corruption Battle John FlahertyThe Challenge Bribery, and other illicit payments are contrary to the public good. They thwart the competitive process and circumvent laws, regulations, and procedures put in place for the public good. They divert funds from owners, shareholders, and are usually paid as fees, commissions, or are paid without record. The cost to the public totals millions of dollars...
Words: 3346 - Pages: 14
...Portfolio Investment Competition from State Owned Enterprises Corporate Social Responsibility Political Violence Corruption Bilateral Investment Agreements OPIC and Other Investment Insurance Programs Labor Foreign-Trade Zones/Free Ports Foreign Direct Investment Statistics Web Resources Return to top Openness to Foreign Investment Egypt has experienced profound political changes over the past year. On February 11, 2011, President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule came to an end under intense popular pressure as hundreds of thousands of Egyptians converged on Tahrir Square. Transition to democratic rule has been marked by advances and challenges. Egypt has seen several prime ministers and multiple cabinet changes since the revolution, and many investors have reported that the constant shuffle and interim tenure of government officials have contributed to a difficult business environment. Nonetheless, in January 2012 Egypt seated its first parliament elected in free and fair elections, and many of the members have identified increasing foreign investment as a top priority for the government. Egypt continues to honor its pre-revolution laws, international treaties, and trade agreements. It is party to 111 bilateral investment treaties and is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), and the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA). In most sectors, there is no legal difference between foreign and domestic investors. There are...
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...careful not to offend those they fear, because they fear the punishment and are more likely to remain true to their pledge. There is a caution in this assertion to know the difference between fear and hatred and the recommendation is to be feared, but not hated. Man should strive to be in control of that which is can and not rely on the uncontrollable. Since love is dependent the perception of others and fear is dependent upon actions, man should build on the actions he can control but to do so in such a way as to escape hatred. Pastin and Hooker (1980) state that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is legislation designed to prevent bribery of foreign officials and other payments for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business. The legislation is an attempt to address the problem of corruption, but rather than address bribery from a moral perspective, Pastin and Hooker (1980) raise the issue of whether the legislation itself is moral. They offer two tests to assess the morality of the legislation: the End-Point Assessment and the Rule Assessment tests. End-Point rule tests whether the legislation is of benefit to the well-being of society and is sound if the law promotes the well-being of society. Rule Assessment tests whether the rule is categorical or prima facie. Categorical means the rule is unbendable and the prima facie subjective and open to...
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