...1 TABLA DE CATIONES DE LOS METALES Y NO METALES MÁS COMUNES NOMBRE SIMBOLO N. TRADICIONAL NOMBRE DE STOCK 1+ Litio Li Litio Litio Sodio Na1+ Sodio Sodio Potasio K1+ Potasio Potasio 1+ Rubidio Rb Rubidio Rubidio Cesio Cs1+ Cesio Cesio Plata Ag1+ Plata Plata Berilio Be2+ Berilio Berilio Magnesio Mg2+ Magnesio Magnesio Calcio Ca2+ Calcio Calcio 2+ Estroncio Sr Estroncio Estroncio Bario Ba2+ Bario Bario Zinc Zn2+ Zinc Zinc 2+ Cadmio Cd Cadmio Cadmio Boro B3+ Boro Boro 3+ Aluminio Al Aluminio Aluminio Amonio NH41+ Amonio Amonio Cobre Cu1+ Cu2+ Cuproso Cuprico Cobre I Cobre II 2+ 2+ Mercurio Hg2 Hg Mercurioso Mercúrico Mercurio I Mercurio II Oro Au1+ Au3+ Auroso Aurico Oro I Oro III Hierro Fe2+ Fe3+ Ferroso Ferrico Hierro II Hierro III 2+ 3+ Cobalto Co Co Cobaltoso Cobaltico Cobalto II Cobalto III Níquel Ni2+ Ni3+ Niqueloso Niquelico Níquel II Níquel III Manganeso Mn2+ Mn4+ Manganoso Mangánico Manganeso II Manganeso IV 2+ 4+ Paladio Pd Pd Paladioso Paladico Paladio II Paladio IV Platino Pt2+ Pt4+ Platinoso Platinico Platino II Platino IV Estaño Sn2+ Sn4+ Estanoso Estánnico Estaño II Estaño IV Plomo Pb2+ Pb4+ Plumboso Plúmbico Plomo II Plomo IV Antimonio Sb3+ Sb5+ Antimonioso Antimónico Antimonio III Antimonio V Bismuto Bi3+ Bi5+ Bismutoso Bismutico Bismuto III Bismuto V 2+ 4+ Carbono C C Carbonoso Carbónico Carbono II Carbono...
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...A chemical reaction is where two or more substances come together and pops, fizzes, and in some cases explode! Alka Seltzer is a type of chemical reaction where you put water and carbon dioxide gas. Equation . When Alka-Seltzer tablets are dissolved in water, bicarbonate forms (from the sodium bicarbonate), which in turn reacts with hydrogen (from citric acid) to form water and carbon dioxide gas. “ In The bicarbonate reaction project you will find out for yourself by plopping Alkaseltzer tablets into water at different temperatures, and timing how long it ta of the bicarbonate reaction? In thiS how is temperature related to this bicarbonate reaction? In order for the reaction shown above to occur, the bicarbonate ions have to come into contact with the hydrogen ions.” Molecules in a solution are in constant motion, and are constantly colliding with one another. The hydrogen and bicarbonate ions must collide at the right angle and with enough energy for the reaction to occur. The temperature of a solution is a measure of the average motion (kinetic energy) of the molecules in the solution. The higher the temperature, the...
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...In 1911, Dr. Hamilton Wright, the United States Opium Commissioner, at the time, stated that “of all the nations… the United States [consumed] most habit-forming drugs per capita.”1 This branded America as a drug lord, and future generations would continue to uphold the atrocious title and reputation, demonstrating that the United States’ drug control system was poorly enforced during the 1900’s. Neglectful physicians, contraband traces in food and medicine, utter ignorance in part of the American government, and social retaliation led to America becoming a leader in illicit substance distribution and use. One would think that medical professionals should be dedicated to ensuring patient health and safety, but history reveals ethical mishaps and disappointing facts dictating quite the contrary. Heroin, a substance extracted from the seed pod of certain poppy plants,2 was once a primary component for medications that treated cough-inducing illnesses. Bayer, a major pharmaceutical company, widely advertised heroin and its concoctions, such as heroinhydrochloride, to the general public. It was claimed as, “the cheapest specific for the relief of coughs,” which would appeal to any customer (see page 11, Figure 1). However, heroin is derived from morphine, which is highly addictive and even toxic in large quantities. Morphine caused crisis among civil war veterans, who became dangerously addicted to the pain reliever.3 Even with these previous events in mind...
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