...Unit 4: Unit code: QCF Level 3: Credit value: Business Communication H/502/5413 BTEC National 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Aim and purpose The aim of this unit is to show learners that the collection and management of business information, and the successful communication of that information throughout a business, is critical for the future prosperity of the organisation. Unit introduction A business needs accurate and relevant information from internal and external sources in order to operate profitably. Proper collection of data creates an environment where informed decisions can be taken for the benefit of the business. In order to manage information effectively, there must be good communication systems within the organisation. Staff must possess good verbal and written skills in order to communicate and share information Business information can be used to obtain competitive advantage and promote efficiency. Organisations generate information internally, recording details of products manufactured, purchased and sold, and their associated costs. Businesses use information to manage not only what is currently happening in the organisation but also to plan for the future and ensure their survival. Information is collected, stored, manipulated, analysed and reported to those who need to use it. People need to become skilled manipulators and users of information to ensure organisations become more efficient and succeed in achieving their stated purposes. Since the...
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...Unit 1 The business environment BTEC National Business Stretch and support E1 Views of different stakeholders M1 requires learners to explain the points of view of different stakeholders seeking to influence the aims and objectives of two contrasting organisations. In order to achieve M1 it is important that learners have a thorough understanding of the following points: • What are the aims and objectives of each organisation? • Who are the stakeholders for each organisation? • What does each stakeholder seek to achieve? • How will each stakeholder be able to achieve their own goals? By answering each of these questions learners will be able to focus on how and why stakeholders will try to influence the aims and objectives of each organisation. Provide an empty version of the table below for learners to complete by noting two objectives for each stakeholder in their chosen business. How many of them are the same and how many differ? For example, an objective for an employee in one business might be good working conditions, whilst in the other it might be higher wages. How will these stakeholder objectives influence the organisation’s objectives? Corner shop Stakeholder Manager Employees Customers Convenience: opening from early morning until late evening Range of products: needs to sell necessities, e.g. toilet paper Convenience: likely to be easily accessible to local customers Range of products: needs to sell fashionable goods and services Objective 1 Objective 2 Premium...
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...“ Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today “ says Benjamin Franklin What is procrastination? The first thing that I did was that I googled it and this definition came up. It is the avoidance of doing a task which needs to be accomplished. It is the practice of doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, like carrying out less urgent tasks instead of the more urgent ones, thus impending tasks to a later time. But I’ll give you a more brief definition of procrastination in my own understanding and for me It means: *not being able to get started *staring at the wall * watching your favorite tv show or teleserye instead of accomplishing a certain task that needs to be done. * Using your mobile phones; Instagramming, twitter, facebooking, chatting etc. * stalking your crush on social media instead of doing your homework * killing the time by sleeping, eating and other activities like basketball, volleyball etc. that makes you avoid the priorities * gala ng gala kahit alam mong may project na dapat tapusin. But my point here is there are a lot of definitions of procrastination. Adults, young adults, and teens are very familiar with this type of attitude, because as a person it is one of the most basic norms. Let me tell you something about my own experience of procrastination, just recently when doing this speech I had a lot of excuses, Staring at a black word document page with no ideas of even starting my speech, so I got a little...
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...BTEC National Diploma in Business Assignment Brief Unit: 9 CREATIVE PRODUCT PROMOTIONS P2 Version 2 The role of promotion within the marketing for coca cola Clarawiniferd Mesode ( IBSIA) Due date: 31 November 2011 TABLE OF CONTENT PAGES Introduction 3 P2 4/15 Introduction Task 2 p2 was to describe the brand image and how this image is supported through the promotional campaign for one of the company I chose at p1 and I chose Coca cola business or company and we also had to describe the role of promotion within the marketing mix of the promotional mix of the campaign I selected. This was quite an interesting assignment to do and was not difficult as I imagine it to be. Task 2 Promotional objectives * Raising awareness of product. Coca cola raised awareness with the company profile by going all green and also helps increase it sells and more awareness fort his company and its products. * Creating distinctive market presence Global Footprint is a good example of that when it comes to international presence; Coca-Cola easily trumps its rival Pepsi. Coca-Cola's larger global footprint exposes it more too international economic forces, particularly in the developing world. While this led to strong growth through much of the decade, weakness in emerging market economies could easily slow this momentum. Furthermore, because Coke generates...
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...The industry is also an international company, the company offers many different varies of items as well as having item varies from many different developers. Home of Fraser provides an amazing array of developer use so this makes it much simpler for customers to evaluate and contrast costs and the different top quality items of each developer. Styles have a massive effect on the retail store solutions, however based on the type of company, some companies might be more successful than other companies at attracting a variety of clients. The two companies I have chosen to evaluate and contrast the style trends effect on retail store solutions are. Home of Fraser and New Look. Home of Fraser offers many different varies of items where they offer mostly developer use, however with New Look they don't usually stock developer outfits and don't have as extensive a assortment as Home of Fraser. Also with Home of Fraser as they offer mostly different developers many individuals can't manage the costs, although with New Look their costs are lot more cost-effective. This has a big effect on clients, however for Home of Fraser to have clients buy from them they provide the best client support possible, where they might have different solutions to help the improve the clients can use experience, also they train their associates to know certain details about their items. However with New Look they don't offer items that are developer they only offer their own brands, also they are not as...
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...Pendekar 4 Alis Buku 2 : Bandit Penyulam. Pendekar 4 Alis Buku 2 Bandit Penyulam Karya Khulung Bab 1: Sejumlah Perampokan Panas yang menyengat. Sinar matahari seperti pisau panas, menusuk tanpa belas kasihan pada jalanan yang kotor dan berdebu. Bahkan bekas luka di wajah Chang Man Tian tampak terpanggang hingga merah. Tepatnya ada tiga bekas luka, bekas luka itu dan sekitar 7 atau 8 macam luka dalam telah memberikan dirinya kemasyuran dan posisi yang ia nikmati sekarang ini. Bila cuaca berubah menjadi lembab atau hujan, luka dalamnya akan mulai berdenyut-denyut lagi, menyebabkan ruas-ruas tulangnya terasa sakit, dan ia tentu akan teringat lagi pada pertarunganpertarungan dahsyat di masa mudanya dan merasa sangat bersyukur. Bisa bertahan hidup selama ini bukanlah hal yang mudah, bisa menjadi seorang wakil kepala perusahaan ekspedisi yang pendapatannya 500 tael perak sebulan malah lebih sulit lagi, karena posisi itu didapatkan dengan darah dan keringat. Akhir-akhir ini ia jarang mengawal sendiri barang-barang antaran perusahaannya. Kepala perusahaan ekspedisi “Pembawa Kedamaian” adalah juga kakak seperguruannya. Mereka berdua menghabiskan waktu beberapa tahun terakhir ini dalam hidup yang tenteram dan damai, berlatih sedikit kungfu di pagi hari, minum arak di malam hari. Dengan melihat bendera “Pedang Besi Tombak Emas” sudah cukup membuat orang-orang di wilayah tenggara menjauh dari barang-barang antaran perusahaan “Pembawa Kedamaian”. Tetapi barang...
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...Animation Formats | Animation Formats | Description | Examples of use | Advantages | Limitations | Real player | This program can play the most common formats such as MPEG-4, MP3 and windows media. | When playing music, videos or pictures on your computer. This is effective at doing these tasks because of the formats that it can use. | Real Player is free to install and also downloads very quick because of its size. | Needs to be downloaded after being installed since it doesn’t come with your computer. | Flash Player | This is a program that allows the user the ability to create simple animations as well as complex animation shorts. | This tool is used to create animations that can be uploaded to the internet on sites such as YouTube. The program can also be used to create educational and entertainment animations. | There are already pre-built templates that allow you to create good animations with ease and with the quality that can be expected from someone with experience in animation. | It can take a lot of time to create an animation when using flash because of how unfriendly it is to new users. Can take a lot of time to produce an animation because of how complex it is to script the animation and because the creator needs to source the images and graphics themselves. | Definitions of different media programs. RealPlayer is a program that allows the user to watch, view and listen to a wide range of media formats such as music, video and pictures. RealPlayer...
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...GULF AFRICAN BANK LIMITED ABOUT THE BANK: it is a commercial bank in Kenya, the largest community in the East African community. I t has been licensed by the central bank of Kenya and the national banking regulator. In the year 2005 the bank was first thought of by a group of motivated Kenyans who envisioned establishing and Islamic bank as an alternative to conventional banking in the country by the Persian gulf and individuals and Kenya. The banks began banking operations in 2008, after they had received their license and were now legal. TYPE OF BUSINESS: The bank is an international business. They make commercial transactions that occur across borders, they exchange currencies with other countries and sell their products overseas, it also has branches in other parts of Africa. This makes it both international for selling its products overseas and multinational for being in different parts of Africa. Their head office here in Kenya is situated in the capital Nairobi. Although that is not the only branch in Kenya, it also branches in Lamu, Garrisa, Bondeni, Eastleigh, Malindi, Westlands and many other places. SECTOR OF ECONOMY- This institution is a bank that only sells and does not manufacture. They are in the same sector of economy as: Barclays bank | | Diamond Trust Bank | | Equity Bank | | Family Bank | | EcoBank Kenya | | PURPOSE OF BUSINESS: They are a financial institution which is involved in the borrowing and lending of money. They help...
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...Task 2 – Criteria covered for P2 Capital Income - Capital income is an increase in value of capital assets employed in a business that would make it more expensive than the original price itself. For example, a woman bought a diamond that cost $3000, the next year, she decided to sell it for $4000 to a friend, the $1000 difference is called the capital income. There is also capital loss in a business, it occurs when there is a decrease of value in the capital assets, where the selling price will be lower than the original price itself. For example, a man bought a $200 phone, the next year, he decided to sell it for $100. The $100 difference is called the capital loss. The capital income could be a short term or long term. A short term capital income is an asset held in a business for exactly a year or less while a long term capital income is held for more than a year and they all must be claimed on income taxes. For example, I bought a limited edition car for $10000. After 5 years, average selling price of this car increases to $15000 in the market due to increasing demand. So I decided to sell it after 5 years. I am not required to pay any taxes charged on the increase of value, but I only have to pay a tax on the long term capital income. Revenue income – Revenue income also known as REVs is the amount of money a company receives over a period of time, you can know the revenue income by knowing the selling price and quantity sold. For example, I sold 10 handbags...
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...HOW IS A BUSINESS ORGANISED All business organisations have different areas that carry out different tasks or functions. These areas are called “Functional Areas” The Different Functional Areas in Tesco Tesco Finance Marketing Human Resource Operations/ Logistics Management All of these functional areas use ICT in order to collect, process and produce data or information. Without UPTO-DATE and ACCURATE information decisions cannot be taken by managers. Their decisions will affect the business and its customers. Having empty shelves will make customers go to other places to shop. Tesco customers can go to other supermarkets to shop. The other main supermarkets are ------------------------------------------------- WHAT OTHER SUPERMARKETS ARE THERE ------------------------------------------------- Each function cannot operate in isolation …. Whatever one functional area does will have a knock-on effect on others. What do these functional areas do …… [A] Finance ------------------------------------------------- DESCRIBE WHAT THIS DEPARTMENT DOES ….. refer to a Business Studies text book and the Tesco web site. ------------------------------------------------- This department uses ICT in various ways. Here is what they use IT for. * Review current finances and forecast future finances using spreadsheet software * Produce...
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...Eric Bamford 22706 P6 Budgeting for Tesco Airfield Introduction In this pass criteria will be looking at budgets and how they are set i am going to relate the budgets on Tesco airfield i will be making a prediction also for Tesco Airfield 2013 budget. What is a budget? A Budget is made by a Tesco’s financial department in Tesco it is a financial document used to plan future future income and expenses. A budget can be made for a person, family group of people business, government, country, or just about anything else that makes or spends money. A budget shows you how much a Tesco has over spent or how much a business has saved.The purpose of a budget is to understand spending habits for a business and to gain control of the money spent and also to develop a savings plan . The steps and development of a budget for Tesco Step 1 gathers inflows and outflows The Tesco should gather all information that shows the inflows and outflows of their income. The easiest a way Tesco can get this information is from their bank statements this will be to gauge an average amount of the businesses expenditures. Step 2 makes a prediction Tesco should then create a prediction on spending amounts on each area of expenditure by reviewing past expenditure on the business banking statement. Tesco should make sure they identify areas where they are spending more than needed and they should find a solution on how to stop the unnecessary spending. Step 3 monitor spending...
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...Challenges faced when doing business in brazil Another reason to be excited about the Brazilian economy is that - after several quarters of disappointing growth levels. But doing business in Brazil is notoriously complicated, and there are several things organisations should consider before making the leap. Developing nation Brazil is still considered a developing nation, and although that is often interpreted as a precursor for ‘high growth levels’, it also means that several areas of the economy remain underdeveloped. The consumer base, regulatory environment and sphere of investment are not as mature as those of developed nations, and considerations must be made to that effect. Bureaucracy The reform of the laws and regulations for opening and running a business in Brazil has not adapted at the rate with which the economy has grown, presenting many hurdles to overseas corporations. Brazil ranked 126th out of 183 countries in the World Bank’s latest annual global report which evaluates the ease of starting a business, dealing with construction permits, registering property, and paying taxes. On average, it takes 13 procedures and 119 days of work to start a business in Brazil, and construction permits demand an average 17 procedures and 469 days to finally get authorised. Corruption Brazil has become somewhat notorious for the levels of corruption among its politicians and senior business people. However, a recent report by The Economist suggests that the country...
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...| | |Contact details: | |Lara Samuels, Head’s PA, | |Castlewood Road, New Barnet, EN4 9GE | |T - 020 8344 2220 | |F - 0871 918 2214 | |recruitment@jcoss.barnet.sch.uk | | | |JCoSS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all its staff and volunteers to share this | |commitment. All postholders are subject to satisfactory enhanced Disclosure and Barring...
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...As mentioned in the letter before, I will be carrying out a series of testing. These tests are the cooper run, a Vo2 max test, the multi-stage fitness test and body fat percentage tests, there are two body fat percentage tests. The Cooper 12 minute run is a popular maximal running test of aerobic fitness, in which participants try and cover as much distance as they can in 12 minutes. The purpose of it is to test the individual’s anaerobic fitness, meaning the ability of the body to use oxygen to power the muscles whilst running. The way the test is set up is that cones are set up at several intervals around the track. The track will be a 100m2 rectangle/square. Participants are to run for 12 minutes around the specified area, they are allowed to walk but they are encouraged to run at maximal effort. At the end of the 12 minutes I, the researcher, will count the amount of laps the participant covered and work out the distance ran. The next test is the Vo2 max test. This test is designed to measure the individual’s aerobic power. This exercise is performed on an appropriate machine e.g. a treadmill or exercise bike. The exercise workloads are made to gradually progress in increments from moderate exercise to maximal intensity. Oxygen uptake is worked out from the measures of ventilation and oxygen the CO2 in the expired air. The results are shown as L/min (litres per minute). The participant is considered to have reached the vo2 max if the oxygen uptake has plateaued. The multi-stage...
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...Date: 6th December 2015 Subject: Marketing Techniques, Comparisons and Evaluation 1. Introduction This report will show how two different organizations use marketing techniques to sell their products, the report will then compare the techniques. The report will then evaluate the effectiveness of the techniques used to market products in one of the organizations. Firstly a brief description of marketing techniques: In 1957 H. Igor Ansoff invented the strategic management tool called the Ansoff Matix this splits marketing into 4 different groups to promote growth in a company. These growth strategies are; Market Penentration – this is where there is an exsiting product available in the market and by using various promotional tools, sales can be increased. This strategy carrys the least risk as there is already a market for the product such as Vaseline who previously only produced large containers introduced a smaller pocket size version. Market Development – this is where an organization introduces an exisiting product to a new market for instance Primark a british retailer who has now opened a store in Boston, America, they still sell the same items just in a different location. Product development – this is when a business developes a product which it can sell to exsiting customers such a TalkTalk; who offer internet security for an added price to the customers bill. Diversification – this is when the organization markets new products to new client/customers ...
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