...BUDWEISER: THE LEGACY Keosha Kane Professor MichealMcGiven DeVry University November 7, 2015 TABLE OFCONTENTS I. BUSINESS PROFILE a. Name, history, and ownership b. Country or countries where the business operates c. Stock exchanges (identifiers and listings) d. Descriptions of products and services e. SWOT analysis II. COMPETITION, SOCIAL and ECONOMIC FACTORS a. Competition b. Demographics c. Organizational Structure d. Entrance and Exit Strategies e. Government Structures and Economic indicators III. Marketing, Operations, and Human Resources a. Marketing Strategies b. Pricing Strategies c. Global operations, and supply chain d. Compensation and appraisal system e. Employe\\e culture, employee relations, and practices IV. Conclusion a. Thoughts about the project b. How it effects professionals careers c. Thoughts of working individually than in a team. The story of this famous beer dates before any of us where even thought about. This here is a story of raw entreprenuership destined for a family to create. It starts with Adolpus Busch, who as a boy spent his childhood developing skills of winery and brewing since he is the son...
Words: 1976 - Pages: 8
...This report examines the beer brand, Bud Light owned by Anheuser-Busch InBev LLC. For a brand to be successful, it must get a feel for the needs and trends that exist within its own marketing environment. The Bud Light brand was created to target the young adult, specifaclly male demographic and exists as a convenience product in a “recession resistant” industry. As the brand moves forward it must consider natural and technological advancements available. Although, the brand has grown around the always changing social trends of its consumers, and must keep this into consideration when moving forward. Furthermore, the brand must understand the full market including its competition and understand the brands’ specific positioning within the entire beer industry. This report details Bud Light’s history, development, and foundation of the company. This will be determined by analyzing the full spectrum of the marketing channel, beginning at the internal analysis of the...
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...marketing efforts will be affected by the products life cycle. Then will we identify the positioning and differentiation strategies that will help market our product. Lastly we will describe what appropriate pricing strategy that we will need to get our new product sold in stores around the world. ATTRIBUTES Bud Light Apple Ale will be a traditionally brewed light beer with apple cider mixed and fermented. Bud Light Apple Ale will also be 5% alcohol by volume. Bud Light Apple Ale will be offered in 12-ounce bottles and cans. Bud Light Apple Ale will also be 150 calories per 12- ounce serving and gluten free. The bottles for Bud Light Apple Ale will be marked “Bud Light Apple Ale” in white letters, in the traditional area Bud Light marks their bottles. The label and entire bottle will be a solid dark red, with a green stripe up the middle of the bottle. This will distinguish the difference between this beer, Budweiser, and Bud Light Lime. The Bud Light Apple Ale will fit into the market between a light beer, and the up and coming cider productions. The Bud Light Apple Ale will be brewed at one of our traditional breweries in St. Louis Missouri. The Bud Light Apple Ale line will be distributed by trucks to local beer distributors; and to local bars to reach the market for...
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...Brand Analysis: Bud Light Introduction In a competitive industry with multiple product options, beer companies are constantly looking for new ways to market their brand and attract consumers. Bud Light has emerged as a market leader through a successful understanding of their consumer’s behaviour. This report will analyze the major concepts in Bud Light’s marketing strategy that makes them “the number one light beer in the world” (Articlearn). Through their ability to develop a strong brand personality, motivate its consumers, and utilize various social media outlets, Bud Light has successfully influenced the purchasing decisions and buying habits of consumers worldwide. Company History Anheuser-Busch, the brewery that produces Bud Light, was founded in the early 1800’s and grew rapidly due to the early success of their flagship brand, Budweiser. Over the years they continued to add products to their brand profile and quickly became America’s largest brewer. Through the company’s success they were able to acquire Labatt, Canada’s largest brewer in 1995. This merger brought sales of Budweiser and Bud Light north of the border as well as many years of prosperous sales. This was all temporary, because during the recession of 2008, Anheuser-Busch merged with InBev in a hostile takeover. The final result was ABInBev which is currently the “largest brewer in the world” (Reuters). Bud Light is ABInBev’s largest brand in their portfolio, something that contributes to them being...
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... [pic] BUDWEISER (ANHEUSER-BUSCH) MARKETING PLAN THE COMPANY HISTORY Budweiser is referred to as Bud, a brewing company founded at St. Louis in the mid 1800s. Budweiser beer is America’s drink. One out of five alcoholic drinks sold in America is a Bud. It is the world’s most popular beer. In 1865, the brewery produced 8,000 barrels. These numbers grew quickly when Budweiser Lager Beer was introduced to public in 1876. The company expanded rapidly and controlled all the means for producing its beer. In the 1950s, the company expanded its businesses in various cities, in an attempt to tap into a European tradition. In 1970s, Budweiser became a true icon of American culture, thanks to a model of commercial development, the envy of the world. In 1980, it made a history by expanding into the global marketplace with agreements to brew and sell in Canada, Japan, and elsewhere. Budweiser along with the brand extensions Bud Light, Bud Dry and Bud Ice is creating an image for itself: a mass-produced, drinkable beer that symbolizes the “good life”. Now, the King of Beers is being sold in more than 60 countries worldwide. Company Mission: “During production of the Budweiser Budvar lager we use traditional procedures and the knowledge passed down to us by previous generations of brewers. We produce our beer exclusively...
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...[pic] BUDWEISER (ANHEUSER-BUSCH) MARKETING PLAN THE COMPANY HISTORY Budweiser is referred to as Bud, a brewing company founded at St. Louis in the mid 1800s. Budweiser beer is America’s drink. One out of five alcoholic drinks sold in America is a Bud. It is the world’s most popular beer. In 1865, the brewery produced 8,000 barrels. These numbers grew quickly when Budweiser Lager Beer was introduced to public in 1876. The company expanded rapidly and controlled all the means for producing its beer. In the 1950s, the company expanded its businesses in various cities, in an attempt to tap into a European tradition. In 1970s, Budweiser became a true icon of American culture, thanks to a model of commercial development, the envy of the world. In 1980, it made a history by expanding into the global marketplace with agreements to brew and sell in Canada, Japan, and elsewhere. Budweiser along with the brand extensions Bud Light, Bud Dry and Bud Ice is creating an image for itself: a mass-produced, drinkable beer that symbolizes the “good life”. Now, the King of Beers is being sold in more than 60 countries worldwide. Company Mission: “During production of the Budweiser Budvar lager we use traditional procedures and the knowledge passed down to us by previous generations of brewers. We produce our beer exclusively from the highest quality raw materials – whole...
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...Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Executive Summary Overview Sector: Consumer Staples Industry: Brewers Ownership: Public Parent: Anheuser Busch-Inbev Company A wholly-owned subsidiary of Belgium-based Anheuser–Busch InBev, is the largest brewing company in the United States. The company operates 12 breweries in the United States and nearly 20 in other countries. It was, until December 2009, also one of America's largest theme park operators; operating ten theme parks across the United States through the company's family entertainment division, Busch Entertainment Corporation. It is headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. AB’s objectives as a corporation are: * To increase domestic beer segment volume and per barrel profitability which, when combined with market share growth will provide the source for earnings per share growth and improvement in return on capital employed. * To provide a great tasting fresh beer to our consumers by limiting self life to 110 days, and providing a “born on date” on all our products. * To build a high-performing, diverse workforce, while providing a safe, productive and rewarding work environment, in which all our employees can benefit. * To be a good corporate citizen and good neighbor in every community where we do business and promote the responsible consumption of our products. * To preserve and protect the environment and support communities where we do business, by complying with all applicable environmental...
Words: 6000 - Pages: 24
...Analysis of the Anheuser-Busch Company Report by Valanium Analysts: Chris Rigopulos, John Schneider, Jayne Tan Investment Recommendation: MARKET PERFORM December 5, 2001 BUD – NYSE (11/30/01) 52 week range Revenue (2001E) Market Capitalization Share Outstanding $43.10 $36.75 – $49.00 $14.9B $38.2 B 884.3M EPS Forecast (FYE 12/30) EPS Ratios Trailing P/E Forward P/E Leading PEG M/B Price/Sales 1999A 2000A 2001E 2002E $1.49 $1.71 $1.89 $2.09 Dividend Yield 1.67% Avg. Daily Trading Volume (3mo) 2.13M Book Value per Share (mrq) Return of Equity (ttm) Return on Assets (ttm) Est. 5 Years EPS Growth Rate Sector: Consumer/Non-Cyclical Industry: Beverages (Alcoholic) $4.83 40.39% 10.71% 11.0% BUD 23.2 20.6 1.87 8.93 3.11 Competitors Avg. 17.4 15.9 1.37 3.10 1.21 Valuation Predictions Actual Current Price Trailing P/E Valuation Leading P/E Valuation PEG Valuation M/B Valuation Price/Sales Valuation EBO (Abnormal Earnings) Valuation DCF Valuation Performance (Trailing, Annualized) Return on BUD Return on S&P 500 Return on Competitors $43.10 $32.38 $33.24 $31.48 $14.95 $16.73 $19.25 $46.87 6 mo -2.1% 18.3% - 2.9% 12 mo 24 mo -7.4% 9.9% -13.4% -10.3% 2.1% 8.9% Source: finance.yahoo.com, Valanium analysis • • Our valuations reflect a range of predictions, all falling below the current price point with the exception of the DCF estimate. However, we believe that A-B’s brand value and domestic presence are not captured within the accounting numbers...
Words: 8333 - Pages: 34
...other types of alcoholic beverages to beer. In addition to losing sales to a different beverage option, Budweiser is losing market share in the U.S. beer market. At its peak in 1988, Budweiser sold 50 million barrels. In 2013, consumption was down to 16 million barrels and market share had decreased from 14.4% to 7.6% in ten years. Part of this is due to cannibalization of sales from other Budweiser products, such as Bud Light. This shows a macro change in consumer preferences, favoring options with fewer calories to help combat weight-gain. Another big reason for the decrease in sales is due to consumers switching to the craft beer market. In 2015 sales for craft breweries were estimated at 24.5 million barrels (a 13% increase since 2014) and dollar-sales were just over $22 billion (a 16% increase from 2014). These sales have given the craft brewery industry a 21% share of the beer market. This increase in sales is not coming from a single competitor. There are 4,269 breweries in operation in the U.S. as of early this year, which is the most in U.S. history. This makes the fight difficult for Budweiser, as they are fighting another trend with consumers moving away from the macro-brand that they represent to small, local breweries. Budweiser is fighting (and currently...
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...Introduction The advertising campaign that Budweiser runs is one of the strongest in the world. In the past 30 years Anheuser- Bush has taken a steady fall, consumers saying they have become tired here in America. In January of this year Coors Light surpassed Budweiser to become the #2 selling beer in the U.S. This was a huge hit for Budweiser, a brand that up to date has always #1. One main reason that Budweiser has slowly declined is change in consumer taste, but the biggest reason being they are slacking on their marketing side. Budweiser has tried to be everything from fratty to refined to sporty to hipster. Budweiser hit its prime in the 1950s when Anheuser-Busch had big names on their side such as Frank Sinatra, as well as sponsoring...
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...Boer Carly Gorka Stephanie Kalin Kenny Koelling Felipe Naranjo Nizam Qutubuddin Executive Summary The beer industry in the United States is an extremely competitive one. For years, the industry has been solely dominated by one contender, Anheuser Busch. However, large brewers have always been looking for opportunities to extend their reach in the industry and gain more market share. Miller Brewing Company and Coors Brewing Company have been historical staples of the American beer industry since the nineteenth century. These companies merged with international giants South African Breweries and Molson, respectively, in efforts to better compete in the United States brewing industry. However, they still could not manage to take a share of the Anheuser Busch Empire. SABMiller and Molson Coors saw an opportunity in forming a joint venture that would be able to successfully compete with Anheuser Busch in the beer industry, and in 2008, created a third company called MillerCoors. The creation of MillerCoors was a success. Since the creation of the company, in June 2008, MillerCoors has been very profitable and has enjoyed steady growth in their market share. They have done this by integrating innovation as a major goal in their products, providing them with a certain level of differentiation, while reducing costs through the exploitation of synergies that exist in their different processes. MillerCoors was one of the very few breweries that performed positively...
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...Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV SWOT Analysis REFERENCE CODE: 90521A04-0A96-4A64-A465-E502421BFC8B PUBLICATION DATE: Jan 2013 WWW.MARKETLINEINFO.COM © MARKETLINE. THIS PROFILE IS A LICENSED PRODUCT AND IS NOT TO BE PHOTOCOPIED Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV 90521A04-0A96-4A64-A465-E502421BFC8B © MARKETLINE THIS PROFILE IS A LICENSED PRODUCT AND IS NOT TO BE PHOTOCOPIED SWOT Analysis SWOT analysis overview AB InBev is one of the world's largest brewers based in Belgium. The company's extensive brand portfolio consisting of globally-recognized flagship brands, several multi-country brands and local brands enhances brand recall and results in increased brand loyalty. However, the slowing growth rate of beer sales, especially in the developed markets will potentially hinder the company's revenue growth in the region. Strengths Weaknesses Extensive brand portfolio including three global flagship brands enhances brand recall and recognition among global consumers Diversified and balanced exposure across multiple geographies helps in business risk mitigation Product innovation contributes to growing sales Threats Rising disposable income and cultural shift towards alcoholic beverages make Asia an attractive target market Association with Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) would enhance the company's brand recognition Shifting consumer preferences towards lowalcohol beers Growing demand for craft beer in the US Slow growth rate of the global beer market...
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...The History of Anheuser-Busch More than one hundred and twenty years have passed since Adolphus Busch first introduced Budweiser to the United States. And although much has changed over the years, the "spirit of Adolphus and his great dreams remain unchanged, as vibrant today as it was a century ago"(www.anheuser-busch.com). Through several successive generations of Busch family leadership, Budweiser has become an authentic, truly genuine, American beer. These superior qualities are the result of Busch’s original dreams and visions, the stable leadership through three major crises, and the diversification of a company over the years. The story begins with Adolphus Busch. Born in July of 1839 in Kastel near Mainz, Adolphus was the second youngest of twenty-one children. After studying at the Gymnasium in Mainz in Germany, he immigrated to the United States in 1857, and soon after married Lily, the daughter of a successful St. Louis businessman Eberhard Anheuser. Anheuser was also a German immigrant, and had recently obtained a local brewery in St. Louis. Adolphus began as a salesman who sold brewing supplies to Anheuser. Adolphus soon worked his way into the family business and up the corporate ladder, and eventually became a partner and finally the company’s president. With great dreams and aspirations, Adolphus was considered the driving force of the company that would eventually transform it into an industry giant. Because of this, many see Adolphus Busch as the founder...
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...Company Analysis The Boston Beer Company- Britton McGlachlin As a relatively new entrant into the beer brewing industry, the United States has often been poked fun at and considered to be an inferior beer brewing country among global competitors. Up until 1984, most domestic beer options were pale lagers produced by the mass market brewers. If a person wanted to get a full and flavorful beer, it was considered that importing was the only option with beers such as Heineken and Beck’s establishing themselves as the premium beer leaders. American craft beers were virtually non-existent other than a few small basement and kitchen operations, and there were no widely distributed micro brewed, now known as craft, beers available. (History) In the early 1980s, Jim Koch, a would be sixth generation beer brewer, was convinced that he could find a niche in the competitive beer market for a high-quality American beer. In 1984, Koch used his great-great grandfather’s 150 year old recipe called “Louis Koch Lager” to brew his first batch of what eventually became Samuel Adams Boston Lager. (About) Jim began to take bottles of his beer bar-to-bar for tasting and received excellent feedback about the quality and flavor of his beer, which used all natural ingredients with no adjuncts. In 1985, Jim decided to debut in the Boston market with small batches focusing primarily on quality. Six weeks after its introduction, Samuel Adams was selected as “The Best Beer in America” in The...
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...Coca Cola. Strategic Question Which corporate growth strategy would offer the BEST opportunity to improve sales in the future for the Coca Cola Company? Strategic Marketing Alternatives 1. Pursue a product development strategy by creating a line extension off of the core brand Coca Cola. The product is called Coke Plus and will be marketed to those who want more out of their carbonated beverage. Coke Plus has the potential to become a best selling new soda and grow sales for the Company. 2. Pursue a concentric diversification strategy by acquiring Monster Energy from Hansen’s Natural Corporation. Monster Energy is an up and coming energy drink that is gaining sales and share from energy captain, Red Bull. Hansen’s is forward thinking and introducing innovative new products to the market like Monster Assault. The company could share synergies in sales and distribution. 3. Pursue a forward integration strategy by reacquiring CCE and breaking up its assets and resale to smaller bottlers. Smaller, independent bottlers may be content to work on lower margins than publicly traded CCE. 4. Pursue a product development strategy by developing or modifying a new product. Develop and innovate a new tea, tea and lemonade combination or a canned/bottled coffee/java product. An innovative new product that the Company could market to compete with either AriZona Iced Tea or Starbucks bottled Frappuccino. 5. Pursue a market penetration strategy by increasing...
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