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Buddhism and Hunduism


Submitted By bigmoneyt
Words 1206
Pages 5

In this paper I will attempt to shed a better understanding about the religious background surrounding Buddhism and Hinduism. This paper will briefly describe how the two religions got its start, how the two has spread itself throughout the world.
Buddhism is a religion to about 300 million people around the world….. The word comes from “budhi”, to awaken. It’s has origins about 2,500 years ago when Siddhartha Gautama, who is known as the Buddha. At the age of 35 he himself was awakened (enlightened) at the age of 35. Buddhism is not just a religion it goes beyond that, to so many it is more of a philosophy in other words the “way of life”. To so many Buddhism explains a purpose to life, and it explains injustice and the inequality around the world. But it also provides a code of practice as well as a way of life that leads all too true happiness. Buddhism has become very important to the western countries because he has the answers to many of the problems that are a part of the modern materialistic societies. Buddha teaches many things in summing it up by the four Nobles truths and the Noble Eightfold Path. Siddhartha Gautama was born into a royal family in Lumbini in 583 BCE, what is known today as Nepal. His father was a king and a leader of a Shakya. Unfortunately his mother the Queen died shortly after his birth. Only a few days old a holy man prophesied that Siddhartha would be a great military conqueror or a great spiritual teacher. Siddhartha was raised in luxury and his father shielded from religion and human sufferings. By the time Siddhartha was 29 he had decided that he could no longer live the life of a Prince, he realized that wealth and luxury did not guarantee happiness. He shaved his head, changed his clothes for a beggars robe, it was then he began his quest for the enlightenment. He searched out renowned teachers, whom taught him about many religious philosophies as well as they taught him how to meditate. After he learned all that had to teach, Siddhartha still had doubts and unanswered questions. It was then he and five disciples set out to find enlightenment. The companions try to find release from physical discipline, which is enduring pain and holding their breath, and fasting. Siddhartha realized that in renouncing that pleasure that grasp pleasures opposite of pain and self mortification. He then realizes that instead of starvation that he needs nourishment to build up his strength. During Siddhartha battle with Mara, he came to be mythologized. Mara was a demon whose name meant destruction and he also represented the passions that snare and delude. Mara tried everything he brought armies to attack Siddhartha and even had his most beautiful daughter try to seduce Siddhartha... Every one of Mara plans failed and Siddhartha sat still and untouched. Mara felt that the enlightenment rightfully belonged to him and that his spiritual accomplishments were greater than Siddhartha……. So Mara challenged Siddhartha- he wanted to know who will speak for you he asked. Siddhartha reached his right hand to touch the earth, the earth roared “I bear you witness! At this time Mara disappears and as the morning star rose in the sky, it was then Siddhartha realized the enlightenment and became Buddha. In the beginning, he was reluctant to teach, because he could not communicate with words. The only way that he could communicate was through discipline and clarity of mind would delusions fall away, it was then that the Great Reality could be directly experienced. He went to Deer Park to locate the five companions who had abandoned him. It was there he preached his first sermon, in that sermon he prescribes a path of practice where one can realize enlightenment for them. Buddha devoted him selves to teaching while attracting hundreds of followers. Buddha traveled and taught up until his death at the age of 80. Hinduism is the world’s oldest extant religion will billions followers. This makes the Hinduism the third largest religion. It is a conglomeration of religious, philosophical and culture ideas and practices that started in India. One of their characterized beliefs in reincarnation, one absolute being of multiple manifestations, the law of cause and effect, following the path of righteousness, and last the desire for liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. Hinduism is a way of life. Dharma is the law that governs all action. Hinduism refers to people who live across the River Indus or Sindhu in north of India. It is believed that the Vedic religion originated. The Hinduism has their own beliefs, traditions and system of ethics, rituals, philosophy and theology. The Hinduism is solely responsible for the creation of such original practices such as Yoga, Karma, and Tantra. Hinduism it is believed to have existed in 10000 B.C and the Rig Veda was composed before 6500 B.C... The Vedas is a powerful religion it consists of the Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda and Atharva Veda. They also have a vast influence on Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. The Vedas contain hymns, incantations and rituals from ancient India The Hinduism maintains that truth must be sought in multiple sources not dogmatically proclaimed. Ones view of the truth even of a guru, it is regard as possessing superior authority it is fundamentally considered by the specifics of time, age, gender, and state of consciousness, social and geographic location and the stage of attainment. By this it hence there is a very strong tendency for contemporary Hindus to affirm that tolerance is the foremost religious virtue. The word guru is of Hindu origin. Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the most important religions of the world. The differences between Hinduism and Buddhism come down to the understanding of their concepts and dogmas. The Hinduism had no founder but Buddhism it was founded by Buddha. The Hinduism believes in the existence of souls and the Buddhism does not believe in existence souls. According to Buddhism desire is the cause of all evil, removal of affliction is the primary aim of human life. It is believed that people should strive to achieve what is called four ends of life during their stay in the mortal world. The four ends of human life are righteousness, material wealth, sensual pleasures and liberation. To achieve all four ends of human life is absolutely necessary for life to be complete. The Hinduism accepts the four ashrams which is the stages of life. Buddhism does not believe in ashrams. It is simple to say that a person can be drafted into the order provided he is spiritually fit.

REFERNCES‎ * Similar by P Graham - ‎2011 - ‎Related articles 1.‎‎ ›‎

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