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                 For Indian Economy it had been a year of recovery interrupted FY12 GDP seen at 6.90% - Economy to grow at 7.60% in 2012-13 Country had to battle Double digit Inflation Weak economic growth attributed to low industrial growth Agriculture and Services have performed well Fiscal balance has deteriorated Signs that Economy is turning around Focus on domestic demand driven growth Economy Need to improve supply side management of Economy To enhance supply side – need to cut infrastructure bottlenecks Need to accelerate reforms to strengthen supply side Significant slowdown in growth in last 2 years Expect headline Inflation to moderate further and stabilize High Crude Oil prices hit growth Fiscal deficit rose due to subsidy Ensure rapid rise in private investment Inflation and Current account deficit to come down next year

Focus of the Budget has been on 3 Sectors    Improving Infrastructure Focus on farmer development Improving the main concerns of raising Farm productivity and production

                       Remove bottlenecks in Agriculture, Energy, Transport, Coal, Power and National Highways To enhance supply side – need to cut infrastructure bottlenecks Need to accelerate reforms to strengthen supply side Ensure rapid rise in private investment To increase investments in infra through PPP 12th plan infra investment at Rs 50 lakh crore Infrastructure investment in 12th Plan to go up to Rs 50 lakh crore; half of it to come from pvt sector 7,300 km of road projects awarded in FY12 FY13 tax free bonds of Rs 10,000 cr for NHAI Double infra debt amount to Rs 60,000 crore Govt to give contracts for 8800km national highway roads in 2012/13 against 7300km in 2011/12 Rs 10000 crore of tax fee bonds for power sector Irrigation, dams to be eligible for special funding To allow external commercial borrowing for power, housing road construction companies Propose National mission for food processing New state owned irrigation company to be set up Govt doubles allocation for tax-free bonds to Rs 60,000 crore for financing infrastructure projects in 2012/13 Tax free bonds of Rs 10,000 cr for IRFC NRHM allocation hiked to 20820 crores GST likely to be operational by August 2012 Full exemption on customs duty on coal Rs 20,000 cr to be spent on rural infra development, including Rs 5,000 cr for creating warehousing facilities Full exemption on imported equipments for road construction projs

Comments : Infrastucture bottlenecks continue to remain critical for the farm sector. Higher investment proposals in this sector should be beneficial for the Economy as a whole. Increased Private sector participation in this sector could improve the Road, Power and other Infrastructure areas – which would be critical in solving Agricultural Transportation issues.


          Subsidy or Food Security to be fully provided Direct transfer of subsidy to retailer and farmer To roll out computerized scheme for Fertilizer subsidy transfer Plan outlay raised 18% to Rs 20,208 cr for agriculture Interest subsidy for farmers to continue Agri credit target for FY 13 seen at Rs 5.75 lakh crore, up 1 lakh crore Interest subvention for short term crop loan continues 3% interest subsidy for farmers Kisan credit cards can be used at ATMs Rs 14000 crore for rural drinking and sanitation in FY 13

Comments : Direct transfer of subsidies and rolling out of computerized scheme for Fertilizer subsidy transfer will ensure its proper utilization. Enabling high subsidy on loans will ensure effective repayment of loans by farmers – thus improving the Supply of Credit by Banks to farmers. Higher Credit target for this sector would also be beneficial for farmers for raising Farm production.

FARM PRODUCTIVITY AND PRODUCTION o o o o o o o o o o o o Irrigation eligible for viability gap funding Irrigation, dams to be eligible for special funding Rs 300 crore for intensified irrigation program 10000 crores allocated to NABARD to fund RRBs Rs 15,888 cr to be provided for capitalisation of public sector and regional rural banks and NABARD Public distribution system to be computerised Rural development fund of 20000 crores Efforts are on to arrive at a consensus with state governments to allow FDI in multi-brand retail sector To become self-sufficient in urea production in next 5 years 20 LT new grain storage capacity to be created. Allocation of Rs.200 crore for research on climate change. Exemption of customs duty of 5% on equipment for fertilizer plants

Comments : Improving farm productivity remains the single most important factor for increasing the production of Food products. With area under cultivation remaining stagnant, it becomes imperative that the productivity should improve. The Fund set aside for this purpose should be properly utilized to ensure more production and higher incomes for farmers. This could have a long term impact in solving the Food problems we are facing to some extent. Creation of Grain Storage capacity can be an effective method to stop Food rotting due to lack of warehouses.

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