Premium Essay

Building Law


Submitted By muzamri
Words 2072
Pages 9
Assignment No. 5
“As a Building / Facility Manager, your client requires your expert advise on the following matters listed below. Discuss the issues below using relevant legislation:” i. The key requirement of the Occupational safety and Health Act (OSHA) 1994 applicable to the management of a building/facility.
The concept of management is to be effective in reducing incidents and injury. To be an effective management frame work, the organization as a whole need to understand it roles and responsibility. The employer shall provide a safe working environment, information, instruction, training and supervision. The key requirement are described in Section 4 OSHA 1994 as below:

The objects of this Act are:- (a) To secure the safety, health and welfare of persons at work against risks to safety or health arising out of the activities of person at work; (b) To protect persons at a place of work other than persons at work against risks to safety or health arising out of the activities of persons at work; (c) To promote an occupational environment for persons at work which is adapted to their physiological and phychological needs; (d) To provide the means whereby the associated occupational safety and health legislations may be progressively replaced by a system of regulations and approved industry codes of practice operating in combination with the provisions of this Act designed to maintain or improved the standards of safety and health.

In Section 18, OSHA 1994 also described the requirement and duties of an occupier of a place of work to persons other than his employees

(1) An occupier of non-domestic premises which has been made available to person, not being his employees, as a place of work, or as a place where they may use a plant or substance provided for their use there, shall take such measures as are practicable to ensure

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