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Bule 303


Submitted By ibeeeb
Words 1123
Pages 5
Constitutional Law questions:
1.In the Mount Soledad case discussed on page 105 of the text, why did the 9th circuit determine that the cross violated the establishment clause. (because it endorses christian religion, because it stands next to the veteran memorial and not all veterans were christian.) ((The circuit determined that the cross "physically dominated" the site where veterans of all religions were to be remembered; that the cross, with its dominating physical appearance, could possibly take away the due respect and attention for veterans of non-Christian religions.)
2.Page 110 of your text has a section on marriage equality and the Constitution. This section explains why marriage equality can become a business related issue. Explain why, using one of the examples in this article. ` (a business should acts neutral about this case. they should not side with either gay nor anti-gay marriage. it could lead to discrimination. they should threat their employee equally too whether they are gay or straight)
((Business organizations should retain a neutral standpoint on the issue of same-sex marriage. Taking sides on same-sex marriage issue can bring damage to business operations, as evident in the Barilla advertisement policy case. The pasta producer faced heavy criticism from the consumers for showing the organization's negative attitude toward same-sex relationships and marriages.))
Administrative Law questions:
United States Department of Energy (DOE) questions. Answers must be from the official website, (not just some google search). Please make sure to cite your source of information.

3.Why does the DOE work with Wind Manufacturing Suppliers and what are the goals of the Wind Program
(The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) works with wind technology suppliers to promote advanced manufacturing capabilities. Its goals are to increase reliability while lowering production costs, and to promote an industry that can meet all demands domestically while competing in the global market. The Wind Program supports industry partnerships and targeted R&D investments that integrate new designs, materials, and processes into manufacturing facilities, thus making wind turbines a more affordable source of renewable energy for communities around the country)
((The department works with Wind Manufacturing Suppliers to increase manufacturing efficiency. The goal of the program is to promote ways to cut down costs while meeting market demands for the manufacturers. The program is also designed to implement wind turbines as a more stable and reliable energy source for the manufacturing industry.))

4.What is offshore wind?
(technologies that can capture wind resources off the coasts of the United States and convert that wind into electricity)
((Offshore wind refers to wind resources captured from the U.S. coastal regions.)) 5.What does the Wind Vision map show? How would this help a business in the wind energy field?
(The offshore wind projects map provides information about progress around the country)
((The Wind Vision map shows the level of wind energy development by locations. The map could serve as a guideline to businesses that would either join the wind energy generation industry or utilize the abundant wind every to produce other goods.)) 6. Based upon what you have learned from the Wind Energy information on the DOE website, explain what type of businesses would use this information, how would they benefit from this information. This question requires thinking and application (you won’t necessarily find the information on the website). Be as specific as possible.
((Businesses that are considering to join the wind energy generation market would benefit from the information for many reasons; a company can find out what types of government-backed funding and research are available for wind energy businesses. Also, the said businesses can plan out location-specific business venues by accessing the industry overview and outlook provided on the website, namely the Wind Map.
Tort questions (you can find all the answers in your textbook:
7. Define assault any intentional and unexcused threat of immediate harmful or offensive contact-word s or act that create a reasonably believe threat.
((Assault refers to any intentional and unexcused threat of immediate harmful or offensive contact; words or acts that that create a reasonably believable threat are assaults.))
8. Define battery
((Battery is an unexcused and harmful or offensive physical contact intentionally performed.))
9. Define false imprisonment.
((Intentional confinement or restraint of another person's activities without justification is called false imprisonment.))
10. The text book (at page 121) provides a business example of false imprisonment – explain
Shoyoye, whose innocence had already been confirmed by the court, was confined for two weeks due to an administrative error. The county had no justification over Shoyoye's confinement, making the case an example of false imprisonment.
11. What is the reasonable person standard?
The reasonable person standard is the standard of behavior expected of a hypothetical "reasonable reason". It is the standard against which negligence is measured and that must be observed to avoid liability for negligence.
12. The textbook discusses “duty to warn business invitees of risks” and provides the example of an orange cone warning customers of a wet floor in a supermarket. Please provide a business and a duty to warn example.
In a bakery/cafe site where a large portion of the customers are in family groups, it becomes difficult to expect reasonable person standard from children under certain ages. Warning signs that inform the parents of their responsibility to look after their children is an example of the duty to warn business invitees of risks.
13. What is a dram shop act?
A dram shop act makes a liquor selling business responsible for the damage done to others by a patron of the business who is intoxicated.

14. What is the most interesting thing you learned about administrative law? One of the interesting aspects of administrative law is that administrative laws can take many different forms, specifically designed to meet the operational goals of each one of the different administrative agencies. If Constitutional laws provide the general outline of the the ideas that the public is expected to uphold and follow, the administrative laws provide specific directions and cues that aid the implementation of the ideas.
15. What is the most interesting thing you learned about torts, so far? The most interesting thing about torts so far is that unlike a breach of contract, torts can often be very difficult to define and apply to certain situations. The confirmation of intent in judging the criminality of an act can be complicated as not every act easily falls under a specific tort without a thorough analysis of the event.

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