...Cindy Sherman is one of the most “original and influential” artist of the 21st century (Sherman). She is known for transforming herself into “familiar and non-specific” characters (Moorhouse 19). Sherman’s Untitled Film Still #3, 1977 is a 8X10-inch silver gelatin print highlighting the subject matter responsible for launching her iconic career. This image is one of the sixty-nine photographs making up the Untitled Film Stills series created between the years 1977 and 1980 when Sherman first moved to New York. Although the artist is in her photographs, they are not self-portraits. As the creator and model to fictional b-list celebrities reminiscent of Alfred Hitchcock films, and “the look of European opposed to Hollywood types, Sherman is reacting...
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...Humanities and Its Value Many times when a person is asked about humanities he may not know exactly what the teacher is asking. “Humanities?” the student may think without realizing how profound and useful it is within the world. Humanities can include many different studies upon the world, in its most general description it is a complete study of human ideas and expressions with emphasis on both developing techniques and skills for studying art, as well as learning about actual artistic creations. Stanley Fish whom argued that Humanities is merely not a tool but a whole category of its own that is taught is most likely hitting the nail on the head. Intriguingly enough, Humanities is useful in its own way of studies of our interpretations through art, music and other categories of historic pieces. For example, throughout the world people may look at a piece and start interpreting it, while referring to its historic features such as the work of Yun Gee’s painting, the Lone Ranger. The lone Ranger is a painting in which has a historic value which refers to the time period where Chinese were migrating towards the U.S. during the time of the gold rush. They were merely looked down upon as workers because of how they looked and acted. Through the use of humanities people may look at this painting and come up with ideas, “Why did Yun Gee decide to paint this man the way that he did?” “What was the reason for the color in the background and the setting that it has taken place in...
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...label, a negotiation between the artist, object (or performance), and the viewer” (Best). Art should be made for the people and not be limited to certain audiences. An artist should create with the goal of connecting to as many people as possible through their work. As stated earlier, historically, art has been seen as something only the privileged could truly appreciate. This could not be farther from the truth! Art is something that everyone can enjoy, experience, and strive to understand. Art should not discriminate or exclude a certain audience, it should bring together all people to evoke a response, send a message, or to maybe just enjoy looking at. During class, we were given a presentation that featured an artist name Cindy Sherman. Sherman had a quote that exemplifies what and who art should really be made for. “When I was in school I was getting disgusted with the attitude of art being so religious or sacred, so I wanted to make something which people could relate to without having read a book about it first. So that anybody off the street could appreciate...
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...Though Sherman Alexie’s The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian and Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games are both certifiable staples of the canon of contemporary young adult literature, the two best-selling novels do not, at first glance, appear to have much else in common. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is, after all, as its title would have you believe, a “diary” of sorts: it is zany Arnold “Junior” Spirit Jr.’s account of what it means to live on an Indian reservation today – and, more importantly, what it means to be Native American in the United States today. The Hunger Games, in contrast, is a work of dystopian literature; set in the fictional nation of Panem, it sees its protagonist, the recalcitrant Katniss Everdeen, compete in a brutal televised death match known as the “Hunger Games.” Contending that these novels could – or, in fact, do – share thematic roots sounds absurd,...
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...General Patton was an admirer of the M1 Garand (the greatest implement ever devised, he call it). The M35 2½ was what was needed to move those vast supplies when and where necessary. On the other hand, the M4 Sherman (in most of its variants, except for the British Firefly and quite possibly the Easy-Eights) was vastly inferior in combat capabilities when compared to most other medium tanks, and definitely all heavies. The M10 3-inch GMC, and the far better 76mm armed M18 Hellcat were fine vehicles but suffered heavily from the US Army Tank/Tank Destroyer doctrine, where only Tank Destroyers could engage tanks while tanks should avoid tank to tank combat, usually leading to disastrous consequences since the Germans failed to follow said doctrine. All this nonsense was finally scrapped and the M26 came to be. So, let's head to the T34. Revolutionary is an understatement when applied to this magnificent piece of Soviet engineering (hold your shots, Christie fans!). Just to mention some of its characteristics we could say that it was fast, well armed, well protected, reliable, simple, sturdy, easy to build, easier to maintain, sporting an amazing ground pressure ratio, easy to man by crudely trained Siberian draftees, economical, and to top it all handsome as hell. The first tank to have an all-aluminium diesel engine, which made it far less prone to burning at the first strike that the M4 Medium, Ronson, and provide a fantastic power to weight ratio (some 16 HP per tone in the...
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...In Sherman Alexie’s Reservation Blues, Alexie uses music as a way interweave the past and the present as it represents cultural identity and history, ultimately sending the message that music is an unforgiving but positive force in the Indian’s lives. The horses’ music plays an important role in the novel as Alexie uses their silence and screaming to demonstrate the connection music forms between the Indian’s past and present. Reliving her experience before and during the horse massacre by the white men, Big Mom recalls “She had taught all of her horses to sing many generations before, but she soon realized this was not a song of her teaching. The song sounded so pained and tortured that Big Mom never could have imagined it before the white men came” (Alexie 9). As the white men approach, the horses sing for the first time a song of pain and torture...
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...IBS 611 LEGAL ISSUES IN GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT THE MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATION AND THE UNFAIR COMPETITION LAWS INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to discuss the name and describe the different types of structural organizations used by multinational corporations. The different organizational structures are the parent company, the nonmultinational enterprise, the national multinational enterprise, and the international multinational enterprise. I will also discuss the home state regulation of multinational enterprises. The forms of regulations discussed in this paper will be the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Clayton Act and the Robinson-Patman Act. Also there effects on business in the 21st century. THE MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATION The Parent Company To carry out operations internationally, large business have adapted their organizational structures to share risks and to take advantage of economies of scale. The simplest international operating structure is the “nonmultinational enterprise,” in which a firm organized in one country contracts with an independent foreign firm to carry out sales or purchasing abroad. Somewhat more complex is the “national multinational enterprise,” in which a parent firm established in one country establishes wholly owned branches and subsidiaries in other countries. The most complex is the “international multinational enterprise” made up of two or more parents from different countries that co-own operating businesses in two or more...
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...he 1964 world première of “Mary Poppins” was held at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, and it was the kind of spectacle for which the Disney organization had become famous. Throngs of screaming fans were greeted by Mickey Mouse, Goofy, Snow White and the dwarfs, as well as by entertainers who gestured toward the movie’s Edwardian setting: a twelve-piece pearly band, chimney-sweep dancers, valets dressed as bobbies, and a bevy of pretty Disneyland hostesses, whose traditional uniforms (kilts and black velvet riding helmets) suggested a general Englishness. Hollywood luminaries arrived in chauffeured automobiles, the women in ball gowns and mink stoles (Angie Dickinson, Maureen O’Hara, Suzanne Pleshette), the men wearing dinner jackets (Edward G. Robinson, Cesar Romero, Buddy Ebsen). The arrival of the movie’s principals aroused muted excitement: Julie Andrews, who played Mary Poppins, had never appeared in a movie before, and Dick Van Dyke—the chimney sweep Bert—became much better known after the film’s release. Then Walt Disney himself arrived, stepping out of a stretch limousine and gallantly reaching a hand into the car to help his wife, Lillian, onto the pavement. Disney was by then immensely famous, appearing on his own television show every Sunday night. He had carefully engineered his entrance: when his car pulled up, the Disney characters mobbed it, and soon afterward clouds of balloons were released into the air. Inside the packed twelve-hundred-seat theatre...
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...ambientes que requieren mejora continua por causas competitivas o dinamismo del mercado. Este tipo de contabilidad se define por cuatro elementos importantes: 1. Asignación de la responsabilidad 2. Establecimiento de medidas de desempeño 3. Evaluación de desempeño 4. Asignación de recompensas Su objetivo principal es resaltar el desempeño financiero de las unidades de la empresa, para luego evaluar y recompensar el desempeño. Esta evaluación se hace utilizando estándares orientados de manera financiera (presupuestos, reducción de costos en un periodo). Sin embargo este procedimiento tiene una limitación, la cual consiste que búsqueda del mejoramiento continuo se fragmenta y se deja de conectar con la misión y estrategia general de la empresa. Esta limitación genera que la mejora continua no tenga una dirección, por lo que se...
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...peligro. De modo que MANDO ha de ser comprendida como la organización del ejército, las graduaciones y rangos entre los oficiales, la regulación de las rutas de suministros, y la provisión de material militar al ejército. DISCIPLINA Ha de tener como cualidades: sabiduría, sinceridad, benevolencia, coraje y disciplina. Las distancias, y hace referencia a dónde es fácil o difícil desplazarse. Implica: El que está a la cabeza del ejército está a cargo de las vidas de los habitantes y de la seguridad de la nación. Lo más importante en una operación militar es la victoria y no la persistencia. Si utilizas al enemigo para derrotar al enemigo, serás poderoso en cualquier lugar a donde vayas. En consecuencia, un general inteligente lucha por desproveer al enemigo de sus alimentos. Cada porción de alimentos tomados al enemigo equivale a veinte que te suministras a ti mismo. Los que no son totalmente conscientes de la desventaja de servirse de las armas no pueden ser totalmente conscientes de las ventajas de utilizarlas. Nunca es beneficioso para un país dejar que una operación militar se prolongue por mucho tiempo. CAPÍTULO II: SOBRE LA INICIACION DE LAS ACCIONES Si tus fuerzas son diez veces superiores a las del adversario, rodéalo; si son cinco veces superiores, atácalo; si son dos veces superiores, divídelo. Si tus fuerzas son iguales en número, lucha si te es posible. Si tus fuerzas son inferiores,...
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...por tradición, se canta una de ellas y el coro. | | HISTORIA DEL HIMNOHISTORIA DEL HIMNO NACIONAL | 1830-1832: El bardo guayaquileño José Joaquín de Olmedo escribe una Canción Nacional (un coro y cuatro estrofas) en homenaje al naciente Estado ecuatoriano. Esta creación sugerida por el Gral. Juan José Flores no fue musicalizada ni tampoco logró difusión. 1833: Un himno con título de Canción Ecuatoriana (seis estrofas) se publicó en la Gaceta del Gobierno del Ecuador No. 125 del 28 de diciembre. El trabajo señala 1830 como el año de su creación, pero la mayoría de los cronistas no le presta total atención por ser de un autor anónimo. 1838: Una Canción Nacional (coro y cinco estrofas) aparece incluida en el folleto Poesías del General Flores en su retiro de La Elvira, que publicó la Imprenta del Gobierno. En edición posterior presenta cambios en su tercera estrofa. Aún así, para los historiadores es la segunda Canción Nacional que se conoce. 1865: El músico argentino, Juan José Allende, que colaboraba con el Ejército del Ecuador, presenta al Congreso...
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...Regímenes Aduaneros Todas las mercancías que ingresen o que salen de México deben destinarse a un régimen aduanero, establecido por el contribuyente, de acuerdo con la función que se le va a dar en territorio nacional o en el extranjero. Cuando una mercancía es presentada en la aduana para su ingreso o salida del país, se debe informar en un documento oficial (pedimento) el destino que se pretende dar a dicha mercancía. Nuestra legislación contempla seis regímenes con sus respectivas variantes: 1. Definitivos De exportación Exportación Definitiva El régimen de exportación definitiva consiste en la salida de mercancías del territorio nacional para permanecer en el extranjero por tiempo ilimitado. De importación Importación Definitiva Se considera régimen de importación definitiva la entrada de mercancías de procedencia extranjera con la finalidad de permanecer en el territorio nacional por tiempo ilimitado. 2. Temporales De importación Es la entrada al país de mercancías extranjeras para permanecer en él por tiempo limitado y con una finalidad específica. a) Para retornar al extranjero en el mismo estado b) Para elaboración, transformación o reparación De exportación Se entiende por este régimen, la salida de mercancías del país por un tiempo limitado y con una finalidad específica, en este régimen no se pagan los impuestos al comercio exterior, pero se deben cumplir las obligaciones en materia de regulaciones y restricciones no arancelarias y formalidades...
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...inversión, agroindustrialización, comercialización y otros Las agrupaciones la conforman en su gran mayoría organizaciones agrícolas, campesinas y ganaderas de todo el país. Entre las empresas mas importantes podemos mencionar a: -Gruma -Jumex -Bachoco -Bimbo -Danone -Herdez -Nestle Su objetivo es representar, defender y fomentar la actividad agropecuaria. Está integrado por organismos de productores y empresas de los sectores agrícola, pecuario y agroindustrial. Está organizado por medio de una asamblea, un comité directivo, una comisión ejecutiva, comisiones de trabajo y un staff. Está regido por un estatuto que es ejecutado por el Presidente del Consejo, Vicepresidentes, un Tesorero, un Secretario y Consejeros. ASAMBLEA GENERAL Es el órgano supremo y está constituido por los Socios y Asociados. Pueden ser de dos tipos: Generales Ordinarias y Generales Extraordinarias. Las primeras se realizan por lo menos en forma anual, en ellas se trata cualquier asunto que no sea la modificación de Estatutos ni la disolución del Consejo Nacional Agropecuario. COMITÉ DIRECTIVO Es la instancia encargada de dirigir al Consejo Nacional Agropecuario, constituida por el Presidente del Consejo, quien será a su vez el Presidente del Comité Directivo, por Vicepresidentes, un Tesorero, un Secretario y Consejeros. El Comité Directivo se compone en un 75 por ciento de miembros Socios y 25 por ciento de miembros Asociados...
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...Anexo 1 - Analisis rentabilidad en productos (dólares) Valvulas Bombas Reguladores de flujo Costes unitario estandar 37,56 63,12 56,5 Precios de venta fijados 57,78 97,1 86,96 Margen bruto previsto (%) 35% 35% 35% ULTIMO MES Precio de venta real 57,78 81,26 97,07 Margen bruto real (%) 35% 22% 42% Valvulas Bombas Reguladores de flujo % ingresos compañía 24% 55% 21% Margen bruto prev. Ponderado 8% 19% 7% 35% Margen bruto real. Ponderado 8% 12% 9% 29% Anexo 2 - Resumen de productos y costos mensuales (dólares) Valvulas Bombas Reguladores de flujo Total mensual Prod. Mensual (unid.) 7.500 12.500 4.000 Ciclos 1 5 10 Envíos mensuales (unid.) 7.500 12.500 4.000 Cantidad envíos 1 7 22 Costes fabricación Material Cantidad de componentes 4 5 10 Total costo componentes 16 20 22 458.000 $$ Mano de obra (16 $ x hora) Hs MOD puesta a punto x ciclo de fabricación 8 8 12 168 horas hombre Hs MOD por ciclo x unidad 0,25 0,5 0,4 9.725 horas hombre Hs Utilización Maquinas x unidad 0,5 0,5 0,2 10.800 horas maquina Gastos generales de fabricación ...
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...Application Tracking Number http://www.bangladesh-bank.org/onlineapp/view_trackin... Feedb ack | Sitemap | Disclaimer BB Order & other statutes Home About Us Regulations and guidelines Procurements underway Departments & offices Jo b open ing s Contact Job op enings Please Print and preserve this page. Thank you Bappa sarkar, for submitting your application for the post of Assistant Dire cto r (Ge ne ral Side ) o f Ban glade sh Ban k. C V ident ificat io n n umbe r N ame F at her M o th er Birt h date Pre sen t address : 229279-961694 : Bappa sarkar Jo gadish C handra : Sarke r : Purn ima Sarke r : 15 Octo ber, 1985 : C /O: Dr. Jog adish C handra Sarkar Sarke r M rdical Hall, Bo rdia Bazar P.O.: Bo rdia, T hana: Lo gago ra, District : Narail. R elat ed links Ed it resu me C han ge pass w ord Sear ch C V T rack Id FAQ P rin t trackin g p ag e P rin t th is p age Your application tracking number is 13 3 -229279-3 93 611. And CV identification number is 229279-961694. This CV identification number will be required to view and edit your resume (if necessary) upto closing date 3 1 Oct , 2012. Please Print and preserve this page. All academic certificates, marksheets/transcripts, citizenship certificate and other relevant certificates/documents will be called for later on. 1 of 1 10/18/2012 12:46 PM...
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