Premium Essay

Bulletproof Clothing for Kids- Snl


Submitted By slarkin509
Words 720
Pages 3
1. Is this a great business opportunity, or a company exploiting the worries of desperate parents (consumers)?
Twenty elementary students were brutally gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. This tragic event has left many parents in search of the best solutions to protect their children in the wake of danger. Creating bulletproof apparel is not a feasible solution in the midst of such high-pressure situations because of the following issues: the time it takes to locate and put on the clothing/accessory (backpack) and the limited protection against a close range gun shot.

This company is clearly exploiting the worries of desperate parents. And parents are unfortunately seeking out these “protective products,” due to the lack of safety measures being taken by the government and school officials. Communities and local officials should be working together across the country to implement safety measures such as: placing an armed guard at every school, metal detectors, emergency drills (not just for tornados and fires), etc.

2. Compare and contrast the
According to Miguel Caballero, CEO of Miguel Caballero Ltd., he says his company first started manufacturing children’s protective gear after receiving several letters and phone calls from concerned parents. Incidents like the one at Sandy Hook Elementary have spawned interest in these products, due to parents overwhelming feeling of helplessness. Parents obviously can’t control the environments at their kid’s schools, so they have resorted to such an avant-garde product.

Anytime tragedy strikes, the first response of a victim is normally irrational. The companies making these products are banking on these irrational thoughts of panic and helplessness. Some industries are leveraged based on impulse purchases and this is one of those industries. Strike fear into

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