...secondary or college student – or anyone for that matter who has fallen prey, bullying; before the Internet and computers, this deviant act is a form of abuse and normally done by stronger person on weaker ones. The goal of bullying is usually to make the weaker person do something against his will, project power on someone else or simply hurt another because they are deemed different. Bullying has been a societal problem since people began walking upright and "as old as recorded history (“Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him,” reads Genesis 4:8), but, unfortunately, its methods have evolved with technology. (Billitteri 2010)" The reasons and motivations for bullying, the victims of the act and the intended affects really remain the same. It’s only that the methods and techniques differ because of the use of technological tools and techniques. From the physical, bullying gave rise to cyberbullying or what "the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention labeled “electronic aggression” (Billitteri 2010)" where bullies who are now cyberbullies used the Internet to harass, malign, ridicule, threat, scare or intimidate their victims. Victims of bullies who cannot take the abuse often commit violent or suicidal acts on themselves because of their helplessness; victims of cyberbullies often resort to the same extreme measures. For example in Massachusetts, Phoebe Prince, a high school could not take the bullying of her six classmates and ended up...
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...Bullying is one of the biggest problems in today’s society. Unfortunately, regardless of countless efforts to stop this, it is still a major issue. So far, researchers have identified four main types of bullying: physical, verbal, relational, and cyber (Brank 214). With technology’s rapid advancement, cyber bullying has reached a new level of prevalence in today’s age. People are bullied for various reasons, including: deviations between the victim and society serve as a basis for this “youth-on-youth victimization”. Due to the stereotypes of gay men and women, as well as homophobia in society, homosexuals are often victims of “stereotype threat” which occurs when a person a person is at risk of appearing to confirm a negative connotation...
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...Work-place bullying Bill Langley Strayer University Work-place bullying is primarily conceptualized in the literature from an individual or interpersonal perspective with a focus on the victim. The impact of the broader organizational context on bullying has also been considered to a lesser extent. Only a small amount of research exists, however, regarding the group-level processes that impact on the incidence and maintenance of bullying behavior. We adopt a group level perspective to theoretically discuss and explain the processes involved in the occurrence and maintenance of work-place bullying behaviors. Using Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1986) and Social Rules Theory (Argyle, Henderson, & Furnham, 1985), two conceptual frameworks are presented that consider work-place bullying at the intra-group and inter-group levels. Several propositions are put forward regarding the likelihood of bullying in work groups. Suggested directions for empirical research are addressed and practical implications are also discussed. Compared with a more individual focus, effective formal work groups have the potential to offer a range of benefits to organizations, including positive impacts on attitudinal, Behavioral, operational, and financial outputs (Delarue, Van Hootegem, Proctor, & Burridge, 2008). Informal groups (i.e., alliances not represented in the formal structure) is also an important part of the organizational landscape (Hutchinson,...
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...as it can be used for mischief, not only by certain adults but also by the young people themselves; a phenomenon known as Cyber Bullying. Young people to bully peers can use emails, texts, chats, phones, websites and cameras. It is now a worldwide problem with countless occurrences reported and has yet to get the attention it merits and remains nearly vague from research works. This paper reconnoiters definitional problems, the incidences and potential outcomes of cyber bullying, as well as deliberating possible intervention and prevention stratagems. While most youngsters seem conscious of what cyberbullying involves, occurrences of cyberbullying in educational institutions seem to be minimal. Although students have entree to many technologies, the mainstream seem not to participate in bullying over the internet. However, persons who are cyber bullies are also likely to be targets of cyberbullying. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is becoming a crisis with the progression of social media tools. Should government create new laws to protect the people who are being targeted? This is just but one of the many questions people seek for answers. Cyber bullying has been in existence since time in memorial but has gained fame and become more wide spread with the introduction of the internet some few years back. It is common to see instances of cyber bullying nowadays unlike in the past, children are no longer the victims but everyone is; be it old or young, the crime has experienced an...
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...Societal Needs of The Criminal Justice Professional January 27, 2015 The world that we live in is changing so fast and with it new societal issues within our communities. With these changes our criminal justice professionals must continue to train to stay focused on the issues they are faced with. One societal change that I want to touch on is teen prostitution. The demand on the criminal justice professional to curb this increasing issue is intense. Many police departments do not have the resources to handle this issue. Putting in place School Resource Officers (SROs) in local schools can help to a certain extent. Officers in schools provide a wide array of services. Although their duties can vary considerably from community to community, the three most typical roles of SROs are safety expert and law enforcer, problem solver and liaison to community resources, and educator. SROs frequently assist in resolving problems that are not necessarily law violations, such as bullying or disorderly behavior, but which are nonetheless safety issues that can result in or contribute to criminal incidents. Helping resolve these problems frequently requires the officer to act as a resource liaison, referring students to professional services within both the school (guidance counselors, social workers) and the community (youth and family service organizations). In particular, SROs often build relationships with juvenile justice counselors, who are responsible for supervising...
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...Bullying: An Argumentative Essay Bullying has engrained in American society since the country’s founding. Bred from a capitalistic economy and competitive social hierarchy, bullying has remained a relevant issue through the years. It is the most common type of violence in contemporary US society. Bullying occurs in schools, workplaces, in homes, on playgrounds, in the military, and in nursing homes, for example. Today bullying and cyber-bullying have become an increasing problem in the schools. Cyberbullying is a form of aggressive behavior that occurs through electronic devices such as mobile/cell phones (calls and SMS/text messages), e-mail and the internet (blogs, chatrooms, newsgroups, social networks and web-pages). Like other forms of bullying, cyberbullying is usually defined in terms of intentional and repeated interactions on the part of the perpetrator who is perceived to be more powerful than the victim: the perpetrator’s ability to act anonymously is indicative of a form of power he or she holds over the victim As in the case of traditional bullying, cyberbullying often occurs as a result of such relationship difficulties as the break-up of a friendship or romance, envy of a peer’s success, intolerance of particular groups on the grounds of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or disability, and ganging up on one individual (Duncan, Neil, Rivers, Ian, 2012). Bullying has taken on new heights and sometimes victims of bullies suffer severe and lasting consequences...
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...Name: Ayeza Ali Class: WRT 101 Professor: Dr. Drozd Date: 12/03/13 Social Media: A Path to Societal Decadence? With the public promulgation of the internet in the wake of 1990’s, a new era dawned upon humanity. What once used to be a time of familial gathering after dinner to savor stories from the past became the internet surfers lone time. Today, as one strolls along roadside cafés, subway trains, or sits at the campus cafeteria, the so called “social arenas”, all that he’d come across are familiar faces entangled in a world of their own. Headphones covering their ears and faces lit with the bright glare from their electronic devices, they have isolated themselves from society. The social engineers say that we are more “connected” to everyone with the help of the social media, but sadly the truth is that we may have a thousand friends on facebook, but at the end of the day we are still alone, sitting at some Starbucks, head buried in our laptops, scared to even talk to the person sitting right next to us. The foremost predicament that one faces at the hands of social media is unwanted exposure, little known fact is that we have almost next to no control over the information we share over social networking websites such as Facebook, My Space or Hi5. Although the websites do accommodate privacy settings but these settings can be easily over-ridden or bypassed by experienced computer hackers in a matter of seconds. Leaving most users highly susceptible to identity...
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...Bullying as a Social Problem Table of Contents What is bullying……………………………………… Pg4 What is a social problem………………………………Pg5 Deviant behavior perspective…………………………..Pg5-6 Labeling perspective………………………………………Pg6 Types of bullying………………………………………..Pg7-8 Effects of bullying………………….………………………..Pg7 Blumer’s career a social problems….…………………..Pg8-11 Consequences of bullying………………………………..Pg11-12 Conclusion………………………………………………….Pg11 Bullying is a growing epidemic in today’s society. Bullying is a social problem that society has been struggling with for decades. A social problem is considered a common problem that many individuals experience separately. (Mills, 1959) Over many years, more and more people are becoming victims to bullying. What is bullying? From the Oxford dictionary, bullying is an aggressive action imposed by a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. According to Olweus, a target of bullying is defined as “a person that is repeatedly victimized over time to negative actions by one or more persons” (Olweus, 1994). There are many short and long-term effects for both the victims and bullies. The effects that both endure are affective academically, physically, and emotionally. Some parents often think of it as a rite of passage. In their day, bullying was looked upon as typical child’s play and usually exists around adolescents. Before we begin to clarify bullying as a social problem and how to solve it, we would need to first...
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...Bullying as a Social Problem Table of Contents What is bullying……………………………………… Pg4 What is a social problem………………………………Pg5 Deviant behavior perspective…………………………..Pg5-6 Labeling perspective………………………………………Pg6 Types of bullying………………………………………..Pg7-8 Effects of bullying………………….………………………..Pg7 Blumer’s career a social problems….…………………..Pg8-11 Consequences of bullying………………………………..Pg11-12 Conclusion………………………………………………….Pg11 Bullying is a growing epidemic in today’s society. Bullying is a social problem that society has been struggling with for decades. A social problem is considered a common problem that many individuals experience separately. (Mills, 1959) Over many years, more and more people are becoming victims to bullying. What is bullying? From the Oxford dictionary, bullying is an aggressive action imposed by a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker. According to Olweus, a target of bullying is defined as “a person that is repeatedly victimized over time to negative actions by one or more persons” (Olweus, 1994). There are many short and long-term effects for both the victims and bullies. The effects that both endure are affective academically, physically, and emotionally. Some parents often think of it as a rite of passage. In their day, bullying was looked upon as typical child’s play and usually exists around adolescents. Before we begin to clarify bullying as a social problem and how to solve it, we would need to first...
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...Table of Contents Abstract……………………………………………………………3 Factors of Bullying………………………………………………...4 Strategies in Combating Bullying…………………………………7 Conclusion…………………………………………………………11 Reference…………………………………………………………..13 Abstract Bullying has occurred in our school for many years. There has been research done on bullying and the causes of why it happens. Bullying was not considered a big deal and was just an ordinary part of growing up until recently. With school shooting occurring and bullying being mentioned as a cause, it became more important to study why bullying has risen. We must study why there seem to be more bullies in the school system and what can be done to help protect the victims of bullies. When doing a quantitative research the aim is to determine the relationship between the independent variable and a dependent variable. Although an experimental research design is considered the strongest of all designs, a descriptive study would be less likely to have bias due to the number of participants. When surveying participants involved in bullying, statistics can show if intervention has helped with the bullying being done and victims of being bullied. Many questions are asked when it comes to bullying, such questions are: where is bullying most common? Who to tell when you are being bullied? What are the characteristics of bullies? What are the characteristics of victims of bullying? Does intervention help bullies as well as victims? But the main...
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...BULLYING PROBLEM IN A NIGERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL: AN EDUCATIONAL MANGER’S SOLUTION Abstract Bullying problem is pervasive and a serious concern for all stakeholders of education who desire to make school climate a safe haven. This paper is thus moved by this desire, to identify bullying and prevalence of bullying among secondary school students in Nigeria as a matter of urgent attention. The paper brings into concrete terms, bullying situation in Hibiscus College (pseudonym) a secondary school in Nigeria and prescribes a series of decision making process for solving the problem. These include, provision of helping services for schools; sensitization and capacity building of stakeholders in bullying detection and prevention; implementation of bully buster programme; and improvement of students’ level of compassion and empathy through empathy training. Introduction A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students enrolled in it. The main purpose of the school is to develop the student through knowledge acquisition, so that he/she may become a social being. By this, the student is expected to learn how to relate with fellow students, teachers and others in the school on the one hand, and to live in a harmonious way (by blending with societal values) in the society on the other hand. The school is also expected to be a place where students should feel safe and secure, and where they can count on being treated with respect. The reality, however, is that...
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...COED SCHOOLS PROVIDE SOCIETAL BENEFITS OVER SINGLE-SEX CLASSES US Fed News Service, Including US State News [Washington, D.C] 05 May 2011. The full text may take 40-60 seconds to translate; larger documents may take longe Cancel • Jump to first hit TEMPE, Ariz., May 4 -- Arizona State University issued the following press release: How can educators, families and communities promote and improve coeducation in schools from preschool through higher education? This is a far-reaching question two new initiatives at Arizona State University are addressing through the American Council for CoEducational Schooling (ACCES) and the Sanford Harmony Program. ACCES is operated through the university's School of Social and Family Dynamics in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and is made up of scholars and citizens from across the United States who are focused on children, education, families and communities. The Sanford Harmony Program is a research and curriculum initiative also operated through the school, and funded by philanthropist T. Denny Sanford, that is working to understand and enhance relationships among girls and boys. While teaching in single-sex schools and classrooms has become increasingly popular in recent years, there is little scientific evidence that shows teaching boys and girls in separate public school classrooms is advantageous over teaching in coed classes, said Richard Fabes, professor and director of the School of Social and Family Dynamics and ACCES...
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...Effects of Bullying Introduction Having been recognized as an expected yet serious problem in the society, bullying is no longer considered as new problem in the society. Bullying can come in various forms and it can happen to both children and adults. There is a high likelihood that most adults and children each have stories to share which relates to each of their personal experiences either of bullying, or victimization, or witnessing acts of aggression toward others. As perennial as it can get, becoming a victim of bullies has often received the notion of being viewed as a normal part of growing up, or as some have put it, a rite of passage for children and adolescents. In the late 1970s, perspectives began to change as this outlook was looked into by the different researches. It sheds new light on the damaging effects on youths’ growth and development with respect to bullying and victimization. An increase in the awareness of bullying and victimization as well as how it resulted to be a widespread societal problem has been the initial outcome of the innovative research which has encouraged other research on this phenomenon. The beginnings of research on this social issue have been primarily conducted in Sweden and other Scandinavian countries for a number of years. As the research has been shared with other experts the world over, it resulted to the spawning of the exploration on this topic and has reached other countries, including Japan, England, Netherlands,...
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...Social Networking: A Problem for Adolescents Dillon Hackworth Sociology 1010 P06 November 15, 2011 Abstract The impact of internet communication on adolescent social development is of considerable importance to health professionals, parents, and teachers. Online social networking and instant message applications, such as those found on Facebook, are very popular amongst an era of high-tech youth (Campbell 2011). These utilities facilitate communication for teenagers. Although these methods provide many different ways to communicate with each other, they also have real repercussions that spark questions about the social “improvement’s” validity. Acceptable social interaction is now popularly reflected online as a direct result of growing internet access, especially in the adolescent youth. Online Social Networks are regularly revamping the nature of relationships between peers. The internet has begun to take on a role of, not only an information tool, but as a place where teenage adolescents can offer and receive support. Likewise the internet can also be a completely anonymous place where someone could never know whom someone is having a conversation with. Keywords: Adolescent social development, online social networking, social interaction With the acceptance and use of any technology, there is an array of affairs that affect how social networking sites are used on a distinct adolescent level, as well as group tendencies that come into play. Adolescent’s...
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...The African Symposium: An online journal of the African Educational Research Network MANAGING BULLYING PROBLEMS IN NIGERIAN SECONDARY SCHOOLS: SOME COUNSELLING INTERVENTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION Oyaziwo Aluede Ambrose Alli University Abstract Bullying problem has remained pervasive and a going concern for all stakeholders of education who desire to make school climate a safe haven. This paper is moved by this desire, by bringing into context the meaning of bullying and prevalence of bullying around the globe. The paper further brings into perspective bullying situation in Nigeria and prescribes intervention for bullying prevention in schools. These include; provision of helping services for schools; sensitization and capacity building of stakeholders in bullying detection and prevention; implementation of bully buster programme; and improvement of students’ level of compassion and empathy through empathy training. Introduction A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students enrolled in it. The main purpose of the school is to develop the student through knowledge acquisition so that he/she may become a social being. By this, the student is expected to learn how to relate with fellow students, teachers and significant others in the school on the one hand, live in a harmonious way (by blending with societal values) in the society on the other hand. The school is also expected to be a place where students should feel safe and secure, and where they can count on being...
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