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Burial Insurance Case

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It's often an issue that we don't want to face something and we put it off until we're afraid it's too late to do anything about things like burial expenses. None of us wants to saddle our children with the escalating costs of a funeral which can easily amount to more than $15,000. Fortunately, there are affordable plans available that can help make this difficult time bearable for our families.
Mutual of Omaha has one of the more well-known Burial Insurance Plans
Some of the important criteria that we should keep in mind when shopping for a suitable plan are included in the following checklist: Create graphic for chart * How much can I get, and is the plan affordable? * Are there health requirements that I might have difficulty …show more content…
* Can the policy be revoked?
Mutual of Omaha Burial Insurance Plan Review Fortunately, Mutual of Omaha has made available several Burial Insurance plans with a wide range of options which allow us to choose how we allocate for our burial expenses - you can select plans with a face value ranging from $2,000 to $100,000. Many of them require only a short questionnaire and no extensive health checkups. Even with conditions that might preclude you from other policies, A Mutual of Omaha Burial Insurance Plan may be able to find a suitable plan to fit your needs. As there is no medical underwriting, these plans can take effect very quickly. The Living Promise Whole Life Insurance Plan provided by Mutual of Omaha will pay benefits directly to the person(s) of your choice, and can be used to pay a variety of expenses including medical bills or other debts. Two different plans are available - a Level Benefit Plan and a Graduated Benefit Plan.
The Level Benefit …show more content…
Once two years have passed, the full amount of the burial insurance plan will pay out to the beneficiary, regardless of the cause of death of the insured. (This policy is not available in AR, MT, NC, or WA).

Mutual of Omaha offers burial insurance, also referred to as final expense life insurance, through its subsidiary United of Omaha. This policy is called the Living Promise Whole Life Insurance plan, and it is designed to assist in paying for an insured's final expenses, as well as other costs that may be incurred near the end of the individual's life that could incur financial hardship for the insured's family and / or survivors.
Mutual of Omaha offer financial security and will be there when your family needs them. After more than a century in the insurance business, Mutual of Omaha has assets and reserves totaling billions of dollars and receives "A" (superior) ratings from major insurance rating

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