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The Bearded Dragon

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Lizards are one of the first choices people consider when they want to have a pet reptile. “They are the closest reptile that looks like a dinosaur and they don’t carry the innate fear that snakes bring to certain people,” John Virata wrote in his article for the Reptile Magazine. If you are considering having a pet lizard inside your household, here are some of the friendly lizards for a first-time lizard owner.

Bearded Dragon

The Bearded Dragon came from the hot regions of Australia. You should provide an area for lounging with 100 degrees Fahrenheit and the other end of its cage should be relatively cooler. Also, their enclosure needs to have a UVB lighting. “Beardies eat insects and plant material and are usually very hard feeders,” Virata mentioned. Moreover, Virata wrote, the Bearded Dragon shares the top spot in the pet lizard kingdom with the leopard gecko. He added that it is seemingly more popular with the latter because it has more personality.

Gold-Day Dust Gecko …show more content…
Also, it can live up to five to eight years. This gecko is considered as one of the most beautiful lizards. You have to provide a variety of live plant with large leaves inside their enclosures. The Gold-day Dust gecko eats insects, like small crickets and mealworms, but you can also feed it with fruit-type foods.

Leopard Gecko

“The Leopard Gecko is probably one of the easiest pet lizards to keep in captivity,” Virata mentioned. Its enclosure does not need to have special lighting. You may keep a male and female Leopard Gecko in a long aquarium with reptile carpet. The reptile carpet may prevent the impaction when feeding. Also, you may feed it with crickets and mealworms. “One neat aspect of the leopard gecko is the fact that it uses just one corner of the tank as a bathroom,” Virata wrote. It will be easier for you to clean because you can just wipe it with a paper towel.


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