...Associate Level Material Appendix D Contingency Theory of Leadership |Description of work environment | | | |Contingency Theory of Leadership Description of work environment The work | | |environment I reviewed for this assignment is a full service coin-op. | In the table below, categorize different leadership approaches that could be used in the work environment you have described. Provide different suggestions for each of the four approaches to leadership. |Directive approach |Supportive approach | | The directive approach on the part of the manager would be the |Developing clear work rules and procedures and ensuring that | |one used mostly to have a good work environment. Treating workers|employees understand rules and follow them. Being friendly and | |as equals Acting in a non-threatening way. This should improve |approachable Showing concern for well-being and needs of | |the quality of customer care and work environment. |employees, no matter the outcome just be supportive to their | | |needs and do not ignore them. | |Participative...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix A Stages of Critical Thinking Complete the matrix by identifying the six stages of critical thinking, describing how to move from each stage to the next, and listing obstacles you may face as you move to the next stage of critical thinking. |Stages of Critical Thinking |How to Move to the Next Stage |Obstacles to Moving to the Next Stage | |EXAMPLE: |Examine my thinking to identify problems |Deceiving myself about the effectiveness of| | |that affect my thinking. |my thinking | |The Unreflective Thinker | | | |Challenged Thinker |I have to become of aware of the |Develop ways in creating strategy in | | |determining role in my life and of the |overcoming these problems. Such as making | | |basic problems that come from poor |goals to help better your thinking. | | |thinking. | | |Beginning Thinker |Recognize that I do have basic problems in |Start developing daily routines such as | ...
Words: 604 - Pages: 3
...CheckPoint: Business Models and Systems Resource: Ch. 1 & 2 of Introduction to Business Due Date: Day 5 [post to the Individual forum] Consider a local business whose services you frequently use. What are the main components of this company's business model? Using Figure 1.2 on p. 11 of your text as a guide, describe the three components of the business system that comprise the local business you selected. Your response should be 200-300 words in length. Conoco Fuel Station and Garage Business Commerce – The fuel station provides fuel and lubricants from outside pumps that can be accessed 24hrs per day. The outside pumps have pay at the pump to reduce personnel overhead and add convenience for people in a hurry or customers can go inside where drinks, snacks, and magazines are available for purchase. The fuel for vehicles is always in high demand because people rely on their vehicles to transport them from their homes to work, grocery store, and other locations on a daily bases. The demand for fuel stays on a consistent basis and has the supply of fuel oil diminishes the price for a gallon of fuel rises in price. The high demand and lower fuel supply has raised the price of fuel to an all-time high creating a consistently changing market price for the fuel and lubricants. All these products are purchased using cash, check, and credit card. The fuel station makes more of a profit on fuel when fuel prices are low because of the higher demand for the fuel. When...
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...Associate Level Material Appendix B Roles and Behaviors |Description of Company | | | |My company is a bakery with bread and sweets, along with multiple drinks available. | | |It will have only morning and afternoon hours, with large ordering an option. | | | | | | | | Roles and Behaviors | |Entrepreneurs |The person ready to supply the enterprise, acquire productive resources, and to take| | |advantage of business opportunities to create goods and services that customers want| | |to buy and which creates profit. My entrepreneur will be the one bringing new ideas | | |for menu items, he or she will find out what the customer will buy, this will help | | |to lead us to success. I would also...
Words: 280 - Pages: 2
...University of Phoenix Material Appendix C Part I Define the following terms: |Term |Definition | |Discrimination |The denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice | | |or for other arbitrary reasons. | |Institutional discrimination |A denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals or groups, resulting from the | | |normal operations of a society. | |Political correctness |Avoidance of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or | | |insult people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against. | Part II Write a 150- to 250-word response to each of the following questions: 1. How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping? Discrimination is different from prejudice and stereotyping because it denies opportunities and equal rights to an individual or a group. An example of discrimination is that in the early years blacks were not allowed to use the same swimming pool as the whites or restrooms. Prejudice does basically not like someone because...
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...BUSINESS ORGANIZATION BUS/210 August 9th, 2012 Veronica White BUSINESS ORGANIZATION Michael always wanted to own his own business but never knew how to go about it. One day, Michael goes to his friend’s house after work to talk to him about starting up a landscaping business. Michael and his friend John grew up and went to the same school together. When they were both in high school, they would mow their neighbor’s lawn for extra money. After graduation, Michael went to work for a construction company, while John continued to work for a landscaper. John is Michael’s first choice to help him start up a business, they decided to start a business which would be called a partnership. John and Michael’s partnership business soon started to expand. However, after a few months of being in business as partners, John started to complain that Michael was unnecessarily spending money on stuff that the company really did not need to spend money on. Michael argued that John was too thrifty when it came to buying equipment and tools; soon after, the partnership ended. Not letting this affect him, John decided to keep the business going and decided to be the sole proprietor of the business. John decided to hire one foreman and two laborers to keep up with the demands of his customers; everything seemed to be working out good for John’s business. John even decided to raise his capital by selling stock certificates of the company’s ownership, making his company a joint-stock company...
Words: 424 - Pages: 2
...Associate Level Material Appendix B Roles and Behaviors |Description of Company | | | |Goal Post Bar and Grill, a Pennsylvania based corporation, will operate a single | | |unit, medium-size restaurant serving quick-casual food, alcoholic, and non-alcoholic| | |beverages. Hours of operations will be during lunch till late dinner. | | | | | | | | Roles and Behaviors | |Entrepreneurs | | | |The role is to be ready to supply the enterprise with energy, boldness, courage, | | |spirit, expertise, everything that is necessary to start and grow a business. The | | |main role in this company will be to make...
Words: 529 - Pages: 3
...Associate Level Material Appendix E Hardware/Software Components In your own words, describe the following hardware/software components |Legacy systems |Legacy systems are computers, hardware, and software needed to run an IT system. | | |These systems are a huge investment for company’s and often require system upgrades. | |Mainframe computers |The mainframe computer is the grandfather of today’s computer systems. Mainframe | | |computers often serve as the center of a company’s information storage and processing.| |Microprocessors |Microprocessors are basically the brains of a PC. They are the software components | | |that help to make the personal computer possible | |PCs | PC’s are personal computers that are smaller version of the mainframe computer, and | | |made for individual use. | |Network computers |Network computers connect PC users to the same server which allows them to access and | | |share the same information. | |World...
Words: 303 - Pages: 2
...The business plan I chose was a racing parts services business plan titled Auto Parts Business Plan. This business plan is very well thought out and provides much strength. The owners have 30 years of experience in the industry combined and have all the knowledge of daily operations for a racing business. The industry motorsports has been fast growing and has over 1.5 billion in annual sales. The business model is very well developed and researched. The plan provides breakdowns of what capital is needed to start-up, maintain the business, and provides an anticipated growth plan for the next three years. The owners also researched the location and that there has been a 25% increase in population growth in the last decade. Furthermore a new kart racing company will be opening across the street from them. I feel the company has a sound mission statement and has put much thought into how to go about achieving the goals stated in the mission statement. I think this business will attract many clients as the owner intends to be active in the industry, form partnerships with local businesses, and offer discounts to clients of partnering businesses. I feel the market segments are accurately targeted. The price the organization will charge for the services they intend to offer will meet this segment’s budget, and there is definitely a need for quality parts The Company has ideal plans for marketing their services. They have several marketing strategies from print ads, press releases...
Words: 543 - Pages: 3
...The three components of business is; business as a commerce, business as an occupation, and business as an organization. The business in my area I would like to talk about is the little store right down the road here. It is owned by a very nice man from India. His products fit the area. He buys and trades for goods that the people around High Island might buy. There are so many different races and ages that stop there because it is a mile from the local beaches and they are headed to the beach for fun, fishing, or both. So the shelves are stocked with things that these people might buy but the prices may be a little high because the store is the only one for many miles. Business as an occupation with this store is that the owner Dave buys things from a local warehouse that deals in large wallets and belt buckles. There are other small items Dave buys from the same person. So he is trying the product out and if it sells he will buy more, it they do not sell he will not be buying anymore because they will not sell so no profit or not very much of one. So the man makes the stuff then sells it to Dave who sells to his customers. Prices do go up in Dave’s store when the price of his products he buys from the warehouse, go up. In order to keep his profit margin to stay the same he goes up in his price to his customers. These are called transaction costs and they are a part of the business...
Words: 278 - Pages: 2
...Roles and Behaviors Description of Company My business would be an NFL merchandise store. We would sell all new apparel, which would include jerseys, shirts, hats, etc. We would offer all the latest styles and keep full stock of popular items. The popularity of the NFL would help my business strive and my knowledge of the league would help drive sales. Roles and Behaviors Entrepreneurs I would be the entrepreneur of the company and make sure that we stayed ahead of the competition. Location would be important to the company. I would choose an area that attracts buyers and is easily accessed by customers. I have a passion for the NFL and my knowledge of the league brand will be needed to stay ahead of all competitors. Managers My management team would be in charge of scheduling, hiring employees, inventory, pricing, and general issues. I would expect management to be respectful to our employees, but also be punctual and stern. Being a good manager means delegating responsibilities to employees that are capable. Training would also be an essential part of management. I would expect my managers to know how to do every job within the store. Employees Our employees would be in charge of stocking, customer service, cashiering, and also aspects of inventory control. Employees need to be honest and punctual. I would also expect that they be willing to offer new ideas and be open to talking to both management and myself. What behaviors and attitudes...
Words: 344 - Pages: 2
...I chose to do my SWOT analysis on the business plan for Jolly’s Java and Bakery (JJB) located in Southwest Washington. After careful review of this business plan I feel that this particular plan was very well thought out with few weaknesses and threats to the sustenance of the business. The owners, Austin Patterson and David Fields both have broad experience in the industry; Patterson in sales, marketing, and management; Fields in finance and administration. I feel that this amount of experience is a great attribute whenever people are considering pursuing business endeavors. JJB aims to offer its large selection of high quality coffee products and fresh baked goods products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle-to higher-income local market area residents and tourists at all times during operating hours. I feel that as a developing business it is very important that you are well aware of the type of clientele you will be serving and adjust your services and or prices accordingly. For instance the fact that this business is designed to meet the demand of middle-to higher-income clientele it would not be beneficial or appropriate for the business to be located in an area where people with lower incomes reside. Amongst the many strengths JJB possesses the very first strength can be found in the financing. The owners have each used $55,000 of their personal savings, for a total of $110,000. On top of that money, they have borrowed $100,000 from the Small Business...
Words: 321 - Pages: 2
...Business Models and Systems Terilyn L. Blue BUS 210 June 8, 2012 Tony Sines, MBA/TM Business Models and Systems The three components of business are: Business Commerce, Business Occupation, and Business Organization. Business Commerce is the process through which people produce exchange and trade goods and services. Business Occupation is the acquired set of specialized skills and the abilities that allows people to create valuable goods and service. Business Organization is the system of task and authority relationship which coordinates and controls the interactions between people so that they work towards a common goal. When you put all these factors together you get a business system, which is the combination of business, commerce, occupations, and organizations that produces and distributes the goods and services that create value for people in society. In my area there is a business that operates as a pharmacy. It is owned and operated under a franchise name. The owners are in a partnership with various members of the family, making it a family owned business. The owners of this business decided they wanted to be able to serve the community in various ways. The shelves are stocked with quality low priced items that everyone in the community can afford. The service is on a more personal level. Mr. Woods purchases his supplies from the local market in Alabama where his says he get a great deal to pass onto his customers. There are times when Mr. Woods have...
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...SWOT Analysis Stacey Morrison HCA/240 Professor: Jason Bond October 21, 2015 This is a SWOT analysis to determine Mid-Atlantic Recycling, LLC's strengths and weaknesses, as well as, there opportunities and threats. Mid-Atlantic Recycling, LLC's is located in West Virginia, its business model for human waste is to collect recycled, composted, and market waste from city municipal sites for user supplies. Our management team is comprised of the owner and president, Mr. Oliver Pyne, Sam Cole, and Alexander Main. Mr.Pyne has over 30 experienced in farming and agriculture industry. Strengths Experience management team comprised of the owner and president, Mr. Oliver Pyne, Sam Cole, and Alexander Main. Excellent sales staff with strong knowledge of existing products. Sales and marketing is outsourced to Blevins Consulting, LLC that specializes in business and marketing planning, training, website design and marketing to the Federal Government. Our partnerships with customers includes local municipalities, government agencies, and others nonprofit organizations. With our company positioned in a high traffic location within local city municipal areas and interstates allows our business to expand and opportunity to grow. The competitive edge is to expand our company in two phases to collect human waste, compose and recycle the material for proper use. Along with successful marketing strategies phase in two stages. Phase one will be, promotion, to gain entry into the...
Words: 723 - Pages: 3
...Mountain Brooke Fitness Center Business Plan SWOT Analysis The Mountain Brooke Fitness Center is an establishment which provides services in health and fitness. It features a swimming pool, tennis courts, cardiovascular equipment, weight training equipment, court sports, massage, physical therapy, and an affordable childcare center for parents who wish to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It attracts mostly younger people who are primarily under the age of 45 and accredits success to its ability to provide childcare services to its members. In its business plan, it notes there was an increase in population by 15% every year for the previous three years since the business plan was written. The city it resides in is called Monroe and contains approximately 600,000 people. The Executive Summary of the business plan is to accommodate the influx of people by increasing the limit of children to be cared for. Currently the childcare center can care for 30 children and only 5 infants. The new facility will allow 75 children to be cared for and 25 infants. The business plan states it will borrow money to build the facility. With this objective, the business wants to remain the only fitness center that is dedicated to accommodating families and keeping the entire family involved in the club in some way. The business contains much strength already in place to help them achieve their goal. Financially, it has seen a steady increase in sales over the last three years while spending...
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