Free Essay

Bus 245 Database Essentials


Submitted By jonai0913
Words 10657
Pages 43
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Week 2: Tables, ER Modeling, and The DBMS - Discussion

|Database Table Design (graded) |
|When designing database tables, the difference between a good design and a bad design can be a few seconds in response time and |
|several minutes. You may think that this is not a huge difference, but imagine waiting several minutes on a web page for your results |
|to load. How long would you wait? A slow database can mean the loss of customers. So let's begin by discussing some of the common |
|elements of tables and how you would approach the table design. What would you do to ensure that your page loads in a few seconds? |
|Discuss the relationship types and how they affect your design. |

|Responses |

|[pic|[pic|Response |Author |Date/Time |
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|Database tables |
|Jennifer Reed [pic] |
|7/15/2012 1:17:40 PM |
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|I understand how a company could lose customers by having a slow database. I order many things from If the web page took |
|minutes to load compared to seconds, I probably would not order from them. Customers do not want to spend a great deal of time |
|completing a transaction; they want to locate what they are looking for and complete a purchase without a lot of lag time. Also, to |
|provide excellent customer service an online business should make certain that the database that holds all of the data runs |
|efficiently. |
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|There are several things to keep in mind when creating a database so that it runs efficiently. |
|-Every table should have a one field primary key |
|-Relationships should be formed with referential integrity |
|-Choose the most appropriate data type |
|-Create indexes but don't overdo indexes (A database server can find and retrieve specific rows faster with indexes). When a |
|relationship is established, a hidden index is created for the foriegn key. Links between these tables are |
| faster in queries (Chung, L. n.d.). |
|-Compact the database often |
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|There are several others tips in regards to making a database run efficiently. As a beginner database user, I chose these to list as |
|they are more common to me. |
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|Reference: |
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|Chung, L., n.d. Microsoft Access Performance Tips to Speed up Your Access Databases. Retrieved from: |
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|RE: Database tables |
|Lemmesha Wilbert-James [pic] |
|7/21/2012 12:24:08 AM |
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|I agree that it will fustrate most people if they go to a website and it went very slowly when there is something you want to buy. |
|But if their information loads faster and effectively it makes it great for those to shop and buy good from the. I know on some |
|website especially shoe website when you trying to design a shoe it lags which gets people not to buy because they choose not to |
|wait. Having information in the right place is great too. |
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|RE: Database tables |
|Rod Chapman [pic] |
|7/18/2012 9:31:59 PM |
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|Modified:7/18/2012 9:33 PM |
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|Yes, I do agree that speed is a factor in web page design. We have become somewhat spoiled with the almost instantaneous web speed, |
|and do not like it when something just takes several seconds more to come up on the computer. So you have to be as fast as the other |
|guys site, so as not to appear to be too slow. And the same would apply to databases. |
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|RE: Database tables |
|Charlotte Hagans [pic] |
|7/18/2012 12:19:07 PM |
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|I totally agree with you. I don't want to spend more time then necessary when purchasing items. I don't do online shopping, but my |
|experience in just browsing if the site doesn't load quickly I leave it and use another. So, I see where companies could and probably |
|do lose customers if they are not up to speed. I, also, agree with the few tips you gave to have a more efficient database. |
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|RE: Database tables |
|Sean Mccauley [pic] |
|7/16/2012 10:26:16 AM |
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|Taking the "how long would you wait" question a bit further, imagine if your work PC took minutes to load programs or data needed for |
|day to day operations. I have/currently am working on systems that are older and literally take a couple of minutes to load certain |
|internal databases. It's highly frustrating to sit and wait for anything that is something you have to have for you business. |
|Translating that to "as needed" or optional usage can directly effect whether or not users would choose to wait for a database that |
|would take too long to load. As Jennifer used an example of, as well as other sights such as and rely|
|on ease of use and the speed of their data being presented to its consumers in order to be successful. If the database loads too |
|slow, users will likely go elsewhere. The first step in ensuring the database would load quickly would be to make sure that there is |
|not unnecessary data that is being loaded onto the pages the users will be viewing. Although many times relationships can somewhat |
|translate to items that may be of interest, ensure that the original data of interest is the focal point and not overloaded with |
|"possibilities". The primary key will play a huge role in this process in making sure that the correct data associated with the PK is|
|shown and those relationships to the PK are applicable. |
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|RE: Database tables |
|Joelle Yule [pic] |
|7/18/2012 3:08:06 PM |
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|To Sean's example of using older programs or systems, for me I get frustrated and tend to start avoiding the programs. When tying it |
|directly to work related processes, my last company used Access rather than updating to a larger data program, and adding my remote |
|location, it took 15 minutes to make one entry on my end. Having 9 accounts and doing several entries per day on each account some |
|days clearly took excessive time. Lost productivity, my frustration and overall stress created havoc. It's so important to be using |
|the right methods and inputting the necessary data. Some of our drop down lists had items that had been discontinued for 4 years! |
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|RE: Database tables |
|Brittani Wigal [pic] |
|7/18/2012 2:49:00 PM |
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|I can honestly say that if a page one the internet takes too long to load I do get frustrated. I am a very impatient person, so if a |
|page such as Wal-mart does not load quickly then I wont buy off that site. Customers do not like to wait. The whole point is to save |
|time right? Basically, I would make a database as simple as possible. The simpler the better. If the page is simple then it will load |
|faster. |
|Here is an interesting article on how to speed up your website's database: |
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|RE: Database tables |
|Shannon Busse [pic] |
|7/22/2012 7:05:22 PM |
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|Much agreed! The unfortunate thing is we live in a day where speed is most common. Faster phone, care, internet, and even physical |
|speed. The faster we learn to do things, the easier it may become is the theory of most Americans. Do we not realize that there was a |
|time that had no choice but to deal with the slow speed of things. Snail mail instead of email at a push of a button. I do remember |
|when cell phones came out and the internet was brand new. Dial up was the only option and you had minimal browsing available. Now, if |
|the system is not fast, we blame it on the database speed to load. What about if it isn't the database speed but actually the persons |
|computer instead? We need to think about the fact that we need to slow down on certain things. Definitely now in a corporate america, |
|we need speed to make sure that every day life is indeed fulfilled with any time speeder upper. |
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|Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Professor Schiller [pic] |
|7/15/2012 1:27:24 PM |
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|Class, It is sometimes easier to talk about these things in the specific than in the abstract, at least at first, so let's start with |
|an example. Suppose your manager at work asked you to create an Access database to keep track of all the equipment in your office like|
|PCs, laptops, printers, etc. You want to track each piece of equipment, who it is issued to, and where it is located. How would you |
|start designing a database for this application? Would you put everything in one big table, or would you use more than one table? If |
|more than one, what tables would you use and what are some of the fields you would put in each table? |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Jennifer Reed [pic] |
|7/16/2012 12:10:26 PM |
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|Modified:7/16/2012 12:16 PM |
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|I would use multiple tables to create this database. The first table would be an employee table with fields for employee ID (primary |
|key), first name, last name. The additional tables would hold the data for the equipment. A separate table would be created for PC's, |
|laptops, printers, etc. The fields within these tables would contain all of the same fields; serial number (primary key), Model, date |
|the item was issued to the employee, location, and employee ID the item was issued to. A relationship could then be created between |
|the equipment tables and employee table using the common field-Employee ID. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Willeen Smith [pic] |
|7/18/2012 10:30:47 AM |
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|Jennifer I have to agree with you I would also use more than one table to create the database. I feel that it would help you to keep |
|up with all the information that you are tracking. As long as it's user friendly and it's not to much information I think by creating|
|more than one table would benefit the company to track the equipment and other things. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Yuri Lazare [pic] |
|7/17/2012 4:32:29 PM |
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|Modified:7/17/2012 4:45 PM |
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|Jennifer I too will use multiple tables. Chances are we would already have an employee database on file so we would not have to |
|reinvent the wheel and create one. I would not do separate tables for the equipment type but include a type column in the table in |
|which you can select the type of equipment so if we need a list of all laptops, for example, we can always pull a query report to show|
|that. In addition to the fields you have listed I would also include purchase date so that I can track end of life items and service|
|contract information that can be accessed if the equipment breaks down. The accounting department may also need purchase price in |
|there so that they can calculate the current value of the items for the depreciation and premises & equipment segments of their |
|balance sheet. Another table would list the equipment dealer information with name, address, telephone and contact person which would |
|tie in with the service contract information on the equipment list. Depending on the intended use of the database various other fields|
|can be added on. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Kenneth Joa [pic] |
|7/16/2012 2:29:35 PM |
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|I agree with Jennifer, it just makes more sense to divide the information in order for the database to look the best. There is a lot |
|of information in the given parameters and if it was not split up at all it would not be very easy to manipulate or managed the data |
|at all. The point of making a database is neatly and efficiently store and manage data which is not something that can be done when |
|you overload your tables with too much information that does not relate to each other in the most specific sense. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Joelle Yule [pic] |
|7/18/2012 3:12:17 PM |
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|As many have mentioned, it seems multiple tables would work. One for employees (employee number as PK), one for equipment (serial |
|number as PK) and maybe one for location? It depends on if there are multiple buildings (I currently work with 40 different branches).|
|The importance of keeping it minimal stands out, but some information is simply required. I am still struggling with the relationship |
|portion of the tables. I keep reading the information, but it's not quite sticking. I wouldn't know exactly how to tie them together. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Staci Lee [pic] |
|7/16/2012 2:10:28 PM |
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|I think it a situation like this I would have one database that clearly shows the office equipment with it's ID number and who has the|
|equipment. I would want the information to be easy and quick to access as well as easy to update due to changes in staff. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Kinja Cager [pic] |
|7/16/2012 7:48:59 PM |
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|Staci, I think I am going to have to agree with you . I would use just one database showing the main points of what is needed. I have |
|seen it when a company frequently changes employees and they have multiple databases that have to be accessed in order to complete a |
|task , it is harder for training purposes and payroll to adjust. If there is just one main database to follow that can complete all |
|the task required why not make it simple for everyone . |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Caromill Almanzar [pic] |
|7/17/2012 6:11:43 PM |
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|I have never had the chance until now to actually see a database, meaning how is created. I will have to agree with Staci and Kinja on|
|creating only one table gathering all information. The primary key on my perspective would be the employee's Id. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Rod Chapman [pic] |
|7/21/2012 11:41:20 PM |
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|Staci, I agree with you also. I would make the office equipment my key information and build tables of information based on that being|
|the main piece of information in the database per the instructions given. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Nicole Palazzolo [pic] |
|7/16/2012 8:15:27 AM |
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|I would probably use more than one table. I would make one table for each type of equipment we have. For example, where I work we are |
|a restoration company so we have fans, air scrubbers, ozone machines, and dehumidifiers. For these pieces of equipment I would have 4 |
|tables. In each table I would have one column for the number on the piece of equipment for example we have 3 air scrubbers. I would |
|have a column to display which job that piece of equipment is located for example the customer's last name is Smith so air scrubber #1|
|would say Smith for job location. We are only allowed to have the air scrubbers at the job site for a total of 3 days so I would put |
|how long air scrubber #1 was at the job site because in some cases it is only there for 1 or 2 days and we need to have that |
|information on hand for the insurance companys. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Ashlie Ouellette [pic] |
|7/16/2012 8:16:06 AM |
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|I would use more than one table here i would start with Each equipement that they want to keep track of, here i would have one for |
|PCs, one for laptops one for printers and etc whatever the equipment they need you to keep track of. Then the fields i would put under|
|the equipment would be where it is located, and then i would put who it was issued too. i would run a relationship to maybe match the|
|people up to see how many people have more than one equipment issued out. but i think one big table here would just cause to much |
|confusion. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Professor Schiller [pic] |
|7/18/2012 2:52:49 PM |
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|Ashlie and Nicole, You may be creating a problem if you have multiple equipment tables. You should have multiple tables such as |
|Equipment and Employees, but the trick that you will need is the associative table, which makes a many to many relationship possible. |
|An example would be an Equipment Assignment table that linked many Employees with many pieces of equipment. More about this soon! |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Lorrie Sullivan [pic] |
|7/17/2012 8:36:48 AM |
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|_______ ISSUED TO _________ |
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|Well, I couldn't get the relationship to line up properly, but that is what I would do (only in the real program). |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Sean Mccauley [pic] |
|7/17/2012 4:08:48 PM |
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|I agree that it would most likely be best suited to utilize multiple tables in order to show the specific types of relationships and |
|dependent information. To start, I would begin to organize the given data into two possibly three separate tables. (1) Employee (2)|
|Equipment and dependent on the amount of either the employees or the equipment, there may be a need to separate the tables into |
|different employee divisions or brands of equipment. For simplicity sake, we'll just stick with the two main tables. For the |
|Employee table, fields that could be included would be their employee Identification number or some similar way to identify them, |
|desired/allotted usage time. As far as the equipment, the fields should include equipment type, serial number, and check in/out |
|date. Obviously there is a lot of gray area given that the information is fairly vague, but these two tables are a good start in |
|order to create the database and effectively keep track of all equipment the company uses. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Arlene Lazare [pic] |
|7/17/2012 4:45:25 PM |
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|Modified:7/17/2012 6:09 PM |
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|By means of an Access database template you can simplify the process of entering all the information that is related to the office |
|equipment, from the employees’ information that you issued the tools to and where the equipment is placed, using multiple tables to |
|create the database. |
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|"For small business owners who are entertaining thoughts about purchasing a database management system, experts say that the first |
|thing they need to do is determine what they hope to get out of the system—what type of reports do they need, etc. Once the output is |
|known, it is easier to know what type of database is needed, what information will be gathered, and what fields will be created. It is|
|a good idea to start small—such as with a mailing list—to get used to the software. Once the first database is mastered, it is easy to|
|set up additional ones for order tracking, inventory, or other purposes." |
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|“Most databases are one of two types—transactional or warehouse. Transactional databases are easier to build and are ideal for |
|tracking simple things, such as the availability of a product or part. Warehouse databases collect company data of any type, such as |
|sales histories or hiring statistics, and produce reports that can identify trends or group information in new and relevant ways. |
|Small businesses use both types of databases.” |
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|Read more: Database Administration - type, benefits, cost |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Sharon Gibson [pic] |
|7/18/2012 1:11:06 PM |
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|I would choose to use multiple tables that would consist of the following information to order to keep track accurately. |
|Employee: Name, Division, Section & Location(s) |
|Location: Address1, Address2, City, Zip, Office Ph, Cell Ph |
|Personal Computer: Manuf, Model, Laptop Y/N, Service Tag, Warranty End, Surplus Y/N |
|Monitor: Manuf, Model, Serial No, Surplus Y/N |
|Printer: Manuf, Model, Serial No, Surplus Y/N |
|Secured: ID No, Expiration Date |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Professor Schiller [pic] |
|7/18/2012 2:56:04 PM |
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|Sharon, You should be able to combine tables 3 through 6 into one table. You don't want to have to create another table every time a |
|new type of equipment is acquired. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Sharon Gibson [pic] |
|7/21/2012 1:00:42 PM |
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|These tables are all very new to me; Im sure I'll get the hang of it. Considering this is only week 2 and I am use to using excel all |
|day long. I'll get it one day im sure. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Sara Floodberg [pic] |
|7/22/2012 8:42:59 PM |
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|I like you set up! I am not for sure what table 6 means, so it is kind of confusing to me on why we would combine the two. To me the |
|table looks right! The problem I have with access is I have the tendency to make too many tables! I think this is going to be on of my|
|problems to overcome with this class! |
|I was trying to think what PK's I would use and all I could come up with is for the employees! Would the location be department or do |
|you think they would actually have different buildings? When I worked with IndyMac bank we had both different locations and many of |
|them had similar departs because we were nation wide! With 3,4,5 I have no idea! |
|Employee: PK Employee ID, Name, Division, Section & Location(s) |
|Location: Address1, Address2, City, Zip, Office Ph, Cell Ph |
|Personal Computer: Manuf, Model, Laptop Y/N, Service Tag, Warranty End, Surplus Y/N |
|Monitor: Manuf, Model, Serial No, Surplus Y/N |
|Printer: Manuf, Model, Serial No, Surplus Y/N |
|Secured: ID No, Expiration Date |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Deanna Clavell [pic] |
|7/22/2012 8:51:34 PM |
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|Sharon, |
| It looks like you are trying to separate too much information. Employee and Location could be one. Personal comp. Monitor and Printer|
|would be one and Secured would be the other. I think this will allow you to quickly find information you would be looking for. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Shannon Busse [pic] |
|7/18/2012 1:56:19 PM |
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|I would separate the company into sections. I would imagine unless the information you are tracking is not in large amounts, it would |
|make sense to do a multiple table diagram. We do this at my job right now and we use it to track food that is a loss/gain. There is a |
|lot to track and they have many programs to do so, eventually telling you at the end what has been lost or gained. You maybe could use|
|electrical, stationary, and anything miscellaneous. Offices are limited to items they contain so it wouldn't be too hard I'd imagine. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Yesenia Lopez [pic] |
|7/17/2012 10:10:00 PM |
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|A table is the physical storage for data in a database. When a database is accessed a table is usually referenced for the desired |
|data. I would use more than one table to separate the data. I would then create relationships between tables to connect the data. The |
|first table I would create would be an Equipment table that included fields such as equipment type, model, serial number, office. |
|Another table I would create would contain Employee data. The fields would include first name, last name, department, employee ID etc.|
|The relationship between the two tables will be able to connect equipment(s) to an employee. I would be able to track the location of |
|the equipment because each employee will be associated with a department (assuming that the equipment remains in the department they |
|work at). |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Deanna Clavell [pic] |
|7/17/2012 8:29:47 PM |
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|I would have a table for each type of equipment, One for PC's, One for Laptops, and One for Printers. I would start by using |
|department numbers or employee numbers as well as the description of the item. They can be listed as monitors as well as Towers to |
|keyboards and mice. If you want to know if Joe Smith was issued a laptop you can look in laptops for Joe Smith emp. ID # to see if |
|anything populates. this will not take as long as running through all of the information on one big table. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Kelly Dutcher [pic] |
|7/17/2012 9:37:35 PM |
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|I would use one table to create this database. I would create a field for Employee and, Equipment. The entities in the employee field|
|would include the employee ID, first name and last name. The entities in the equipment field would include employee ID (as the |
|foreign key) type, serial number, date issued possibly, applications available possibly and so on. I think that I would actually put |
|the location in as an entitiy in the equipment field because I don't see how it could be a field all in itself. We actually had to |
|create a database like this at a clinic that I used to work at and every employee had to submit a report listing all equipment that |
|they had access to and what programs were installed so HR could get an idea of which employees were in need of an equipment upgrade. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Mark Ramsey [pic] |
|7/18/2012 6:15:37 PM |
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|I would have to say that multiple tables would be the best way to go. One table would be for employee ID and name. each additional |
|table would be for each product. I would attach the employee id to each product to keep track of the usage. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Jb Avery [pic] |
|7/18/2012 11:05:20 PM |
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| In order to create database you would start by designing the data base to ensure reliable and valid data storage. |
|You also need a (DBA) database administrator which is the person who runs the (RDBMS). The DBA creates and maintains the database |
|using RDMS. |
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|RE: Designing an Office Equipment Database |
|Rebeka Andrade [pic] |
|7/20/2012 2:27:32 PM |
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|All the information in the fields would be like the ones stated before. It would include PC's, laptops, printers, Keyboards, and |
|Computer Mice. Also the product issued to, where to locate it, the supplier, and the vendor. All of this information will be in an |
|ERD. I think on the Scheme it would use different charts, but there will be relationships between the products and the suppliers and |
|the people supplying these products. I think it will be easier to read and keep track of the supplies ordered. |
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|Database Table |
|Willeen Smith [pic] |
|7/16/2012 9:49:48 AM |
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|I would have more than one table, I would make a list of everything that I need to create this table, Example: Location of Equipment,|
|Name of user, What the equipment is, serial numbers, and WinVNC numbers just in case you need to log onto the computer remotely to fix|
|something. I would then set up the table and decide what is going to be my primary keys to link everything then I would would do a |
|relationship table which would help in locating everything that is linked to each user. |
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|RE: Database Table |
|Lemmesha Wilbert-James [pic] |
|7/22/2012 6:10:24 PM |
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|That is a very good idea to make sure you make a list of everything you need because you want to make sure you don't forget |
|something. It could be just one piece missing and could make your database table messed up. Having a plan to get the table together |
|is very important. Good Job! |
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|RE: Database Table |
|Sharon Gibson [pic] |
|7/22/2012 8:50:18 PM |
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|I Agree Lemmesha that when designing a data table the step would be to write down what you want done and then implement the design. |
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|Simplicity |
|Adam Rogers [pic] |
|7/16/2012 10:11:48 PM |
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|I think that you probably want to keep the database as simple as you can. Things like keeping a bunch of extra fields that you don't |
|need can bog down a database and slow down it's output. You should have the simplest Primary key you can. If Email is enough then |
|don't have the Primary key be email, street address, and gender; the extra processing will slow down the database also. When |
|establishing entity relationships, make sure they are all logical. It make perfect sense for customers and orders t be connected, but |
|there isn't really any reason for customers and suppliers to share a connection. The final thing I can think of is try not to |
|duplicate data in different tables. Not only does this increase the size of your database, but it can also cause erroneous returns of |
|information. If you have a customer's address in two separate locations, and the customer changes their address so you change the |
|address in your database, when you run a query you may get the old result that was on the table you didn't update and you may get the |
|new result that is correct, but you may not know which one you got. |
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|RE: Simplicity |
|Willeen Smith [pic] |
|7/17/2012 6:10:16 AM |
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|Adam |
|Hello, I have to agree with you what you are saying you might want to keep the database very simple and user friendly and make it easy|
|for whoever is using it to be able to find what they are looking for. I feel that when you have a database that don't take you long |
|to figure out makes your job a lot more easier to do then having to sit there for hours trying to work that system. The easier the |
|less stress you have to do your job. |
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|RE: Simplicity |
|Kenneth Joa [pic] |
|7/17/2012 2:21:34 PM |
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|I agree with Adam and WIlleen, in regards to the thought that simplicity makes a database much better or simply more efficient at what|
|it needs to do. Having a simpler primary key allows the user to keep their database moving efficiently as well as not having to worry |
|about any disorganization. In addition like Adam said having copies of tables only slows you down and when you are building a database|
|you want it to be efficient and appealing to look at which would not be the case if it were full of irrelevant information, excess |
|data, or redundant amounts of data. |
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|RE: Simplicity |
|Caromill Almanzar [pic] |
|7/17/2012 6:27:29 PM |
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|I have to agree with Adam, Willeen and Kenneth. The simple the database is the easier is to access and to manage. It is important for |
|the company to set the parameters from where the database is going to be based on. |
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|RE: Simplicity |
|Shannon Busse [pic] |
|7/18/2012 1:58:46 PM |
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|Agrred! Too much information that is not useful to most is not a great idea. People are reading these for the first time and need to |
|get the point. |
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|RE: Simplicity |
|Rod Chapman [pic] |
|7/22/2012 3:25:49 PM |
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|Adam, I would agree with you in like most things, a clean simple design often works best. In database design keeping graphics or |
|pictures to a minimum or not use them, will keep the load time down and be quicker., |
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|week 2 |
|Navdip Singh [pic] |
|7/17/2012 9:56:10 PM |
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|To be really successful at working with databases, there are many different disciplines to become proficient in - things like disaster|
|recovery, security management, data integration, and more. But there are less than a handful of things you want to be really good at; |
|becoming super-skilled in them will help you enormously in your database career. And believe it or not, one of these key areas is data|
|modeling and its kissing cousin, physical database design. |
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|Designing Database Tables |
|Rebeka Andrade [pic] |
|7/17/2012 10:45:37 PM |
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|I think that it might all depend on the resources that the database depends on. When the network is efficient and fast enough it will |
|also help the entire database system to properly function in all aspects. As mentioned above, it can be the cause to loose customers. |
|In the era that we are living in and the technology revolving us there are people that just expect everything to run as quickly as |
|possible, therefore to have an effective and successful database, it should definitely be fast. |
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|Class: Another question |
|Professor Schiller [pic] |
|7/18/2012 3:06:42 PM |
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|Suppose we have decided on a basic 3 table design with the entities Equipment, Employees and Locations as most important. Another |
|aspect of table design is putting the correct fields into the tables and selecting the right data type. What are the data types |
|available for fields in MS Access? What are some appropriate data types that we would use for fields in the office equipment database?|
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Brittani Wigal [pic] |
|7/21/2012 2:16:55 PM |
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|There are ten different data types available for MS Access. |
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|Text |
|Memo |
|Number |
|Date/Time |
|Currency |
|Autonumber |
|Yes/No |
|Ole Object |
|Hyperlink |
|Look up wizard |
|I would say that I personally think many of these could be used. |
|Text, number, date/time, currency, and yes/no would be a few I would use. I may even use hyperlink depending on the situation. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Sean Mccauley [pic] |
|7/22/2012 10:43:24 AM |
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|The data types for fields in MS Access are as follows: text, memo, number, currency, date/time, autonumber, yes/no, hyperlink, look up|
|wizard, attachment, ole object and calculated. Depending on the equipment database and what all was being included, there are several|
|fields that may be applicable based on the database needs. Text could obviously be used for any reason as necessary. Date/time could|
|be used for things like check out or repair records. Number could possibly be utilized based on how many times the equipment has been|
|checked out. Other fields such as currency or hyperlink has potential depending on if their are financial records associated with the|
|database or perhaps a hyperlink to the manufacturer's website for troubleshooting or informative purposes. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Joelle Yule [pic] |
|7/20/2012 9:39:55 PM |
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|I think most have mentioned text and number, and I also like Yuri's idea below about a Lookup that would allow us a drop down menu. It|
|could be used for locations, but could also be used for types of equipment. I just made a basic spreadsheet for my team in Excel, and |
|in order to keep things easy, I only gave them five options to identify the status of the row. Sometimes too much information not only|
|slows things down, but it can also complicate a simple situation. If we want employee, item and location, we might be better off using|
|limited amounts of options. Someone might call Head Office HO or by a branch number. This would leave many options. Capital letters |
|can also create a new problem. Lookups would eliminate duplicates that are simply data entry differences (capital vs. CAPITAL vs. |
|Capital). |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Charlotte Hagans [pic] |
|7/21/2012 11:21:17 AM |
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|In the last computer class I took, we used look up menus a little bit and it made things a lot easier. The tables were not nearly as |
|cluttered. Therefore, the tables were easier to understand what was being shown. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Lorrie Sullivan [pic] |
|7/21/2012 8:17:55 PM |
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|It has been a while since my last database course, but I do vaguely remember using the "look up menus" as well. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Mark Ramsey [pic] |
|7/21/2012 8:42:46 PM |
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|Modified:7/21/2012 8:44 PM |
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|I would agree that the data types available would be and could be any of the previously mentioned below. I would also have to say that|
|the look up wizard is a great add on bonus. I think that the easier we make it for the end user the less mistakes will be made. |
|Text |
|Memo |
|Number |
|Date/Time |
|Currency |
|Autonumber |
|Yes/No |
|Ole Object |
|Hyperlink |
|Look up wizard |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Shannon Busse [pic] |
|7/21/2012 9:58:17 PM |
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|What is the 'look up menus"? I am not sure that I'm familiar with this. Maybe a little reminder as to what that is or possibly it is |
|something new to me! |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Joelle Yule [pic] |
|7/22/2012 4:27:36 PM |
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|The look up menu is a list of items that you want to see in a drop down menu format. The end user can only select from that limited |
|list. You would create a list, for example, of rooms in a house. Using the Look up function, you would create options of just your |
|list to go in that cell. Your user would have to select from that list, as it's a drop down on that section or cell. You set the |
|command for that item to be a "look up" of your list. I usually create the list on the same page as the cell the formula is in, then |
|make the list in white font so that it actually can't be seen. I typically put my lists in the same section at the very right of the |
|worksheet, a few columns over so that it looks like blank space, but I know my lists are 5 columns to the right of the last visible |
|column. |
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|It removes some user error, and ensures when you want to filter, you get all of the Kitchen items, for example. Because it wouldn't |
|recognize Kitchen being the same as kitchen due to one capital letter, your list updates with the right info. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Lorrie Sullivan [pic] |
|7/22/2012 4:07:39 PM |
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|Modified:7/22/2012 4:08 PM |
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|Hi Shannon, Arlene answered this question today, so I will reference her response rather than just repeat what she said. Thanks |
|Arlene :o) |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Arlene Lazare [pic] |
|7/22/2012 10:55:23 AM |
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|The look up wizard limits data in a field to what you have in the look up wizard provided you select options in order for it to do so.|
|This kind of data control can help cut down on input mistakes and regulate your records. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Deanna Clavell [pic] |
|7/18/2012 8:19:56 PM |
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|The data types available in MS Access are text, number, memo, Date/Time, Currency, Yes/No, Hyperlink, and Autonumber. Some |
|appropriate data types may be text, memo, and number. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Jennifer Reed [pic] |
|7/19/2012 6:56:11 AM |
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|There are 10 data types available in Access; common data types are text, memo, currency, date/time, and autonumber. Some data types |
|require delimiters; Text must be in quotation marks and dates are enclosed with the pound sign. However, if delimiters are |
|not entered, Access will automatically add delimiters. I would say text, number, and date/time would be the data types used in the |
|office equipment database. Text data type to enter the equipment, employees, and locations. Number data type to enter the employee |
|id/ssn and identification number for the equipment. Date/time data type to enter the date the item was taken to a specific location. |
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|Reference: |
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|Grauer, R., Mast, K., Poatsy, M., Frost, R., Day, J., Van Slyke, C. Database Design Essentials for Business for DeVry University (2nd |
|ed.). |
|NJ: Pearson |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Ashlie Ouellette [pic] |
|7/19/2012 8:05:18 AM |
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|The data type available for the fields in MS Acess are |
|Text, Memo, Number, Date/Time, Currency, Auto Number, Yes/No, OLE object, HyperLink, Attachment, Calculated |
|Our homework this week has helped with these data types and changing them and changing the field size after changing the data type. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Nicole Palazzolo [pic] |
|7/19/2012 1:34:23 PM |
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|Some appropriate data types would be number and type. It will be good to know how much equipment you have on hand as well as what type|
|of equipment. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Kinja Cager [pic] |
|7/20/2012 2:04:45 PM |
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|Appropiate data types would be Employees , Number and Type . I think you would need to know what employee has which equipment and the |
|number of machines/equipment they operate |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Professor Schiller [pic] |
|7/19/2012 2:07:49 PM |
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|Class: What are the limitations of text and memo fields? What is an Autonumber field? When do you use it? What is an OLE object field?|
|What are the limitations of an Attachment field? What is the Lookup Wizard for? |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Ashlie Ouellette [pic] |
|7/20/2012 9:56:10 AM |
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|a primary key uniquely identifies each record in a table. primary keys are underlined and boldfaced in the ER diagram. they sould be |
|unique and nonupdateable. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Rebeka Andrade [pic] |
|7/19/2012 11:33:50 PM |
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|Reading through the book, if the primary key is an autonumber, its a number that is generated by access and is incremented each time a|
|record is added. In regards to an OLE object field, it contains an object created by another application. OLE objects include |
|spreadsheets, pictures, sounds, or graphics. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Jennifer Reed [pic] |
|7/20/2012 6:13:17 AM |
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|The lookup wizard helps a user create a lookup field. The values in the lookup field are derived from a table, query, or value list. |
|When a lookup field is clicked on a datasheet, a list of values are displayed to choose from. A multivalued lookup field can be |
|created in datasheet or design view. The lookup wizard simplifies the process of creating a lookup field; the wizard automatically |
|populates the correct field properties and creates the correct table relationships. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Yuri Lazare [pic] |
|7/20/2012 7:31:33 AM |
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|I particularly like the lookup feature in situations like the office equipment database example we had in this discussion. When |
|updating your database rather than typing the location which can result in typos or inconsistency in description, we can have the |
|locations available in the drop down menu for the user to select from.. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Kelly Dutcher [pic] |
|7/20/2012 9:30:08 PM |
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|Yuri, |
|I agree! I like to use the lookup data type as well. At the end of the Data Analysis class we got a sneak peek into using Access and |
|had an ILab similar to the office equipment example and had to utilize the lookup data type to select the location of an item. When I|
|was doing this week's iLab I thought to use the calculated data type in the OrderLine table for the OrderDiscount entity but the |
|instructions said to enter it as a number or something. Anyone have any experience using the calculated data type???? Any information|
|as to why this is not the best choice in that situation? |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Yesenia Lopez [pic] |
|7/19/2012 10:00:13 PM |
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|The Text filed has a limitation of 255 characters while the Memo field has a limitation of 65,535 characters. However, the Memo field |
|can hold 1 gigabyte of character storage when the data is entered "programmatically". The AutoNumber data type is a number of |
|increments that adds automatically as new records are added. AutoNumbers should be used to insure that records are unique. AutoNumber|
|fields can be used as the primary key because they are unique and the value cannot be changed once it is assigned. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Yesenia Lopez [pic] |
|7/20/2012 10:14:32 PM |
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|A lookup list in Access finds values that are retrieved from another table or query. The Lookup Wizard creates a lookup column that |
|displays a list of choices to choose from. The wizard is used to display a list of choices in a combo or list box and helps locate |
|information quickly. An example of where a lookup wizard can be used is to find a employee phone number within a database full of |
|employee data. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Arlene Lazare [pic] |
|7/21/2012 8:15:41 AM |
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|An “Auto Number” is a data sort that supplies a unique number for each record as it is added to a table and increases automatically |
|each time a record is entered. “Auto-numbering is just what it sounds like—a feature where content is numbered automatically.” Below |
|is list of the advantages to using auto numbering. |
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|Auto-numbering can be used for both online and print-based output, but it is especially useful in print-based output. |
|Following are just a few reasons for using auto-numbering. For samples of formats that you might use for these purposes, see |
|Auto-Number Format Examples. |
|Chapter, section, and volume numbers If you are producing output that is organized into multiple chapters, sections, and/or volumes, |
|you can apply auto-numbers to those different elements. Not only does this let you produce numbers automatically for chapter, section,|
|and volume headings, but you can also incorporate this numbering into other content (e.g., page numbers, figure captions, table |
|headings) |
|Note: To generate chapter numbers, you need to create an auto-number format that includes the {chapnum} command. Then specify chapter |
|breaks in the outline TOC. See Specifying Chapter Breaks and Page Layouts. |
|Note: To generate section numbers, you need to create an auto-number format that includes the {secnum} command. Then specify section |
|breaks in the outline TOC. See Specifying Chapter Breaks and Page Layouts. |
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|Note: To generate volume numbers, you need to create an auto-number format that includes the {volnum} command. Second, you need to |
|specify chapter breaks in the outline TOC (see Specifying Chapter Breaks and Page Layouts). Third, you need to specify the auto-number|
|flow for each volume, resetting the volume number to a specific number (see Specifying Auto-Numbering Flow for Output). |
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|Note: You can also insert Chapter, Section, or Volume Number variables into page layout headers. By doing this, you can automatically |
|display the correct chapter, section, or volume number at the top or bottom of pages in the output. See Inserting Chapter, Section, |
|and Volume Number Variables into Frames. |
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|Note: If you are using chapter or volume auto-numbers and you want these numbers to be reflected in a print index, you can do so by |
|specifying the auto-numbers at the appropriate locations in your outline TOC (instead of inserting Chapter or Volume Number variables |
|in a page layout). See Including Page Auto-Numbers in Print Indexes. |
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|Note: In order to create chapter and volume auto-numbers in FrameMaker output, you must split the output into multiple FrameMaker |
|documents. If you are creating one of the other print-based outputs (PDF, XPS, XHTML, Word), you do not necessarily need to create |
|multiple documents, but you do need to create chapter breaks for the output. For more information, see Specifying Chapter Breaks and |
|Page Layouts. |
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|Paragraphs You can apply auto-numbering to different levels of paragraphs in your project. |
|example |
|You might specify that the first-level paragraphs contain number formats such as 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and so on. Maybe your second level |
|paragraphs would be formatted as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, and so on. And finally, the third level paragraphs might be formatted as |
|1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3, and so on. |
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|Figure captions Perhaps you have inserted multiple pictures into your project, with a caption under each image. If you want the |
|captions for each chapter to be numbered (e.g., "Figure 1-1," "Figure 1-2," "Figure 1-3," "Figure 2-1," "Figure 2-2"), you can apply |
|auto-number formats to that content. If you insert a new figure caption with that format between existing captions, Flare will |
|renumber them automatically. |
|Table headings Another way to make use of auto-numbering is to apply them to headings for tables in your project (e.g., Table 1, Table|
|2, Table 3). |
|Page numbering you can easily include page numbers in content for print-based output without creating auto-number formats. However, |
|if you want to incorporate volume, chapter, or section numbers into your pages numbers, you can so by using auto-number formats. |
|Lists As an alternative to using Flare's quick list drop-down options, you can use auto-numbering to create numbered lists for |
|purposes such as step-by-step procedures or outlines. |
|And more… If you can apply a paragraph style to it, you can include auto-numbering in it. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Sara Floodberg [pic] |
|7/20/2012 8:37:46 PM |
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|Autonumber is pretty self explanatory. Access will give a new record a number automatically when entered. It can be used as a PK |
|(primary key). I have read the chapters and I don't see anywhere about the limitations about that attachment field. I am assuming you |
|can store quite a bit in there because you can store photos, files, excel workbooks, and other files in it. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Jb Avery [pic] |
|7/20/2012 8:58:15 PM |
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|Autonumber field is a number that automatically increments each time a record is added. |
|You would use it when ever create a primary key field. |
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|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Lorrie Sullivan [pic] |
|7/21/2012 8:40:55 PM |
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|Text Short, alphanumeric values, such as a last name or a street address. Text field can contain only letters, numbers, and a |
|limited set of punctuation characters. In addition, a Text field can contain a maximum of 255 characters. |
|AutoNumber Numbers that are automatically generated for each record. |
|OLE Object An object supporting the OLE protocol for object linking and embedding. An OLE object from an OLE server (for example, a |
|Windows Paint picture or a Microsoft Excel worksheet) can be linked or embedded in a field, form, or report. |
|Attachment Files, such as digital photos. Multiple files can be attached per record. This data type is not available in earlier |
|versions of Access. |
|Lookup Wizard. A Lookup field displays either a list of values that is retrieved from a table or query, or it displays a static set of|
|values that you specified when you created the field. In the Lookup Wizard, you can enter either a static list of values or specify a |
|source for the values that you want to retrieve, such as a field in a table. The data type of a Lookup field is either Text or Number,|
|depending on the choices that you make in the wizard. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Arlene Lazare [pic] |
|7/22/2012 10:55:23 AM |
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|The look up wizard limits data in a field to what you have in the look up wizard provided you select options in order for it to do so.|
|This kind of data control can help cut down on input mistakes and regulate your records. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Caromill Almanzar [pic] |
|7/22/2012 6:46:32 PM |
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|-The limitations on text is that can hold up to 255 characters. |
|-The limitations on memo field is that can hold up to 65,536 characters would not let to store more. |
|-The AutoNumber field, it is a special data type that is unique for each record of the file. The AutoNumber is used to assign the |
|next consecutive number each time a record is added. |
|-An OLE object field is the one that contains an object created by another application, for example spreadsheets, pictures, sounds or |
|graphics |
|-Attachment fields provide greater flexibility than OLE Object fields, and they use storage space more efficiently. The limitations is|
|that they don't create a bitmap image of the original file. |
|- The lookup Wizard is which automatically creates a relationship while creating a drop list of values for the field. |
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|References: Textbook, and |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Mark Ramsey [pic] |
|7/22/2012 10:25:36 PM |
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|The AutoNumber data type is a number that automatically increments each time a record is added. 65,535 when entering data through the |
|user interface; |
|2 gigabytes (for MS Access 2007) and 1 gigabyte (for MS Access 2003) of character storage when entering data programmatically |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: More Questions on Data Fields |
|Brittani Wigal [pic] |
|7/22/2012 10:27:37 PM |
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|The Lookup Wizard in Access is a great feature. I have used this feature many times while in school. The best I can explain is that it|
|is exactly what the name says. It is a "Lookup" feature. It is for looking up certain information to make a field. It asks you |
|questions and gives you the information you are looking for. |
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|The Lookup Wizard helps create the lookup field by asking you six questions and then uses your answers to create the options list. |
|(Grauer 356) |
|Grauer, Robert T., Keith Mast, Mary Anne Poatsy, Raymond Frost, John Day, and Craig Van Slyke. Database Design Essentials for |
|Business for DeVry University, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions. . |
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|An Autonumber field is used to gives a certain number each time you add a record. |
|According to the book: |
|A special data type used to assign the next consecutive number each time you add a record. The value of an AutoNumber field is unique |
|for each record in the file. (Grauer 122) |
|Grauer, Robert T., Keith Mast, Mary Anne Poatsy, Raymond Frost, John Day, and Craig Van Slyke. Database Design Essentials for |
|Business for DeVry University, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions. . |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: Another question |
|Caromill Almanzar [pic] |
|7/19/2012 10:15:36 PM |
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|Modified:7/19/2012 10:19 PM |
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|The fields will be: |
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|TEXT, use for text or combinations of text and numbers, such as addresses, or for numbers that do not require calculations, such as |
|phone numbers, part numbers, or postal codes. |
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|MEMO, use for lengthy text and numbers, such as notes or descriptions. |
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|NUMBER, use for data to be included in mathematical calculations, except calculations involving money. |
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|DATE/TIME, use for dates and times. |
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|CURRENCY, use for currency values and to prevent rounding off during calculations. |
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|AUTONUMBER, use for unique sequential (incrementing by 1) or random numbers that are automatically inserted when a record is added. |
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|YES/NO, use for data that can be only one of two possible values, such as Yes/No, True/False, On/Off. Null values are not allowed. |
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|OLE OBJECT, use for OLE objects (such as Microsoft Word documents, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, pictures, sounds, or other binary |
|data) that were created in other programs using the OLE protocol. |
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| HYPERLINK, use for hyperlinks. A hyperlink can be a UNC path or a URL. |
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| LOOKUP WIZARD, use to create a field that allows you to choose a value from another table or from a list of values using a combo |
|box—-choosing this option in the data type list starts a wizard to define this for you. |
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|The fields to use in the office equipment database can be text, number, and memo. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: Another question |
|Sara Floodberg [pic] |
|7/18/2012 5:00:43 PM |
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|I have only read the first chapter for this week and if I am not mistaken you are talking about the 11 datatypes: |
|1. Number |
|2. Text |
|3. Memos |
|4. data/time |
|5. currency |
|6. yes/no |
|7. OLE |
|8. Auto# |
|9. hyperlink |
|10. attachment |
|11. calculated |
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|and then you have the delimiters to go with it. |
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|With office equipment I think you could go with number and text. Each equipment might have a number associated with it and then of |
|course the actual name. date/time and memo could be used with servicing the equipment. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: Another question |
|Kelly Dutcher [pic] |
|7/18/2012 9:54:52 PM |
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|Using your list of data types I think that the most obvious would be number and text. I think you could incorporate memos which could|
|be used for the user to input comments about the equipment perhaps as to the condition. I also think date/time could be useful in |
|this example either to document when the equipment was purchased or as Sara mentions when it was last serviced, updated or even backed|
|up. I also think that currency could be important because you could document how much the equipment cost in case you ever need this |
|information for insurance purposes. You could use the hyperlink data to access the product website for technical needs. Lastly, you |
|could also include the attachment data section and could scan in receipts for the equipment, or a signed statement from an employee |
|regarding the condition of equipment upon receipt. There are a multitude of possibilities that could be incorporated into this |
|example. |
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|RE: Class: Another question |
|Charlotte Hagans [pic] |
|7/22/2012 4:04:20 PM |
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|I agree with you guys. I think that number and text are probably the two that are the most often used. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: Another question |
|Yuri Lazare [pic] |
|7/18/2012 5:33:37 PM |
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|Data types include text, numbers, currency, date & time, yes/no, lookup, memo, attachments, hyperlink and calculated fields. For our |
|office equipment database we would use text fields for our equipment names, number fields for our serial numbers and date fields . If |
|purchase price is included the currency data type will come into play. We could use the hyperlink data type to record the equipment |
|manufacturer support website. For our employee table we would use text field with a character limit for the employee names and |
|address. In our location table we can include a drop-down field for location selection. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Class: Another question |
|Jb Avery [pic] |
|7/22/2012 11:59:20 AM |
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|Some data types that would be used in fields in the office are hierarchical,network,relational and object oriented. |
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|Database Table Design |
|Lemmesha Wilbert-James [pic] |
|7/18/2012 7:37:45 PM |
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|If I was to design a database table it would have to be small and not really big. It would have to have less picture and more |
|information because the more pictures you have makes it that much slower to load because all the information and the pictures that are|
|trying to load. You also have to know how to make your tables to make sure you don't have to many for absolutely nothing. |
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|Wrap-up Table Design |
|Professor Schiller [pic] |
|7/21/2012 3:17:59 PM |
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|We saw this week that figuring out what tables to create, what fields to put in each table, and what data type to assign to each |
|field, are crucial steps in the process of designing and building a database. |
|MS Access offers us a variety of different data types that can be assigned to a field, including Text, Number, Currency, AutoNumber, |
|Date/Time, Yes/No (Boolean), Memo, Hyperlink, and OLEObject. Many of you suggested good examples for when you would use each of these |
|data types. It is very important to assign the right data type to each field, to ensure that only appropriate values will be stored in|
|that field. For example, Access will not allow letters to be entered in a Number or Currency type field. This helps us ensure data |
|integrity at the field level. |
|There are a number of other properties that can be set for individual fields. Some of these apply to all data types while others are |
|different for each data type. For example, the Required property controls whether or not entering a value in a field is optional or |
|required. For Text fields, the Size property controls the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the field. Properties |
|can also be used to control the display format for a field (such as whether a date is displayed as November 8, 2011 or 11/8/2011), |
|establish validation rules (to ensure that only legal values are entered), and set a caption to be used in place of the field name. |
|These are just a few of the many properties available in Access. |
|We can also create indexes to speed up retrieving data from our tables. When a field is going to be frequently used to select the data|
|to be retrieved, or to sort that data, adding an index can make our database perform much faster. |
|When you are designing and creating tables, think carefully when assigning fields to each table; selecting data types and properties |
|for those fields; and creating indexes. Wise choices for these can make your database faster, more reliable and easier to use. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Wrap-up Table Design |
|Lorrie Sullivan [pic] |
|7/22/2012 4:10:27 PM |
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|I do have a question, which may have been covered earlier, but I will ask anyway... Why is the text in a field entered with no spaces?|
| It makes it hard, just because of habit, when entering the fields because I always want to space in between the words. |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Wrap-up Table Design |
|Joelle Yule [pic] |
|7/22/2012 4:28:40 PM |
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|I would like to know why on this too! I always have spaces, but I wonder if it has something to do with the export (or import) of data|
|to each program? |
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|[pic] |
|RE: Wrap-up Table Design |
|Kenneth Joa [pic] |
|7/22/2012 9:58:54 PM |
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|I assume that text fields are entered with no spaces for the sake of being efficient. I understand that people habitually put spaces |
|in between things I do it to it just makes sense. |
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|RE: Wrap-up Table Design |
|Kinja Cager [pic] |
|7/22/2012 10:40:25 PM |
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|I realize that I do it all the time. I have to agree with you Kenneth it is a natural thing to do when typing. |
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...Applied SOA Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies Mike Rosen Boris Lublinsky Kevin T. Smith Marc J. Balcer Wiley Publishing, Inc. Applied SOA Applied SOA Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies Mike Rosen Boris Lublinsky Kevin T. Smith Marc J. Balcer Wiley Publishing, Inc. Applied SOA: Service-Oriented Architecture and Design Strategies Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc. 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 Copyright  2008 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-22365-9 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600. Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4355, or online at Limit of Liability/Disclaimer of Warranty: The publisher and...

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Websphere Service Registry and Repository , Used for Soa Governance on Bpm

...Front cover WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Handbook Best practices Sample integration scenarios SOA governance Chris Dudley Laurent Rieu Martin Smithson Tapan Verma Byron Braswell International Technical Support Organization WebSphere Service Registry and Repository Handbook March 2007 SG24-7386-00 Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page xv. First Edition (March 2007) This edition applies to Version 6, Release 0, Modification 0.1 of IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (product number 5724-N72). © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Contents Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii The team that wrote this redbook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii Become a published author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...

Words: 163740 - Pages: 655

Premium Essay


...Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness Houston/ Harris County Blue Ribbon Commission to End Chronic Homelessness Houston/Harris County May 2006 Table of Contents COMPONENTS OF THE 10 YEAR PLAN 1. Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness……………………………………Tab 1 a. Context b. Synthesis of Research Findings c. Strategic Plan Goals d. Summary of Year 1 Action Steps e. Funding Requirements f. Summary of Data Report Findings g. Models used to Develop Plan 2. Summary of System Management Function…………………………………Tab 2 3. Enumeration and Needs Assessment………………………………………...Tab 3 a. Enumeration b. Community Profile c. Profiles of Specific Sub-Populations d. Conclusions e. Recommendations 4. Gaps Analysis……………………...………………………………………...…..Tab 4 5. Rapid Re-housing Demonstration Report………………………………….....Tab 5 a. Pierce Intervention Evaluation 6. Open Doors Report………………………………………………………………Tab 6 a. Rapid Assessment of Needs of Hurricane Evacuees Blue Ribbon Commission to End Chronic Homelessness Anna Babin United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast David Benson Harris County Commissioners Court David S Buck, MD, MPH Department of Family & Community Medicine Baylor College of Medicine James Calaway Center for Houston’s Future Robert Eury Central Houston, Inc. The Most Reverend Bishop Fiorenza The Diocese of Galveston – Houston Skip Kasdorf Greater Houston Partnership Richard Lapin City of Houston Anna Leal Houston Endowment, Inc. The Honorable Pat Lykos Harris County Anthony Love Coalition for the...

Words: 17499 - Pages: 70

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Windows Operating System

...HANDS ON DATABASE by Steve Conger © 2010 Hands ON Database Introduction Many students taking an introductory database course need hands-on experience. Typically they are under pressure to finish quickly with a certificate or degree and get to work. They need to get actual practice in the process of designing and developing databases that they can apply in their future employment. They need to create tables, enter data, and run SQL queries. This book is designed for them. Hands on Database: an Introduction to Database Design and Development focuses on the process of creating a database. It guides the student through the initial conception of the database. It covers gathering of requirements and business rules, the logical and physical design and the testing of the database. It does this through a continuous narrative that follows a student, Sharon, as she designs and constructs a database to track the tutoring program at her school. It shows some of her missteps as well as her successes. Students get hands-on experience by doing practices and developing scenarios that parallel the narrative. After completing this book students will have a good sense of what is involved in developing and creating a database. Below is a list of the book outcomes. A student who has completed this book will be able     to give a general definition of a relational database to identify a variety of ways to gather database requirements to define business rules for a database to create an...

Words: 66591 - Pages: 267

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Starbucks Going Global Fast

...Executive Summary and Company Summary The name of our organization would be Fun and Games Café. We are going to position ourselves as the only company in Melaka that provides café and also entertainment facilities under one roof. Entertainment facilities that would be provided by us include snooker table, pool table, foosball, arcade games and a mini theater. In fact, there are many reasons for our company to be established. We can say that we do not have a direct competitor but an indirect competitor. This is because in Melaka, there is no other outlet that has this combination of the two concepts together. They either have café by itself or entertainment outlet by itself. The potential for our target market to be attracted is also very high. This is because our target market consists mainly on students surrounding the area especially from Multimedia University and also residents around or within 3 kilometers radius from our Fun and Games Café outlet. As we know the lifestyle of people nowadays they tend to like to enjoy and relax more. Other reasons they can hang out at our place includes social and releases tension. Our start up cost would be RM 121, 600 which a large percentage of it would be borrowed from Public Bank. The estimated break even point would be 2.86 years, though; this could be shorten if the market situation is good and provided we put more initiative and hard work. The sales are expected to grow 40%. We must target a net profit of 14% at least and hold...

Words: 4594 - Pages: 19

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Information Processing

...DATABASE MODELING AND DESIGN The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems (Selected Titles) Joe Celko’s Data, Measurements and Standards in SQL Joe Celko Information Modeling and Relational Databases, 2nd Edition Terry Halpin, Tony Morgan Joe Celko’s Thinking in Sets Joe Celko Business Metadata Bill Inmon, Bonnie O’Neil, Lowell Fryman Unleashing Web 2.0 Gottfried Vossen, Stephan Hagemann Enterprise Knowledge Management David Loshin Business Process Change, 2nd Edition Paul Harmon IT Manager’s Handbook, 2nd Edition Bill Holtsnider & Brian Jaffe Joe Celko’s Puzzles and Answers, 2 Joe Celko nd Location-Based Services ` Jochen Schiller and Agnes Voisard Managing Time in Relational Databases: How to Design, Update and Query Temporal Data Tom Johnston and Randall Weis Database Modeling with MicrosoftW Visio for Enterprise Architects Terry Halpin, Ken Evans, Patrick Hallock, Bill Maclean Designing Data-Intensive Web Applications Stephano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Aldo Bongio, Marco Brambilla, Sara Comai, Maristella Matera Mining the Web: Discovering Knowledge from Hypertext Data Soumen Chakrabarti Advanced SQL: 1999—Understanding Object-Relational and Other Advanced Features Jim Melton Database Tuning: Principles, Experiments, and Troubleshooting Techniques Dennis Shasha, Philippe Bonnet SQL: 1999—Understanding Relational Language Components Jim Melton, Alan R. Simon Information Visualization in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Edited by Usama Fayyad, Georges G. Grinstein...

Words: 89336 - Pages: 358

Premium Essay

Hands on Database

...HANDS-ON DATABASE AN INTRODUCTION TO DATABASE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Steve Conger Seattle Central Community College Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei Tokyo Editorial Director: Sally Yagan Editor in Chief: Eric Svendsen Executive Editor: Bob Horan Product Development Manager: Ashley Santora Editorial Project Manager: Kelly Loftus Editorial Assistant: Jason Calcaño Director of Marketing: Patrice Lumumba Jones Senior Marketing Manager: Anne Fahlgren Marketing Assistant: Melinda Jensen Production Project Manager: Renata Butera Creative Art Director: Jayne Conte Cover Designer: Suzanne Behnke Cover Art: Kheng Guan Toh/Fotolia, Inc Media Editor: Denise Vaughn Media Project Manager: Lisa Rinaldi Full-Service Project Management: Chitra Sundarajan/Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Printer: Lehigh-Phoenix Color/Hagerstown Text Font: Palatino Microsoft® and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries. Screen shots and icons reprinted with permission from the Microsoft Corporation. This book is not sponsored or endorsed by or affiliated with the Microsoft Corporation. Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle...

Words: 70521 - Pages: 283