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Submitted By jackyteoh
Words 3610
Pages 15
1.0 Product strategies
The product that we chose to sell on business event is not a meal but rather a snack. It is Italian Chicken Frankfurters from Ayamas; Italian sausages. Ayamas is famous in producing top quality halal products such as the sausages that we chose for the business event. The product that we sold is simple which everyone can enjoy. A simple sausage with a stick is just easy and it can be the most convenient food that all the students and teachers including staffs. They can just buy it, grab it and go. A simple sausage that is without any sauce is delicious yet a time-saving product which is just one Ringgit Malaysia for each.

1.1 The reason of the product/s being chosen
As student having busy schedule all day long, we figure out that selling a meal might not be the way to attract them. So, our group decided to pick sausages as the food to sell in the Business Event and one of the reason is because the preparations for the food is not difficult and also the items we need to prepare for the sausages are not hard to get and yet easy to handle before and after the Business Event. As we all know steaming sausages won't take a long time and it is also easily done. As long as the time for steaming the sausages is right and the quality of the sausages is good, the sausages can be a really tasty food to have, easy yet tasty. We did also fry part of the uncooked sausages so we can provide more variety of choice for our customers. Frying would take longer time than steaming but still the difficulty frying sausages won't be tough and yet still the preparation for our food is easy yet quick. One of the items we prepared which I mentioned is the stick inserted into the sausage which is for the customers to hold is easily to be found in any convenient store or super markets. The sticks are also disposable for the customers after finish eating the sausage

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