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Business Analytics in the World


Submitted By triplea827
Words 1389
Pages 6
Five Guys Burgers & Fries was established in 1986 by the Murrell Brothers. The brothers decided to start a business where they would only prepare “hand-formed” hamburgers that are cooked on a grill and fresh-cut fries cooked in peanut oil. The family was able to gain a great reputation in the area on where to get a juicy burger. In the 90s the brothers were able to open four more restaurants with seating. By 2003 the Murrells were able to offer franchises and sold more than 300 units. Today, there are over 1000 restaurants worldwide and even more to be opened (
Determine how Five Guy’s philosophy set it apart from other fast-food chains. Five Guys has a mission statement that says “We are in the business of selling burgers.” The Murrell brothers believe in selling the finest and freshest food to their customers and they knew that with this attitude they would be able to attract customers. The company does not use mass media commercials, instead they have been relying on word of mouth advertising. Without their customers believing in the business and sharing with others that they have the best hamburgers around, they would not continue to be able to grow. Five Guys chooses to use fresh hamburger meat instead of frozen, all their buns are delivered each morning, and each hamburger is prepared fresh for each customer that enters the store. Other fast food chains have taken different approaches to how they serve their customers. Almost every other chain used frozen meat and has most items pre-prepared to get it out faster to the customer. Although they may have your order available faster than Five Guys, they are providing their customers with a product that has probably been sitting around for awhile. Five Guys also has specifically only chose to have hamburgers and fries at their business. They specialize in burgers and have made that known

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