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Business Article 1


Submitted By kferg86
Words 1316
Pages 6
Business Assignment #2

Big Business Launches a New Attack on Whistle-Blowers
By Paul M. Barrett

In the article Big Business Launches a New Attack on Whistle-Blowers written By Paul M. Barrett and posted this week online on, Corporations are accusing whistleblowers of taking advantage of misguided and out dated Acts while the government stands behind the Acts put in place and hope to help those who willing come forward believing it is their duty to protect those who speak out to protect from waste and government fraud. I chose to write on this article because it covers a few topics we have covered in our class including whistleblowing, ethics, big business, Acts put in place to protect businesses, employees as well as the government. Some corporations believing that some leeway should be presented for those who are found guilty of only slight oversights in their companies.
The article states that Corporations are not fond of the False Claims Act (FCA). Defense contractors, drug makers, health-care providers, and others say that whistle-blowers are abusing an old federal law meant to deter fraud against the government. A Republican senator however, defends the statute as a “shield against corporate rip-offs. The FCA will allow individuals to sue companies doing business with the government as a deterrent to fraud. If this suit succeeds, the individual may keep a portion of the recovery. In a small percentage of cases, the Justice Department will defend the whistleblower’s side, this will make it more likely the suit will succeed in court or settle with a large sized payment by the defendant corporation. The law itself was strengthened in 1987 and since then the government has recovered a total of $42 billion in FCA claims. Now as a result, attorneys are getting more aggressive in searching out potential clients. This is a

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