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Business Article


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Critically Discuss the Extent to Which Fayol’s Classic Analysis of the Management Function Has Largely Been Made Redundant by the More Recent Empirical Studies of What Managers Actually Do, Such as That Favoured by Mintzberg.

...BUS1001 Essay – FAQ’s Q Will a reading list be provided or would you recommend working from the texts recommended in the 'Module Details' document? A There is no separate reading list provided. The recommended reading plus any other sources on what is management should help. Also, there’s short readings about the various theorists on Blackboard and Mintzberg’s article itself. There are also two articles about Fayol and Mintzberg on Blackboard which should be helpful. ------------------------------------------------- Q Given the essay title, would you recommend that I only refer to Fayol and Mintzberg in the essay? Or would you recommend that I also consider other theorists such as Handy? A The question explicitly refers to Fayol & Mintzberg’s views, but you may include any other theorists/researchers whose work supports your discussion/argument. ------------------------------------------------- Q Do we need to put page number on in text citation for and should we use ibid for any repetition? A Essays should be referenced using the Harvard system - check this for details on how to reference in the text - but basically you do not use ibid. Also, you only need to use page numbers when using a direct quote, but sometimes if you are referring to a specific argument which someone has put forward, you would also give the page numbers for this. ------------------------------------------------- Q Does the 2000 words include the reference list? A The...

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