...A centralized company is a company which relies on one individual, central person to make all the decisions of the company and direct the company. This is more commonly used in small companies as there is a small amount of people therefore control is very easy with only 1 person. Advantages - Efficiency when making decisions Objectives are set and there is only one leader, so it is easier to decide on things. Disadvantage - Stress on the leader So many decisions coming to the leader puts a lot of stress on the leader Short Term Effects Decisions will be easy and efficient, and the company can expand fast Long Term Effects Employees might not be happy to be under control of one person, as evident in the testimonies from ex-Microsoft workers A decentralized company is a company which implements several individuals which help to make all the decisions, not just one person who does all the decisions for the company. A very good example of a company that utilizes the decentralized organizational substructure is Apple. Advantage - Broad Based Knowledge A broad base and many different groups and people make it easier to acquire different kinds of knowledge. Disadvantage - Conflicting opinions Decisions can be hard to make because of the different people making decisions. Short Term Effects There will be a lot of innovation as different kinds of ideas help provide a variety. Long Term Effects Slow decisions have a possibility of making the company...
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...1. International business in focus Assessment Assessment will be by an assignment of no more than 3000 words. Any ONE of the following questions can be selected. 1. Examine and analyse the role and impact of strategic thinking for the competitive options of a business of your choice. Please make sure that the business chosen operates in more than one country. 2. In the Summer of 2011, the Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman criticized the credibility of the main credit rating agencies. In view of this: a. First, discuss the macroeconomic relevance for a country of its sovereign debt rating, and b. Secondly, describe the main variables affecting it. 3. Critically discuss the role that Competition authorities may play in correcting market failures and facilitate competition for a country of your choice. Provide an example of their intervention and write your own critical assessment for the case. Written assignments must not exceed the specified maximum number of words. All assignments which do so will be penalised. The penalty will be the deduction of 10% of the maximum marks available (i.e. 10%). Assignments without a word count on the cover sheet will also be penalized by a reduction of 10%. Submission Date: This assignment must be submitted by 5 pm of the 8th May 2012 to the iCenter. Work submitted after the published deadline will be given a mark of 0% unless an extension has been agreed by the Student Advisor. Further details: This assignment must...
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...State University Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment for Information Resources General Information & Process Description Introduction The IT Security and Policies area within Information Technology Services is responsible for establishing policies to ensure that Iowa State University has a secure information technology environment. This document defines a process for departments to perform a business impact analysis and risk assessment for their information resources. Once an assessment has been done, the resulting documents should be maintained and regularly reviewed by the department. By using the business impact analysis and risk assessment tool defined in this document, departments have the capability to identify and respond to risks for their systems and information resources. Departments are encouraged to contact the Information Technology Security and Policies area at 4-2588 if they have specific questions or if they would like to arrange a meeting to discuss the process on an individual basis. Business Impact Analysis and Risk Assessment Guaranteed absolute security in today’s information technology environments is not realistic. However, it is important to have a process of identifying resources and associated risks, determining their magnitude, and identifying what safeguards are needed. That process is what we are referring to as business impact analysis and risk assessment. It is the department’s...
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...Business Plan Part 5: Risk Assessment and Strategies for Growth Business Plan Part 5: Risk Assessment and Strategies for Growth Jasmeih Green BUS521002VA016-1126-001 Entrepreneurship & Innovation MANNERS, AMANDA 9/8/2012 Jasmeih Green BUS521002VA016-1126-001 Entrepreneurship & Innovation MANNERS, AMANDA 9/8/2012 Assess risk for your business. 1. Identify and evaluate the main sources of risk for your business. 2. Explain your plan for dealing with risk by developing a contingency plan. It is stated that risk assessment is third step in a basic risk management process. Risk assessments measure two components: severeness of expected loss and the probability that loss will occur. The aim is to determine the quantitative and qualitative values of risk associated with a potentially hazardous circumstance. Risk assessment is different for individual businesses, there is a general checklist to consider when assessing and managing risks. It should be able to identify potential endangerment to your assets when using the risk assessment. The primary assets that are subject to risk, as well as the secondary assets that might be affected can be determined. My company will have to be able to identify the threat community by deciding whether the threat is internal or external, human ware of malware. In this case we have to be specific in determining the threat. Sometimes you have referred to a broad-spectrum analysis. There is several risk assessment that...
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...BASA module assignment PART 1 – SOLUTION ASSESSMENT 1. Case study The following is a fictitious case study of a central bank that intends to either develop a real-time gross settlement (RTGS) system for the settlement of large-value, interbank payments in the country in-house, or purchase an off-the-shelf solution. The example used in this case study is an evaluation of a vendor’s reply to a request for proposal. 2. Assess proposed solution 2.1 Assess the value delivered by the proposed solution(s) or the actual proposal The acceptance criteria were compiled during internal requirement elicitation work sessions with representatives from the different departments in the bank. These criteria were then weighted based on importance. Number | Acceptance criteria | Weight | Compliance rating | | Weight x compliance rating | | | | Vendor A | Vendor B | In-house | Vendor A | Vendor B | In-house | 1 | Application software product requirements | | | | | | | | 1.1 | All settlement shall be prefunded | 20 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 60 | 60 | 40 | 1.2 | The system shall provide for different settlement options | 30 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 20 | 60 | 20 | 1.3 | The system shall facilitate intraday credit extension against collateral | 10 | 2 | 3 | 1 | 40 | 60 | 20 | 1.4 | The system shall be able to interface with existing back-office systems | 5 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 40 | 40 | 60 | 1.5 | Settlement should be final and irrevocable | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 60 | 20 | 60 | 2 |...
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...Data is the raw facts and statistics collected during the operation of a business whereas Information is the data that is accurate, timely and interpreted and presented for a specific context (Swinburne Online 2014 Week 1). In a business context, this easily interpreted information allows the business to make informed decisions. Using the data to learn about the customers and their behaviours is a key factor to creating and building strong customer relationships and gaining a competitive advantage (Hillard 2010). Living in the information age, where an infinite number of facts are available to anyone with access to the Internet (Baltzan et al. 2010), it is imperative that a business model has a system in place to utilise all the data and information gathered from their customers to help expand their business. While many companies have found ways to collect data, it is data transformation; using the data to drive strategic change, that proves the most difficult (Hillard 2010). Increasingly in today’s day and age, customers are demanding communication and highly personalised service. Amazon is an excellent example of a company that is instrumental in using its collected data in marketing itself as a more efficient and more effective business. Amazon’s mission statement is “to be Earth's most customer-centric company" (Amazon 2014), and progressing from a Web site that sold books to an e-commerce that sells nearly everything, they are doing just that. Asides from tracking customer...
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...personal responsibilities and working in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. • The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk • Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly • When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference • Then, go to www.vision2learn.com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number. Please note that this Assessment document has 8 pages and is made up of 7 Sections. Name: xyz Section 1 – Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer 1. Identify four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. If possible, use an example contract to support your answer (feel free to obscure any confidential information). • All informations about employer ( the employers name or the organisation name with address ) • Contract Start Date of Employment • Employee’s Job Title with a full description • Hours of work 2a) List three key points of legislation that affect employers in a business environment. • Data protection • Health & Safety • Pay and pension 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. • Statutory Employment rights ...
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...Executive summary This project aims to provide an in-depth analysis of external and internal factors affecting performance of world leading retailer Zara. First of all, the brief background on Zara is provided in order to familiarise reader with the business model they implement. Secondly, the PESTEL framework is utilised as the base for analysis of external environment and its potential effects on company’s performance. Further, the Porter’s 5 forces are identified in order to assess where the competitive advantage stems from. After assessment of external environment, this paper provides the overview of internal factors which might be crucial for success, as well as drawbacks of Zara’s internal organisation. Assessment of internal environment starts from the evaluation of Zara’s resources and capabilities, followed by the critical analysis of manufacturing and logistics processes. Further discussion of the PR issues and its effects on company performance is provided. In addition, the benefits of corporate socially responsible policies are discussed. Overall conclusions on Zara strategic steps that are to be taken are suggested based on the conducted analysis of the internal and external characteristics of the environment Zara is doing business in. Zara background Zara is the flagship chain store of Spanish company Inditex Group which incorporates other brands such as Zara Home, Massimo Dutti, Pull and Bear, Oysho, Uterqüe, Stradivarius and Bershka. Zara is present in 86...
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...ACC203 ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS T0214 Section 1: General Information 1.1 Administrative details: |Associated HE Award(s) |Duration |Level |Subject Coordinator | | B Bus (Accg); B Bus (Mgt & Finance) |1 trimester |Level 2 | Richard Chang | | | | |richard@koi.edu.au | 1.2 Core / elective: This is a core subject for B Bus (Accg) and an elective subject for B Bus (Mgt & Fin) 1.3 Subject/unit weighting: Indicated below is the weighting of this subject/unit and the total course points. |Subject Credit Points |Total Course Credit Points | | 4 |BBus(Accg) 96; BBus (Mgt & Finance) 96 | 1.4 Student workload: Indicated below is the expected student workload per week for this subject/unit: |No. timetabled hours/week* |No. personal study hours/week** |Total workload hours/week*** | |4 hours/week |5 hours/week |9 hours/week | |2 hour Lecture + 2 hour Tutorial...
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...Assessment Support Pack SCQF level 8 02 fro .7 5. 66 .1 34 International Purchasing and Supply — H2X3 35 80 www.sqa.org.uk © Scottish Qualifications Authority 2013 SQ A Published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority The Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8DQ Lowden, 24 Wester Shawfair, Dalkeith, Midlothian, EH22 1FD C hi na Fi le The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications. This publication must not be reproduced for commercial or trade purposes. This material is for use by teaching staff only. do w nl oa de d Publication date: April 2013 Publication code: H2X3 35/ASP001 by ce nt re _3 00 54 m on 10 /1 0/ 20 14 08 :4 0 Introduction This Assessment Support Pack incorporates assessment templates for both Higher National and National Qualifications (other than CfE) and can be used in a variety of ways including, for example: to generate evidence which demonstrates that learners have achieved all Outcomes and Knowledge and/or Skills for the Unit as exemplification of the standard of performance expected of learners achieving the Unit, ie as a benchmark to help centres develop an appropriate assessment for the Unit to give teachers/lecturers/assessors new ideas as a staff development tool Security and confidentiality The information in this publication may be reproduced in support of SQA qualifications. Where the publication...
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...for their consultation and development work. Version control: Version 1 ( updated October 2009 Contents Introduction 1 Assessment cover sheet 2 Competency mapping 3 Assessment plan 5 Evidence review 7 Observation of work project: Research estate agency operations 8 Part A: Research and interpret legislative, licensing and ethical compliance requirements 7 Part B: Research industry employment requirements 8 Part C: Present findings 9 Record of assessment of work project 11 Questions and key points 13 Develop knowledge of estate agency operations (Q1-Q6) 13 Interpret and comply with legislative and agency requirements (Q7-Q17) 14 Model ethical practice (Q18-Q22) 16 Identify industry employment requirements (Q23-Q28) 17 Third party evidence report 19 Record of assessment outcome 21 Introduction This assessment instrument covers the required performance outcomes described by the following unit of competency from the CPP07 Property Services Training Package: CPPDSM4080A Work in the real estate industry. The instrument provides assessors in the property development, sales and management sector with tools and templates to conduct a formal assessment process and to develop assessment records that meet Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) requirements for valid, reliable, fair and flexible evidence. Completion of the requirements...
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...Self-Assessment Tasks Plan MBA6004 Foundational Skills for Business Leaders Unit 1 Assignment 1 Introduction This report is a self-assessment of the written and Excel skills evaluation that is required by Capella. Based on the results from the assessment, the student is required to create an action plan for improving those skills in this course and future courses. The self-evaluation consists of three components. The first assessment consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. The second assessment instructs the student to write an essay on a given topic. The final assessment consists of 20 multiple-choice questions to determine the student proficiency and competency with Microsoft Excel. Once the self-assessment has been completed, the outcome of each assessment is made available to the student. This paper will discuss the steps that will be taken while pursuing my MBA degree. Learner Action Plan The Action Plan tab is designed to help students organize and manage key academic courses, structure professional and life tasks to support the students through the program to ensure overall academic success. The Skill Enhancement tab provides an extensive list of tutorial and self-paced courses to improve both your writing skills and Excel skills. Figure 1: Skills Enhancement Based on my assessment results, an action plan was developed that involved improving my writing and enhancing skills in Excel. My action plan does show that the dates that have been set to complete...
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...MGT8034 Assessment page 1 Assessment Assessment scheme The assessment for Strategic management of human resources and innovation has two case studies and an on-line test. Description Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date On-line test (see study desk) 100 20% Friday, 18 December 2015 Case study 1 (2000 words) 100 40% Friday, 15 January 2016 Case study 2 (2000 words) 100 40% Friday, 05 February 2016 On-line test (due to be completed by Friday 18 December, 2015) Please note, the on-line test relates to 20 multiple choice questions prepared from the main text Millmore et al, 2007, Strategic human resource management: contemporary issues. Prentice Hall. To pass this test, you must have acquired a copy of this textbook. You can acquire a copy of the text by contacting the USQ cooperative bookshop where both your texts (i.e. Milmore and Davilla et al) have been packaged together to reduce the cost. Please see the study desk in week 1 under the heading ‘ON-LINE TEST’. A ‘Guidelines for the On-line Test’ will also be posted in this section. These guidelines will set out which chapters you should study to be able to answer the multiple choice questions. Further details will be posted for completing this test. © University of Southern Queensland MGT8034 Assessment page 2 Case study 1 Description Case study 1 (2000 words) (approximately 5 typed pages single spaced) Marks out of Wtg(%) Due date 100 ...
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...Master of Business Administration (MBA) ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET Program Module Number Assessment Assignment Title Lecturer Student Name Date Handed Over Date Submitted Assessor’s Feedback 07th November, 2010 Due Date Pass/ ReSubmission Student Number 06th February, 2011 Master of Business Administration MBA 400 Module Title UWIC MBA BATCH - 03 Semester - 01 People & Organizations Assignment 03 - Individual - Essay Importance of organisational behaviour in today's context Final Grade Assessor’s Name Assessor’s Signature A 70+ B 60-69 C 50-59 D 40-49 E 35-39 F -35% Date Assessed : Student Signature & Comments International College of Business and Technology Master of Business Administration (MBA) Assignment Brief Learning outcomes Students should be able to critically assess - Organizational behavior - Management of change (50 Marks) Brief Making reference to appropriate literature and organizational life, critically evaluate the three or four key areas of organizational behaviour, Leadership, Group Behavior, Training & Development, Change Management Marking Scheme Introduction and identifying the importance 30% Literature revive 25% Elaborating on the above Organisational Behaviours and stating the relevance in today’s context 40% Reference and bibliography 5% REPORT STRUCTURE Paper Size Words Printing Margins Binding Margin Header and Footer Printing Basic Font Size Line Spacing Font Style Presentation : A4 : 2500...
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...Combined Supporting Notes and Technical Specifications including Units for ------------------------------------------------- ILM Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Management (8331) Version 4 20/08/2010 © The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) 2012 © The Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM) 2012 Supporting Notes for ILM QCF NVQs | This document is intended for current ILM centres and contains supporting notes for ILM National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs) in the QCF. The main purpose of this document is to act as a refresher to help reacquaint our centres with some of the key sections covered in the ILM Centre Manual and provide guidance to assist a centre in preparing to deliver an ILM NVQ. This a generic document and should always be read in conjunction with the ILM QCF NVQ Qualification Specifications Part 2 Technical Info document and the ILM Centre Manual (www.i-l-m.com/centres). IMPORTANT NOTES: * This document replaces the previous ILM NVQ Level 2, 3, 5, and 7 General Qualification Information for QCF NVQs. * 2011 SCQF SVQs are now standalone products and are no longer S/NVQs. They have separate specifications to meet SQA and SCQF requirements. Please refer to our SVQ webpage’s for detail and SVQ resources section online * Centres should be aware that the specifications for NQF Team Leading and Management NVQs at Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 should continue to be followed for learners who have been registered on this version of the...
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