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Business Combination


Submitted By uunice
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Pages 2
Does Parent’s purchase of a legal subsidiary in bankruptcy qualify as a business combination under ASC 805?

Parent lost its ability to remove and replace majority of the board of directors of Poor Son as a result of the bankruptcy. This supports that Parent lost control of its wholly owned subsidiary, Poor Son. Therefore, Parent’s acquisition of the reorganized Poor Son does not meet the scope exception in ASC 805-10-15-4(c).
Under ASC 805-10-20, a business combination occurs when an acquirer obtains control of one or more businesses. The given facts state that Parent will receive 100% of the new equity interests in the re-organized Poor Son. In addition, Parent will have the power to name all members of Poor Son’s new board of directors. ASC 805-10-55-2 provides the examples of transactions in which an acquirer can obtain control of an acquired business. Based on ASC 805-10-55-2(c), Parent has control of the new reorganized Poor Son because it acquired 100% of equity interests of Poor Son. In addition, Parent has the majority of voting interests of Poor Son because it has the responsibility to appoint all new board of directors of Poor Son. According to ASC 810-10-15-8, an acquirer has the power to control if the acquirer has the ownership of a majority voting interests. Based on these, Parent has control of the reorganized Poor Son. To conclude, Parent’s acquisition of Poor Son in bankruptcy qualifies as a business

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