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Business Environment


Submitted By hamzah17
Words 484
Pages 2
This assignment will be describing different businesses, purposes and ownerships of two contrasting organisations. An organisation may operate locally, nationally or internationally. Many business exist for different reasons, they are then classified according to their aim, purpose, ownership and sector in the economy. I have selected two different organisations and will be contrasting them.
Classification of businesses
Businesses can be classified by their aim, if they are a profit making organisation in which case they exist to make money through trading or they are a non-profit organisation in which case they use their funds to support a cause or to provide a service. Non-profit organisations are usually government funded or publicly funded. Businesses can also be classified by their purpose, if they are a local organisation whereby they operate in a specific area such as an outlet, regional is slightly larger as it can run in multiple areas within a region, national organisation which run throughout a country and an international ( global ) organisation operates in another country other than the one it originates. Ownership is another way to classify a business. A business can be; * Sole trader is a business with one owner. This owner is free to make any decision about his organisation and the profit belongs to him. However as a single individual running a business he will have limited funds to grow and expand his business. He will also be subject to unlimited liability, this is if a business goes bankrupt they can lose everything, even personal belongings. * Partnership businesses can be owned by two to twenty people. Here there are more people to generate more income to the business and bring more expertise to the organisation, however the income generated has to be distributed accordingly between them. Partnership organisations are

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