...BUS 543 - ETHICS IN ORGANIZATIONS & SOCIETY Week 2 Interaction Paper Chapter 1 is an introduction to Business Ethics. The major message this chapter conveys is the various ethical viewpoints that can be applied by a corporation, an employee, and a culture. This chapter breaks these ethical issues down as Corporate, Individual, and Societal. The many theories and studies contained in this chapter are encompassed in how decisions are made and what logic is used to apply them. The process of identifying an ethical situation, identifying what course of action to take, deciding to do something about it, and finally, following through on the decision are all dependent on the morals of the individual. Those morals, and view of self, will ultimately determine the identification and the outcome. Several key words are used to support what has been identified as the major message detailed in the opening paragraph. Ethical Relativism (page 33) and Integrative Social Contracts Theory (page 36) both deal with differences on a societal scale. The book judges Ethical relativism as flawed, leading to the Integrative Social Contracts Theory as being a breakdown of hypernorms and microsocial norms. As a westerner the ISCT is easier to accept and supports the major message that society, self, and cultural influences affect identification of ethical issues. Moral reasoning (page 45) further refines an ethically aware individual’s process used to identify whether a situation is...
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...Social Responsibility Social Responsibility Lori Spain WGU April 23, 2013 Social Responsibility Company X, is my client that I will be developing a social responsibility strategy for. Sustainability and social responsibility issues for 21st century businesses will be addressed domestically and internationally. The focus will ensure that adequate business practices, environmental considerations and ethical decision making are all in compliance with government guidelines. Company X is a technology company that provides not only customers; but also communities with innovative products and services. These services are to empower innovative solutions to the everyday needs of life. Company X was founded in 1902, and they are fortunate enough to have earned one of the leading global market positions. Company X is one of 30 companies that make up the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Company X needs to actively contribute to sustainable development through environmental protection, social responsibility and economic progress. Medical and surgical supplies such as drapes, hot/cold packs, tape, dressings and biological indicators are only part of hundreds of products within this field that Company X manufactures. This company is a world leader in markets from highway safety to...
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...Tort Risk and Business Regulation Simulation Jane Thomas University of Phoenix Business Law/531 Thomas Friedman October 19, 2010 In today’s business world it is crucial for organizations to have a plan in place to identify and manage tort liability. This can be managed through preventive, detective and corrective measures. The purpose of a plan is for an organization to manage and minimize individual risks. Organizations that fail to comply with Federal, State, and local regulations expose the organization to regulatory risks. This could greatly impact the organizations reputation, earnings, and existing assets. This paper will identify regulatory risks and tort liability as related to Alumina Inc. The United States based Alumina Inc. is a global multibillion dollar company based in the state of Erehwon near Lake Dira. Alumina is a manufacturing plant that specializes in automotive components, alumina refining, aluminum smelting, bauxite mining, and packaging materials. The corporation operates in eight countries with 70% of its sales coming from the United States. Alumina falls under jurisdiction 6 of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). During a routine EPA compliance evaluation inspection five years ago, Alumina was found to be violation of discharging polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) that exceeded the EPA standards. EPA demanded a cleanup to which Alumina complied without delay. Alumina Inc. is being accused by a local resident...
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...Magnificent Microprocessors, MultiMedia Software & MicroLaser Printers (4M) Magnificent Microprocessors, MultiMedia Software & MicroLaser Printers (4M) Magnificent Microprocessors, MultiMedia Software & MicroLaser Printers (4M) 10425 I-75North Dallas, TX 75243 214-758-2500 214-758-2501 12/16/2012 Magnificent Microprocessors, MultiMedia Software & MicroLaser Printers (4M) 10425 I-75North Dallas, TX 75243 214-758-2500 214-758-2501 12/16/2012 Magnificent Microprocessors, MultiMedia Software & MicroLaser Printers (4M) is a computer manufacturing company and retailer located in Dallas, TX. The company sells microprocessors, printers and supplies. Magnificent Microprocessors, MultiMedia Software & MicroLaser Printers (4M) is a computer manufacturing company and retailer located in Dallas, TX. The company sells microprocessors, printers and supplies. Magnificent Microprocessors, MultiMedia Software & MicroLaser Printers (4M) is a computer manufacturing company and retailer located in Dallas, TX. The company sells microprocessors, printers and supplies. 4M has 200 employees which include 35 administrative personnel, 55 repair technicians, 60 sales & csr, 40 shipping & warehouse personnel, 10 janitorial. A. Develop a social responsibility strategy for your chosen client which includes the following components: 1. Environmental considerations and recommendations Since 4M manufacturers and sells...
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...Running Head: Business Simulation Business Regulation Simulation LaToya Brown Law 531 Gale Francis July 19, 2010 Alumina is a $ 4 billion aluminum maker. Based in the United States; Alumina operates in eight countries around the world, with the U.S. accounting for 70% of its sales. Alumina has business interests in automotive components, bauxite mining, aluminum refining, and aluminum smelting. Alumina falls under the jurisdiction of region 6 with the EPA. (University of Phoenix, 2010). As a part of the alumina family, I am resolving allegations of a claim by Kelli Bates in conjunction with a violation of EPA practices. Alumina was cited five years ago for failure to comply with regulations for contaminating the city lake. The PHA levels in test forms were above the subscribed limit and Alumina was ordered to clean the lake up. When being cited for these issues, Alumina unsuccessfully showed that it did not have systems in place to deal with a crisis of this magnitude. As a result, alumina complied with the notice to clean it up and has since had problems with the EPA. (University of Phoenix, 2010). A report in the Erehwon Reporter featured Kelli Bates, a resident of the city. She claims that her daughter was stricken with leukemia from Alumina’s dumping carcinogenic effluents into the lake (University of Phoenix, 2010). Bates also believes that her daughter’s illness may be as old as the first violation with the EPA (University...
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...Business 313 Loss Prevention January 26, 2013 Jay Odum Critical Analysis Paper Problem: Your employer is violating environmental laws. You know that if the government learns of the violations, your company will be unable to survive financially criminal and civil action and pollution controls. You will certainly lose your job. What do you do? Should you inform the authorities and risk losing your job or stay quiet? This can be a difficult situation and can put the employee in an awkward position. Your first instinct is to keep quiet, especially if you like your employer and your job. You need your job, everyone needs their jobs. On the other hand, if the violation is something serious and criminal, then yes, you are obligated to do something. What if you are wrong and falsely accuse your employer? If you make a false accusation you could be sued for defamation. Consider all of the options first before bringing the company to its knees and causing everyone to lose their jobs. Do not act hastily or rashly. You want to maintain a good relationship with your employer. Your first obligation is to report the violation. You are ethically responsible to report an environmental violation at your company. You should comply with your company’s established code of ethics. All employees must be a part of the ethical environment through a code of ethics and see it spelled out in policies, procedures, and training (Purpura, 2008). When you or your employer make unethical...
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...Chapter Two Being Ethical and Socially Responsible Business Ethics Defined Ethics * The study of ______ and ______ and of the morality of the c_______ individuals make * An ethical decision is one that is “right” according to some s_______ of b________ Business ethics * The application of m_____ s________ to business situations Ethical Issues Fairness and honesty * Businesspeople are expected to refrain from knowingly d________, m___________, or intimidating others Organizational relationships * A businessperson should put the w_______ of others and that of the organization above their own personal welfare Conflict of interest * Issues arise when a businessperson takes a_________ of a situation for p_________ gain rather than for the employer’s interest Communications * Business communications that are f______-, misleading, or deceptive are both illegal and unethical Special Areas of Concern for Managerial Ethics Areas of Concern | Sample Issues | Relationship of the firm to the employee | * H______ and f_______ * Wages and w_______ conditions * P_________ | Relationship of the employee to the firm | * C_______ of i_______ * Secrecy * H________ and expense accounts | Relationship of the firm to customers | * Fairness of p_______ * Honesty in a_________ * Product s_________ * Right of p________ | Factors Affecting Ethical Behavior Three general sets of factors appear to influence the standards of behavior in...
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...and Regulatory Risk Plan Environmental Regulation is perhaps the most stringent area of government’s regulation in business. The government imposes great technology investment demands on the industry for regulatory compliance. One single act of irresponsibility can cost businesses greatly or be forced to close (Business Regulation Simulation, 2009). It is important to identify, manage, and correct torts and regulatory risks for Alumina, Inc. so legal issues do not arise in the future. Alumina, Inc. is a $4 billion dollar USA-based industry leader in Aluminum making. They operated in eight countries around the world. The US accounts for seventy percent of its sales. Their business interests are in: automotive components, manufacturer of packaging materials, and aluminum smelting. Alumina falls under jurisdiction of Region 6 of the EPA. A tort is the French word for a “wrong.” The law provides remedies to persons and businesses that are injured by the tortuous actions of others (Cheesman, 2010). Kelly Bates claims Alumina did not comply with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) legal limit of producing PHA. The drinking water in Lake Dira was found to be unsafe, which caused leukemia in her 10 year old daughter. The plaintiff has filed a million dollar personal injury lawsuit against Alumina to recover punitive damages (Business Regulation Simulation, 2009). Two of the possible tort violations in this simulation are negligence and liability....
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...detrimental situations that can create excessive loss for the business, it is imperative for them to Recognize and minimize the risks associated with torts. According to Henery Cheeseman, 2010, “Tort law imposes a duty on persons and business agents not to intentionally or negligently injure others in society”(Cheeseman, 2010). Developing a clear plan that reduces and eliminates any fines, penalties and tort liabilities will help the success of a business. Cheeseman (2010) states “Tort law imposes a duty on persons and business agents not to intentionally or negligently injure others in society” (Cheeseman. 2010). Plan elements Knowing the four elements of defending against negligence is fundamental to developing a preventative plan against negative effects of a tort. With foresight, a business can plan against the occurrence by superseding or intervening the event. Having knowledgeable team members who can determine whether or not the company is actually responsible for an event is essential. Assuming the risk of potential negligence can help to diminish the possibility of tort. Keeping a business team aware of what risks are possible and can help to avoid situations where a company knowingly enters into risky practices will keep businesses safe from liability. Finally, both contributory and comparative negligence are important to understand and incorporate into the plan. First, contributory negligence means when a business suffers damages through doing something illegal, the...
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...Summary Larry Shepherd is an Aeronautical Engineer, working for Extraterrestrial Delivery Service (EDS). This company has dealt with a scope of business ventures as listed below: ▪ Private parties looking for opportunities to put up communication satellites ▪ Delivering supplies to the International Space Station ▪ Placing astronomical science instruments into space Larry’s job the first few years at EDS presented him with several challenges. First, there was a rocket explosion after liftoff, which EDS had responsibility in this venture. The payload was a part of a communication satellite from EDS, and the reputation of EDS has suffered from this, as well as the customer confidence in the company. Upon impact of the explosion, it caused some damage to the environment, nature, and surrounding areas in the community by the release of a small amount of radioactive dust in the air that settled. It was at this time Larry became the key scientist of the investigating team to determine the cause of the explosion, which was due to a faulty manufacturing of a fuel line gasket by Space Engineers LTD. Larry did well on the investigation and received a promotion to a team leader role. He continued to improve in efficiency, cost, and effectiveness of using rockets to deliver private payloads into space. Larry’s work became even more noticeable by the senior staff in the company and he acquired a nickname of “Werner Von Braun,” of the private space industry...
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...(1) What is the point at which a legal agreement is said to have occurred? Intend to contract. (2) What is the difference between an enforceable, unenforceable, express and implied contract? Unenforceable Agreement occurs when the parties intend to form a valid bar-gain but a court declares that some rule of law prevents enforcing it. Voidable Contract Occurs when the law permits one party to terminate the agreement. Void Agreement is one that neither party can enforce, usually because the purpose of the deal is illegal or because one of the parties had no legal authority to make a contract. (3) Describe a situation where a breach of contract has occurred. Most contracts are discharged by full performance or sometimes the parties discharge a contract by agreement. (4) If there is a breach of contract, what remedies are available? Compensatory Damages (Expectation Interest), Consequential Damages (Special Damages), Incidental Damages (Relatively Minor) (5) What conditions would constitute a discharge of a contract? A party is discharged when they no longer have any duties under a contract. (6) Describe the conditions for a discharge of a contractual obligation. Most contracts are discharged by full performance or sometimes the parties discharge a contract by agreement. (7) Describe types of acceptable performance of a contract. Strict and Substantial Performance. 1) Strict: requires one party to perform its duties perfectly. 2) Substantial: generally sufficient...
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...electronic equipment products and simultaneously resulted in the rapid development of e-waste around the globe due to enhanced rate of discarding the products after their end-of-life (EOL). (Bandyopadhyay). However, it is also worthwhile noting that in contrast, Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) can offer a tremendous business opportunity if it would be treated in proper manner. Such is the emerging technology that support of the green computing and building our recycling infrastructure which is said to be woefully inadequate. Whichever ways these environmental issues are viewed, it is obvious in my opinion that the Waste Electronics and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) is problematic because of the vast array of chemicals and components used to manufacture EEE. The decision by all the stakeholders to act on mitigation of these problems is vital. This is a global issue accompanied by major ethical dilemma across all culture and it is also a problem which has created the cause for a common solution. Regulations & Guidelines Even though a national strategy is under consideration by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), historically States have developed separate initiatives. In the State of Florida for example, the Department of...
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...Drought-tolerant seeds were also created for dry area such as Africa. Opponents of genetically modified crops have various reasons for believing that these products will have a negative effect on the people and insects that consume it. Monsanto has a history of unethical cultures that have had a negative effect on many stakeholders such as the environment, plants, animals and humans. The benefits of growing genetically modified seeds for crops do not seem to outweigh the negative consequences of using them. In an effort to manage the potential harm to plant and animal life from using products such as Roundup, Monsanto should adhere to the code of ethics and follow the EPA’s guidelines. “Ethical culture is acceptable behavior as defined by the company and industry” (Ferrell, Fraedrich, & Ferrell, p. 15). Monsanto’s seems to have a history unethical business culture, which is effectively responding to certain stakeholders (stockholders) while unsuccessfully responding to most (environmwent. Doing what’s best for the stockholder seems to be the main goal of Monsanto. When a company that is already seen as controversial uses tactics such as bribery to meet certain standards and bypass certain studies, consumers should be...
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...Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan A business, whether for or not for profit, in this country, is regulated under guidelines known to us as laws. These laws hold business leaders accountable for conducting business in an ethical manner and protect consumers from negligent practices imposed by a business. An example of these laws is Tort Law, which is a law that provides compensation for tortuous acts to an injured party or party’s property through a civil lawsuit (Cheeseman, 2010). Tort, defined as “a wrong”, is categorized by two components: Negligence Torts and Intentional Torts. The issue of a tort violation is a matter of the plaintiff proving his or her case or the defendant establishing a reasonable doubt that dismantles the plaintiff’s case. By using Alumina, Inc. as a point of reference, this paper will address how regulatory risks are identified and how they can be managed though preventive, detective and corrective measures. It will also concentrate on the torts and risks identified in the simulation and develop a plan that recognizes and minimizes the regulatory risks in this week’s simulation as well as those examined throughout the chapters in this week’s readings. Alumina, Inc., a four billion dollar United States based aluminum maker located along the borders of Lake Dira in Erehwon, is a manufacture of packaging materials, automotive components, bauxite mixing, alumina refining and aluminum smelting. It operates in eight countries...
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...Conditioning. Rhodes A/C is a small company operated by the owner and two air conditioning technicians. As a small company it is imperative that they fully concentrate on the three P’s which are People, Planet and Profit. Today as we look at the world around us we notice changes. Companies and people are making efforts to sustain the environment by taking small steps to recycle and have even started using fuels that are safer for the environment. Car manufacturers are making cars that run on very minimal amounts of fuel by running electrically. As you pull up to many locations now you will find the electrical plugs to plug in your car for a charge while you are refueling your body. The reading material in Chapter Ten of Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Public Policy states that human activity affects three major forms of natural resources: water, air, and land. Resources can be renewable or non-renewable states the material with fossil fuels being non-renewable because once they are used they are gone. Some items are renewable such as forests and fresh water because these things can be replenished. With these areas in mind: water, air and land one needs to focus their efforts on the sustainability of the environment. At the rate we are going we could soon be faced with a drastic decrease in the availability of fresh water and eventually food. As the world grows at an astonishing rate so does the rate at which we diminish the viable resources available for sustainability...
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