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Business Ethics in Organization


Submitted By safiafifah
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Pages 8
MMUI J131 • Rotua Veronika Ariester • Sarah Afifah • Samuel Krissandi • Ronald • Eldhie Sya'banni • Reffit Gustaroska


 Organizational Culture:
The values, beliefs, and norms that all the employees of that organization share

 Value Chain:
The key functional inputs that an organization provides in the transformation of raw materials into a delivered product or service

 Vision:
Become the 1st Choice Financing Company with Total Solution

 Mission:
To Promote Credit for a better living

 Key functional inputs:
 Research and Development
Develops and creates new product designs

 Manufacturing
Sources the components and builds the product

 Marketing (and Advertising)  Sales  Customer Service

 Four Primary Line Functions
    Human Resources Management Finance Information Systems Management

Supply Chain Management
Operations Distributions

Sales and Marketing


Profit Margin

Primary Activities and Costs

Product R & D, Technology, and System Development
Human Resources Management General Administration
Support Activities and Costs


 Develop a product design that hopefully will allow the company to capture and maintain leading position.
gather data from customer through market research strategic input from senior management closely monitoring their competition

 High commitment to customer  R&D could be succeed or failed
Making a complex set of risk assesment and technical judgement - budget constraint

 Input Process Output  Cost Cutting/ Reduction  Produce a high quality output  Ef ficiency Vs Ef fectiveness

•Inhumanely low wages •Poor working condition •Below minimum standard of occupational healt and safety •Child labor •Slave labor •Captive/ forced labor

W h a t m a r ke t i n g D o :  Advertising, public relations, sales  Ensuring that the product reaches the hands of a satisfied c u s to m e r s  Fr o m i n fo r m i n g c u s to m e r s & p r o s p e c t s a b o u t t h e p r o d u c t s , to p e r s u a d i n g / i n f l u e n c i n g t h e m t h a t t h e i r l i f e w i l l b e b e t t e r by a p r o d u c t e s p e c i a l l y w i t h yo u r c o m p a ny ’ s version.  M a r ke t e r s s e e t h e m s e l v e s a s p r ov i d i n g p r o d u c t s to c u s to m e r s w h o e x p r e s s e d a n e e d f o r a n d a d e s i r e to purchase those products.  Communicating about f u n c t i o n a l i t y a n d av a i l a b i l i t y o f p r o d u c t s .

Critics: - Marketing are manipulative: unsespecting customers are induced by slick and entertaining commercials & ads. - How can you be proud of an outcome when the customer never needed that product to begin with and was manipulated. Some people may influenced by a slick campaign into feelings of envy or inequality if he/she didn’t buy the product

Arguments/Pros: - Since customer satisfied, The good outcome justifies the methods, no matter how misleading the message or how unnecessary the product sold. - Products must be sold for company growth; unless you are selling a basic comodity in developing country that has desperate needs of your product, you should

Ethics in marketing:  Doing no harm, fostering trust, and improvement.  Establishes clear ethical values of honesty, fairness, respect, openness


The human Resources function within an organi zati on should ideally b e directl y involved in the rel ati onshi p between the co mpany and employee throughout that employee’s contract with the company : • • • The Creation of the job description for the position. The recruitment and selection of the right candidate for the position The orientation of the newly hired employee

• •

The ef ficient management of payroll and benefits for the (hopefully )happy and producti ve employee The documentati on of periodic per formance reviews The documenti on of disiplinar y behavior and remedial training, if needed

The creation of career development program the employee

E ver y S tep o f t he l i f e c ycl e o f t ha t c o m p a ny – em p l oye e c o nt r ac t h as t h e p o te nt i al fo r et h i c al t r a n s g r e s s i on s . C o n s i d e r t h e f o l l ow in g et h i c a l t r a n s g r e s s i o n s : • Yo u a r e b e hi nd s c h ed ul e o n b ui l d i ng p ro j ec t a n d yo ur b o s s d ec i d e s to hi r e s o m e i l l eg al Im m i g r a nt s to h el p g et t h e p ro j ec t b ac k o n t h e t r ac k . T h ey a r e p ai d i n c as h “ u n d e r t a b l e “ a n d yo u r b o s j u s t i fi e s t h e d e c i s i o n . Yo ur c o m p a ny h a s h i r ed a n ew r eg i o n al v i c e p r e s i d e nt , a s H R S p ec i al i s t for h er r eg i o n, yo ur ar e a s ke d to p ro c es s h er p ay ro l l an d b e n efi t p ap er wo r k . Yo ur bos s i ns t r uc t s yo u to w ai v e t h e s t a nd a r d o n e ye ar wa i t i ng p er i o d fo r b e n efi t e nt i t l em e n t a n d e n r o l l t h e n ew V P i n t h e r et i r e m e n t a n d e m p l oye e b o n u s p l a n i m m e d ia tel y. O n t h e fi r s t d ay a s t h e H R s p ec i al i s t , yo u m e nt i o n to yo ur b o s s t h at t h e c o m pa ny a p p e ar s to b e o ut o f em p l oyee h a n d b o o k s a n d b ot h t h e m i ni m um w ag e a nd Oc c up at i o n al S af et y a nd H e al t h A d m i ni s t r at i o n ( OS H A ) Po s te r s t h at ar e l eg al l y r e qui r ed to b e po sted i n t h e em p l oye e b r e a k ro o m . We’ ve be e n m e a ni ng to g et a r o u n d to t h a t f o r ye a r s t r u s t m e .

In each scenario Accounti bility for the transgressi on would ultimatel y end with the HR Depar tement as the corporate functi on that i s legally responsibl e for ensuring that such things don’t happen. For Thi s reason , HR shoul d be at the center of any corporate code of ethics not as sol e creator of the code . But cer tainly as voi ce of reason in ensuring that all the critical areas are addressed : • HR professi onals must help ensure that ethi cs i s a top organizati onal priority. • HR must ensure that the leader ship selection and devel opment processes include an ethics component • HR is responsi ble for ensuri ng that the right programs and poli cies are in place • HR must stay abreast of ethics issue ( and in par ticular the c hanging legislation and sentencing guidlines for unethical conduct )

 Financial Transaction
The process by which the flow of money through organization is handled Ex: Payment receive, tax payment

 Accounting Function
Keeps track of all those financial transaction by documenting the money coming in (credits) and going out (debits) and balancing the accounts at the end of period

 Auditing Function
The certification of an organization’s financial statement or “books” as being accurate by impartial 3 rd party professional

 Make objective assessments of operations and share ides for best practices  Provide counsel for improving controls, processes and procedures, performance, and risk management  Suggest ways for reducing costs, enhancing revenues, and improving profits  Deliver competent consulting, assurance, and facilitation services

Common Issues:
 Victims of predatory lending practices  Media coverage of mortgage modification program  Complicated financial derivatives, who mortgage holder?  Many homes in foreclosure

 Questions
1. 2. Which ethics theories are being applied here? If homeowners made poor financial decisions – taking too much equity out of their houses or buying at the wrong time – do the predatory lending practice of the banks and mortgage companies justify walking away from those mortgage? Are homeowners really “throwing good money after bad” in making payments on mortgages for homes that are worth much less than the mortgage? Would you walk away from your mortgage in this situation? How would you justify that decision?



 A situation in which one relationship or obligation places people in direct conflict with an existing relationship or obligation  Ex: Selling product that has potential to customer

 Conflict of interest usually started by the order of Key Management  Anybody may share their company’s case of conflict of interest


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